[正版]重塑民族主义:特贾斯维莉•尼南贾纳读本 张颂仁 陈光兴 高士明 主编/[印]特贾斯维莉•尼南贾纳 著
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特贾斯维莉·尼南贾纳(Tejaswini Niranjana)目前担任香港岭南大学文化研究系教授和系主任,她也是印度艾哈迈达巴德大学艺术与科学学院的访问学者。她是印度班加罗尔文化与社会研究中心的联合创办人,该中心在2000—2012年期间开设了创新性的跨学科博士项目。2012—2016年期间,她是孟买塔塔社会科学院印度高等教育语言中心的主任,也是维基百科的印度语言顾问。她的著作包括《为翻译定位:历史,后结构主义和殖民语境》(伯克利,1992)、《调动印度:在印度与特立尼达之间的女性,音乐与移民》(杜伦,2006),以及即将出版的关于孟买音乐热的专著。她最近同王晓明共同编辑出版《现在的谱系:定位亚际文化研究》(德里,2015)。
Tejaswini Niranjana is currently Professor and Head,Department of Cultural Studies,Lingnan University,Hong Kong. She is also Visiting Professor with the School of Arts and Science at Ahmedabad University,India. She is co-founder of the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society,Bangalore,which offered an innovative inter-disciplinary PhD programme from 2000 —2012. During 2012—2016,she headed the Centre for Indian Languages in Higher Education at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences,Mumbai,and was Indian-language advisor to Wikipedia. She is the author of Siting Translation:History,Post-structuralism and the Colonial Context(Berkeley,1992),Mobilizing India:Women,Music and Migration between India and Trinidad(Durham,2006),and a forthcoming monograph on musicophilia in Mumbai. Her most recent edited volume,with Wang Xiaoming,is Genealogies of the Present:Situating Inter-Asia Cultural Studies(Delhi,2015).
目 录
1 /替代性框架?为第三世界的比较研究提问/王立秋 译 陈恒 校
29 /语言,斗争之所/袁伟 译 许宝强 黄德兴 校
87 /为什么文化重要:重新思考女性主义政治的语言/王立秋 译
105 /重新塑造民族主义:当代南印度电影和女性主义主体/周展 译
179 / Alternative Frames? Questions for Comparative Research in the Third World
209 / Language, a Place of Struggle
279 / Why Culture Matters: Rethinking the Language of Feminist Politics
297 / Nationalism Re.gured: Contemporary South Indian Cinema and the Subject of Feminism
这本论文集首次出版后的7年里,我自己对这本书所切入的智识、政治和社会背景有了更多的了解。西天中土项目曾在2010年把我带到上海,后来一直在继续它卓越的工作,为印度和中国的画家、学者甚至音乐家们策划了一系列不同的对话。而亚际文化研究项目,不仅把西天中土介绍给我,更持续通过各种活动和出版物传播思想,对区域内的学者和实践者们有着变革性的影响。我提到西天中土和亚际文化研究这两个项目,是为了点明亚洲思想圈环境的改变,并且想说,我这本书现在重新进入的空间和2010年的那个空间已然不同。我不清楚,当我把论文的关怀改得更好读,这会不会让文章更容易被接受,因为有些联系在几年前可能还很新,但现在看来会更明 显。
对中国读者发言的时候,我总得提醒自己要强调,印度没有像中国一样经历过大革命。发生在印度现代时期的,更准确地说是一个改革的过程。在改革过程中,很多改变确实发生,但是社会却没有根本地或者剧烈地转变。于是,社会和政治结构很大程度上都原样地保留了下来,导致了不满和持续的斗争,要求为许多被剥夺了权利的群体去争取权利和承认。所以独立后大约70年,坎亥亚·库马尔关于自由的言论,依然能够在1947年以后出生的人群中获得巨大的反 响。
坎亥亚所要求的也是对民族的新想象,它不依靠单一的印度概念,不会简单地认为印度属于占大多数人口的印度教徒,而是需要利用语言、地域、宗教实际的多样性。他还要求我们重新关注种姓和性别的不平等,这两点都是当今右翼民族主义——以2017年当权的政府为代表——所努力淡化的问题。关于“文化”的争论标志着民族概念的诞生与扩张,这可以帮助我们理解这场21世纪发生在社会领域的骚 动。
