剑桥双语分级阅读小说馆第3级套装11册 中英文对照双语读物 初三高一学生青少年英语学习课文阅读书小说馆寒暑假课外读物 北
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产品展示 |
基本信息 |
图书名称: | 剑桥双语分级阅读·小说馆 |
作 者: | Richard |
定价: | 177.60 |
ISBN号: | 9787561945087 |
出版社: | 北京语言大学出版社 |
开本: | 32 |
装帧: | 盒装 |
编辑推荐 |
原创小说——未经改编,原汁原味。 当代小说——学习当代实用英语,了解欧美风土人情。 定制小说——英语语言教育专家+ 小说作家合力,专为英语学习者而写,赏小说、学英语,兼而得之。 国际获奖小说——很多读本获国际“语言学习者文学奖(Language Learner Literature Award)”,精品之作,畅销全球。 可读可听的小说——读本 + 录音,录音由专业配音员演绎再创作,读也悦,听也悦。 品种齐全的小说——侦探、情感、历险、惊悚、悬疑、科幻、喜剧、人文……英语、美语,英音、美音,应有尽有,任君选择。 配赠网络资源的小说——学习资源、教学资源,免费获取;学生交流平台、教师交流平台,提供书外支持;手机、PAD扫一扫,有声资源随身听。 |
内容介绍 |
《海边的别墅》: 卡尔是个工作狂,很少有时闻陪妻子琳达。琳达对此很不满意,搬到朋友家住。卡尔察觉到了妻子的不悦,决定约妻子到海边的别墅见面谈一谈。卡尔先行前往,妻子却并未在约定的时间出现。之后,卡尔频频遇到一个形迹可疑的疯子汤姆,他对此忧心忡忡。琳达到底发生了什么事?她和汤姆之间有什么关系?琳达Z终会回到卡尔身边吗? 《挚爱一生》: 生长在同一个村子里的休和梅根相恋了,但两人家境相差悬殊,梅根的父亲根本看不上休。由于哥哥的死,休和父亲要到加拿大去投奔叔叔并开始新的生活。两令热恋中的人被迫分离。50年后,梅根整理父母的东西时发现了休当年写给她的信,才知道自己误会了休。信件让两个分开这么多年的人重新取得了联系。可50年改变了很多东西,故乡也已发生翻天覆地的变化。休的回来无疑是一石激起干层浪。梅根和休能重新成为恋人吗?他们的女儿贝思能接受这个亲生父亲吗?梅根的未婚夫保罗怎么办? 《洛根的拼图》: 爱丁堡美丽的荷里路德公园内发生一起命案,被害的是一位年轻女子。同一天,一位谋杀犯越狱。是越狱犯杀害的年轻女子,还是另有其人?案件的一个个线索就像是一块块拼图,女督察洛根能否拼出完整的图画? 《灵异故事集》: 娇艳动人的电影新星在庆功宴上如何与陌生男子一舞百年?虎豹别墅的彩绘小人儿真的附着死人的灵魂吗?来自爱尔兰血统家族的古老冤魂如何警示死神的到来?千年雌雄古树怎样与不听劝阻、执意砍伐的夫妇抗争到底?土生土长的英国作家为何性情突变,觉得自己成了日本人?中枪的杀手灵魂出窍,俯视着手术台上的一举一动,他眼前的一切是真的吗?——六个来自不同国家不同文化的灵异故事带我们走进神秘的世界。 《熨衣人》: 汤姆和玛丽娜是一对夫妻,汤姆在伦敦工作,而玛丽娜则一个人在远离伦敦的小镶上百无聊赖地生活。一天,她希望有人能来帮她做家务,然后发生了一件奇怪的事情。她的希望变成了现实,真的有一个熨衣人来到她家里,这之后,玛丽娜和汤姆的生活会有怎样的变化?他们的感情能否经得住考验? |
作者介绍 |
Richard MacAndrew,作家、英语语言教育专家。从事英语教学与研究工作三十余年,曾在不同国家任教。为剑桥大学出版社创作十余部英语学习小说。在“剑桥双语分级阅读·小说馆”系列中,他创作了《黑珍珠项链》《牛津凶案》《女督察洛根》《危险拍档》《致命强药》等读本。 |
目录 |
《海边的别墅》 《洛根的拼图》 《乡野》 《致命强药》 《法律至上》 《灵异故事集》 《狼人归来》 《挚爱一生》 《暴风眼》 《替身幽灵》 《出卖》 《熨衣人》 |
在线试读部分章节 |
《剑桥双语分级阅读·小说馆(第3级 套装共12册)》: Carl had always been a serious person. He'd worked very hard and did well in his exams. When I used to try and make him go out for the evening he often said that he had too much work to do. I thought that Linda would soon get tired of him. Sometimes Linda and I went out together to have fun and left Carl with his books. She must have liked the fact that he was serious because a year after they had finished at university Carl and Linda got married. It was a great wedding and they both looked so happy. They were obviously very much in love. Had something happened to their marriage? Something must have happened to them since then, but I was afraid to ask. Carl now looked at me in a serious way. I could see he wasn't happy. He was wearing a suit, but he wasn't wearing a tie and I wanted to ask him if he was working at the moment. But I didn't ask him and, as we drank our beer, I told him about what I'd been doing for the last four or five years. I told him how I'd found it difficult to get a job when I first left university. ‘You know, Carl, I was never able to study like you did,and when I had to go and get ajob I found it really hard. For a couple of years I worked on small newspapers all over the place. I spent two years in Devon. Beautiful but very quiet...' I thought that Carl might want to know how I moved to a big national newspaper, how hard I now worked, but I could see he wasn't very interested. He kept looking out of the window at the river. ‘...so finally, about six months ago, I decided it was time to come to London, There was nothing to keep me in Devon. No family, you know? I haven't been able to find a girl who wants to marry me yet. Perhaps I never will!'I said. For the first time since I had started telling him about myself Carl seemed to be listening. ‘Don't work too hard if you do get married...' Carl said. 'I worked too hard and it finished my marriage.' ‘Oh dear,' I replied. 'What happened, Carl? You don't look very happy. Where's Linda?' ‘Happy? You're right, John. No, I'm not happy and I'm not sure I ever will be again...' He stopped talking and looked out of the window again. He finished his beer and then said, 'But you don't want to hear my story...' But I did want to hear his story. After all, I was a journalist. I wrote stories as a job. I was always interested in stories. And I was especially interested in Carl's story. He was my friend. So was Linda. Ofcourse I wanted to know. ‘Tell me what happened with you and Linda,'I said.He looked at me for a minute to see ifl was serious and then said, 'You know, when Linda agreed to marry me I thought I had everything. It was wonderful. I got a good job in London as soon as we left university. It was hard work - I was working most weekends - and for a couple of years we didn't take a holiday. But it was good money and we soon had enough to buy a fiat. Linda had her friends and she seemed to like her job as well.We liked doing the same things, I thought, and I hoped that I'd soon have more time for us to spend together...' He stopped talking for a few seconds. ‘It was Linda's idea to buy the house by the sea. It was going to be a place we could go to together at weekends.She loved the place. I understand why now,' he said, and then laughed in a sad way. ‘Linda said London was dirty and noisy and the flat was boring. You know Linda, John. If she didn't like something she always said it was boring.' …… |