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商品名称: | 城市与区域规划研究方法(第2版) | 开本: | 16开 |
作者: | (美)王昕晧(Xinhao Wang)、(德)冯鹤飞(Rainer vom Hofe) | 定价: | 158.00 |
ISBN号: | 9787302591146 | 出版时间: | 2021-09-01 |
出版社: | 清华大学出版社 | 印刷时间: | 2021-09-01 |
版次: | 2 | 印次: | 1 |
Acronyms VII
List of Figures XI
List of Tables . XIII
1 Introduction: Planning Analysis Methods . 1
1.1 Planning 1
1.2 PlanningAnalysis 3
1.3 StructureoftheBook . 5
References . 7
2 Demographic Analysis . 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.1.1 TypologyofProjectionMethods 11
2.2 Demographic Analysis—FundamentalConcepts 14
2.3 Components of Change—Demographic Reasons forPopulationChange 22
2.3.1 Fertility 23
2.3.2 Mortality . 27
2.3.3 Migration 32
2.4 TrendExtrapolationMethods . 35
2.4.1 ShareofGrowthMethod . 38
2.4.2 Shift-ShareMethod . 40
2.4.3 LinearPopulationModel . 41
2.4.4 GeometricPopulationModel 46
2.4.5 ParabolicPopulationModel . 50
2.4.6 LogisticPopulationModel 54
2.5 Cohort-ComponentMethod . 63
2.5.1 TheMortalityComponent 66
2.5.2 TheNetMigrationComponent . 69
2.5.3 TheFertilityComponent . 72
2.5.4 BringingAllComponentsTogether . 75
2.5.5 TheHamilton-PerryMethod . 77
IV Contents
2.6 ConcludingRemarks 81
ReviewQuestions 85
Exercises 86
References . 88
3 Economic Analysis 91
3.1 Introduction 91
3.2 TheEconomicBaseTheory 92
3.3 UnderstandingYourRegionalEconomy . 94
3.4 AssessingtheStateofaRegionalEconomy . 104
3.4.1 Compiling a Regional Economic Pro.le 104
3.4.2 PreliminaryConsideration 110
3.5 EconomicBaseAnalysisTechniques 121
3.5.1 TheSurveyMethod . 123
3.5.2 TheAssumptionMethod . 124
3.5.3 TheLocationQuotientMethod . 127
3.6 Evaluating Regional Economies Using the Economic Base MultiplierandShift-ShareAnalysis . 148
3.6.1 TheEconomicBaseMultiplier . 149
3.6.2 Shift-ShareAnalysis 155
ReviewQuestions 167
Exercises 168
References . 170
4 Financial Analysis . 173
4.1 Introduction 173
4.2 Time Value of Money and Financial Mathematics 179
4.2.1 Interest Rate (i), Interest, and Compound Interest . 180
4.2.2 InterestPeriod . 181
4.2.3 EffectiveInterestRate . 181
4.2.4 FutureValue(FV)foraSinglePayment 182
4.2.5 Future Value (FV) for a Uniform Series of Payments 183
4.2.6 Present Value (PV) of a Single Future Payment 184
4.2.7 Present Value (PV) of a Uniform Series of Payments 185
4.2.8 OrdinaryAnnuities . 186
4.2.9 More Advanced Financial Calculations . 189
4.3 Net Present Value (NPV)Method 195
4.4 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Method . 199
4.5 Equivalent Uniform Annual Cash Flow Method 205
4.6 Cost-Bene.tAnalysis(CBA) . 210
4.7 Conclusion . 221
ReviewQuestions 222
FurtherReading . 223
5 Land Use Analysis 225
5.1 Introduction 225
5.2 LandUseandHumanActivities . 227
5.3 Land Classi.cation. 231
5.3.1 The Bartholomew Land Use Classi.cationSystem 231
5.3.2 TheStandardLandUseCodingManual 232
5.3.3 The Anderson Land Use/Land Cover Classi.cation System 232
5.3.4 The Land-Based Classi.cationStandard 235
5.4 LandDatabaseandLandMapping . 240
5.4.1 LandDatabase . 241
5.4.2 LandDataSources 246
5.4.3 LandMapping . 247
5.4.4 LandUseChange 250
5.5 ImpactAnalysis . 251
5.6 LandSuitabilityAnalysis 256
5.6.1 The Eight-Step Land Suitability Analysis . 256
5.7 GIS-BasedLandSuitabilityAnalysis 265
5.7.1 DataPreparation . 266
5.7.2 CalculationofCompositeScores . 275
5.7.3 DelineationofDevelopableLand . 276
ReviewQuestions 279
Exercises 279
References . 280
6 Transportation Analysis 283
6.1 Introduction 283
6.2 Basic Concepts in Transportation Analysis 285
6.3 OverviewofTransportationAnalysis 290
6.4 Street Classi.cation 291
6.5 LevelofService . 294
6.6 TravelDemandModeling 296
6.6.1 TripGeneration 298
6.6.2 TripDistribution . 312
6.6.3 ModeChoice 319
6.6.4 TripAssignment . 327
6.7 GIS-BasedJobAccessibilityAnalysis . 332
6.7.1 DataPreparation . 333
6.7.2 CalculationofJobAccessibility 335
6.8 CritiqueandLimitations . 336
ReviewQuestions 340
Exercises 341
References . 344
Index 347
......The book aids planners in answering the following crucial questions: “Who are they?”, “What do they do?”, “Where do these activities occur?”, "How human activities are connected?”, "What are the economic effects?". In addition to detailed explanations of the selected methods, the book provides a context (scenario analysis) for applying them in performance assessment and impact analysis.
......Dr. Wang is a Professor of Planning in the School of Planning, University of Cincinnati. He holds a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Community Planning from the University of Rhode Island, a Master of Science in Geo-Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in Geography from Peking University, Beijing, China. He teaches courses in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), environmental planning, statistics, and planning research methods.