就在JNU事件发生的前几周,2016年1月17日,在南印度的海德拉巴大学,一位达利特博士学生罗希特·维穆拉(Rohith Vemula)自杀了。在这起事件后,紧接着发生了学生在校园里的抗议,还有一部分师生被捕。维穆拉的同学们普遍认为他的自杀是在抗议学校冷漠而残酷的行政部门,也是在抗议这个系统——它不能为来自底层社会的学生提供新颖的机会。国家未能兑现承诺,未能履行它自己的宪法所规定的义务,这是那些致力于社会变革的人们长期关注的一项议题。20世纪五六十年代,包括印度在内的许多民族国家都曾尝试进行法律领域的干预,然而海德拉巴学生的自杀又一次表明,这种干预不足以影响文化的转型。自杀案变成了催化剂,刺激了全国包括JNU学生在内的许多年轻人,认为有需要与那些也在各自尝试批判国家的社会边缘人士结为同盟。有评论员将政府在JNU事件中对学生的惩罚,视为对形成更大规模批判同盟之可能性的直接回 应。
在我写下这些的时候,执政党的学生分支,就是那个在JNU学生遭到煽动叛乱的起诉中扮演了核心角色的ABVP,于2017年2月21日攻击并殴打了在德里拉姆加斯学院(Ramjas College)和平抗议的师生。这所学院是德里大学的一部分,它组织了一场名为“抗议的文化”的研讨会,邀请的嘉宾中包括一位JNU的学生乌马尔·卡里德(Umar Khalid),他在上一年曾因为煽动叛乱的指控被捕。因为预料到了可能会发生的问题,组织者事前已请求卡里德不要参会。尽管如此,在德里警方的支持下,ABVP仍旧打断了研讨会。而且当师生们进行示威游行时,他们遭到了ABVP的袭击,一部分人受伤严重,被迫住院治疗。ABVP成员宣称,他们在拉姆加斯学院听到了支持克什米尔“azaadi”或独立的口号。一位在场的教师澄清说,那些口号所呼吁的是表达 “azaadi”,即言论自由。再一次地,关于民族不同概念之间的竞争被摆上了前台——有些人争论道,一个民族的成员必须一直保持相同的信仰、相同的行为;另一些人争论道,一个民族包含了不同的言论、不同的可能性,包括了批判主流观点的可能性。从这些关于“印度文化”之定义的争论中,我们也能看到更广泛的对立势力,比如本集中收录的论文《文化为什么重要》(Why Culture Matters)里就讨论了粉红内裤运动(Pink Chaddi Campaign)所反映的论 争。
为了讨论民族和文化的问题而构建一套公共语汇,这并不容易。这是因为在印度,自然科学占有学科统治地位,而且指望所有“聪明的学生”都热心向往以科学为事业,把在学校表现不那么好的学生留给其他学科。即便是那些从事社会科学的人,说话最有底气的还是经济学家。印度占统治地位的社会科学一直都是经济学,不管是马克思主义的变种还是新古典主义及其发展的派别。独立后70年以来,国家对科研的投入严重地集中到了主要聘请经济学家的机构那里,而且在他们当中很少能发现历史学家、社会学家或者文化理论学 者。
不过,那些对批判地思考文化问题和民族再现问题作出了重要贡献的学者,他们的著作也有了一定的发行量。这里我只提几个名字。他们当中有一些包含在西天中土的系列丛书里,比如政治思想家阿希斯·南迪或帕沙·查特吉,以及其他如文化理论学者苏茜·塔鲁(Susie Tharu),历史学者罗米拉·塔帕尔(Romila Thapar)和塔尼卡·萨尔卡尔(Tanika Sarkar)。我认为我自己的论点是在与这些学者的著作的对话过程中浮现的,即便我转向了他们中有些人没有涉足的领域,例如翻译理论、南印度流行电影,或加勒比音乐和文化。我认为,我自己的工作,从不同的方向和上面提到的那些学者一起尝试了批判民族—现代的常识——认为有某种继承而来的“印度的”文明精髓。我从我的书《为翻译定位》(Siting Translation)中摘录了部分,在那里我表明,这种批判在殖民时期需要建立在作为实践和哲学的翻译之上。该批判还有一种方式,即另行建立参考框架,不把“西方”当作唯一的比较点,我在以印度学者的身份研究加勒比的论文里探讨了这个理念。在另一篇论文里,我讨论了1990年代早期全球化时期印度流行电影对女性主人公的再现,展示了民族在当代是如何被重新塑造的,以及女性是以何种方式被呈现为这个重塑过程的核心的——虽然经常是通过很有疑问的方 式。
民族的空间及其在20世纪学术著作中的核心地位是个意义重大的现象,常常被理所当然地视为合适的研究框架。我想说,不仅对于南亚和东南亚这样的后殖民社会,而且对于战后的冷战区域,以及像中国这样有着后内战与后革命设定的国家,都是如此。这个世界见证了前所未有的人民运动,这些运动既有被迫的也有自发的,它们不仅揭示了关于排斥的新语言已经出现,也让民族的理念在当下重新获得了大众的适切 性。
当今的印度离我们既近且远,除了被西方传媒渲染的新兴经济的龙象之争和模糊偏见之外,印度不在一般国人的视野之内。印度咸称古国,但作为当代文明,一个甚至在现代西方思潮中举足轻重的印度学界,并不在普遍意识之中。作为人口的大国和现代国家,印度的经济、文化、科技皆有不可估量的前景;作为中国近邻与久远的故交,印度早就应该被中国关注。但与印度交流的当务之急不在于此;中国须要深切思考印度、亲近印度是为了自 明。
印度与中国的现代都因承欧美的帝国主义和资本逻辑而致,所以中印的相遇是设在欧美的大平台上,绕开欧美无法谈亚洲的现代,也无法深切交流双方的经验。但要脱略于欧美的历史经验来重新自明,不能够自闭地缅怀过去;要打开未来,我们更必须把中国经验提升为足以让欧美也能借鉴的新知识。这可能是印度当代学术最值得国人参考的一面。这系列读本的作者大多为西方学界熟悉,而且,印度学者擅长的“后殖民”理论和城市研究至今尚是西方新思潮的显学;比方在当代艺术的领域,就直接影响了近二十年的国际趋 向。
2010年,为了配合论坛的开幕,我们适时推出了这一系列读本的第一版,这是其中多位作者的作品首度形诸中文。为了使这些优秀的思想文本以最佳质量留存于中文世界,我们随后又对它们进行了再度校对、修订和少量的篇目的调整,其中六本在2012年—2013年期间由世纪文景再版;2017年另外两本则在上海社会科学院出版社副总编唐云松先生的支持下,由该社再版,并邀请两位作者——印度重要的艺术史家和批评家吉塔·卡普尔女士和印度女性主义学者特贾斯维莉·尼南贾纳为新版撰写的序言,并调整了部分内 容。梁捷先生应邀对这两本书做了细致的校订。
