绪论 .................001
一、重识主题性绘画的叙事特征与审美价值 .................012
Reunderstanding Narrative Characteristics and
Aesthetic Values of Thematic Painting
1. 经典造型是油画叙事的艺术生命
Classic Modeling: Artistic Life of Oil Painting Narrative
2. 绘画艺术的戏剧性
The Dramatic Properties of Painting Art
3. 绘画叙事的若干方式
Several Modes of Painting Narrative
4. 宏大叙事的场景与人物
Scenes and Characters from Grand Narratives
5. 再现的美学品格
Aesthetic Characters of Representation
6. 现实主题的另一种表达
Another Expression of Realistic Themes
7. 日常与超验
Ordinary and Transcendental
8. 从错觉到隐喻
From Illusion to Metaphor
9. 历史画的人文价值与美学品格
Humanistic Values and Aesthetic Characters of Historical Painting
10. 像诗人甚至疯子那样自由诠释
To Interpret Freely like a Poet or a Madman
11. 历史画的时代审美之变
Changes in Aesthetic Principles of Different Eras in Historical Painting
二、重建图像时代的造型艺术形象 .................122
Reconstructing Images of Plastic Arts in the Image Era
1. 有意味的造型
Meaningful Modeling
2. 绘画造型形象的艺术 性
Artistic Perfection of Images in Painting Modeling
3. 手是创造绘画审美的必要支撑
Hand: Indispensable Foundation for Creating Painting Aesthetics
4. 表情的造型
Modeling of Facial Expressions
5. 图像景观与绘画群组
Image Landscape and Painting Series Group
6. 瞬间对古典的介入
Instantaneity’s Intervention in the Classical Paradigm
7. 转用照片的绘画
Pictorial Image as an Object Converted from Photograph
8. 作为照片附庸的绘画
Painting’s Subservience to Photography
9. 游走于形象塑造之中的自由表现
Free Expression Wandering in Image-building
10. 作为当代绘画表征的表现性绘画
Expressive Painting as the Representative of Contemporary Paintings
11. 库尔贝的视觉真实
Courbet's Visual Fidelty
12. 博特罗的绘画趣味
Interestingness of Batero’s Paintings
13. 误读巴巴
Misunderstanding about Corneliu Baba
三、主题性美术创作的当代重建 .................250
Contemporary Reconstruction of Thematic Artistic Creation
1. 诗性与寓意的古典主义
Poetic and Allegorical Classicism
2. 历史记忆中的史诗图像
Historical Images in the Memery of Nation
3. 中华文明历史题材美术创作的宏大叙事与史诗转换
Grand Narrative and Epic Transformation in Artistic Creation on Chinese
Civilization and History
4. 信仰力量的形象诠释
Visual Interpretation of the Strength of Faith
5. 历史画是人们历史记忆的组成部分
Historical Painting as the Composition of People's Historical Memories