Foreword: Passage to West Heavens
by Chang Tsong-Zung
WEST HEAVENS is an initiative for cultural exchange developed jointly by the Institute of Visual Culture of China Academy of Art and Hanart TZ Gallery, and is supported by the Moonchu Foundation. The aim is to foster closer understanding of India through contemporary art and scholarship, and develop cross-cultural dialogue based on visual culture and notions of Asian modernity. Scholars represented in this series of Readers have been invited to lecture at the 2010 8th Shanghai Biennale and they have specially selected this anthology of representative writings to introduce their thinking to the Chinese public.
Modern India is both near China and far away. Apart from vague generalizations and supposedly Indian-Chinese economic rivalry enthusiastically promoted by Western media, most Chinese people are unaware of India. Of course we are aware of India’s rich history, but we are less familiar with its modern culture, in particular the significant role played by Indian thinkers in international academic circles. As China’s neighbour and traditional ally, India has long been deserving of China’s attention. As a large modern nation, India also has tremendous economic, cultural and technological potentials. But the most important reason for China to connect with India is to enlighten ourselves.
China has been possessed by the demon of modernization for over a century. From revolution to Cold War, and now capitalist globalism, China has been unable to shake off paradigms set by the West. Even Chinese discourse about modernity has so far been trapped by dichotomies of East/West and China/West. No wonder that efforts at developmental self-reliance have only led to increasingly Westernized economic and political institutions and lifestyles. Today the West that China emulates as the model of “advanced civilization” is no longer suitable for guidance, and yet access to China’s own historical resource has been blocked by the framework of these models. To establish a position for itself outside the two Western Cold War ideological paradigms, to develop historical resources beyond Western ideals, China must make connections elsewhere. Among Asian countries that have struck off on different paths of modernization, but still successful by the parochial standards of “prosperity”, India has much to offer its neighbours.
China’s path to modernity has been moulded by a series of revolutions, having overthrown shackles of the past to create new social forms. The damage of revolution is to become increasingly removed from our historical roots. India has adopted radically alternative ways. India overthrew colonial domination, but has uncharacteristically preserved colonial institutions after liberation. And yet, when China compares its post-revolutionary record with the postcolonial experience of India, we cannot help but be amazed by the prevalence of left wing politics in India. There are currently over forty major parties of Communism in India, engaged in varying forms of revolutionary tactic. At the same time India is also impressively the world’s biggest democracy. China’s encounter with India inadvertently raises the suspicion: whether China’s revolution harbours a latent colonial gene? Conversely, whether the Indian version of postcolonialism is in fact another form of revolution? The singularity of purpose of the Chinese state has achieved the most daunting social engineering tasks in history, but in terms of diversity and richness of historical culture the result is no match for the treasure trove of India, where old and new traditions coexist on the level of daily life. Brahmins and Sadhus of ancient descent are integrated into the fabric of industrial urban life, and indigenous ways are brought into the grammar of modern practices. In the modern encounter of two ancient civlizations, an urgent issue is being raised for China: how do modernity and history coexist?
The modernities of both India and China have been shaped by Western imperialism and capitalist logic, so the modern meeting of India and China cannot but be under the auspices of the West. Asian modernity cannot be understood, no profound inter-Asian exchange is possible, outside of this context. And yet, to go beyond the experience of the modern West, to return to our own histories, a myopic obsession with the past is unrealistic. To truly open up the future, local history and reality must be shown to have global significance. For China this is perhaps the most valuable lesson of our Indian colleagues. The authors collected here are not only well versed in Western academic discourse, their own work have made major contributions worldwide. Indian scholarship in postcolonialism and urban theory, for example, has had major influence on the practice of international contemporary art in recent decades.
West Heavens is not the first effort of the organizers, it is preceded by a series of projects undertaken by the Institute of Visual Culture of China Academy of Art. In 2003, as celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Academy, Director Xu Jiang proposed an investigation into the internal boundaries of “Asia”, and I was invited to join Gao Shiming and Wu Meichun in the project. We focused on the cultural political reality of a parallel system of native and Christian calendars at work within Asian countries, and took “Asia’s Parallel Time” as the theme for the interdisciplinary investigations and exhibitions brought under the title, Edges of the Earth: Migration of Contemporary Asian Art and Regional Politics. In 2008, Gao Shiming, Sarat Maharaj and I co-curated the 3rd Guangzhou Triennial with the project Farewell To Post-Colonialism, which reviewed the pros and cons of an East/West bipolar framework. West Heavens is a continuation of this work and it represents an attempt at creating close encounter between Asian cultures. Professor Kuan-Hsing Chen has devoted many years of research to inter-Asian studies, and his participation is crucial for making this intellectual dialogue possible.
In 2010, we launched the first edition of this series to coincide with the opening of the West Heavens forum. This occasion marked the first time several of these important Indian scholars had their works published in Chinese. To meet scholarly demand, we further edited and re-translated six of these books for the second edition in 2012—2013 for Shanghai People’s Publishing House. In 2017, with the support of Mr Tang Yunsong, the deputy editor-in-chief of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, we invited the female authors, preeminent Indian art historian and critic Ms Geeta Kapur and renowned feminist scholar Ms Tejaswini Niranjana, to write new prefaces for their books and to revise the contents in discussion with editor Mr Liang Jie, who also supervised the translations.
For more than a century, challenges of imperialism and capitalism have forced India and China to develop political strategies that have profoundly transformed both societies. To share this experience is valuable for Indians and Chinese alike. For China, long before the seismic cultural shift towards the West it had experienced one other profound cultural turn. The Buddhist tum did not bring comparable destructive fervour as the past century of revolutions, but its influence was just as far reaching. Buddhist learning took many centuries before it was fully absorbed into Confucian scholarship in the Song dynasty (960 —1279). Today, after a century of revolutions, it is important to remember this history of cultural self-transformation. At this age of global change, it is critical for China to remind ourselves that in our imagination of the world there is not just the West, but also the “West Heavens”.