纳米孔道电化学分析 纳米孔道电化学基础原理和新成果 生物纳米孔道 固态纳米孔道 玻璃纳米孔道 高等院校分析化学等专业应用
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商品名称: | 纳米孔道电化学分析 |
营销书名: |
作者: | 龙亿涛 等 编著 |
定价: | 150.00 |
ISBN: | 978-7-122-44849-1 |
关键字: | 纳米孔;纳米孔道;电化学分析;单细胞分析;单分子分析; |
重量: | 683克 |
出版社: | 化学工业出版社 |
开本: | 16 | 装帧: | 精 |
出版时间: | 2024年07月 | 版次: | 1 |
页码: | 248 | 印次: | 1 |
龙亿涛,南京大学生命分析化学国家重点实验室教授,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、教育部长江学者。2007年回国在华东理工大学建立课题组。2019年起任南京大学化学化工学院教授,南京大学分子传感与成像中心主任。2023年起任安徽工业大学学术副校长。研究方向为纳米孔道单分子传感、光谱电化学限域测量、电分析仪器装置研制。共发表SCI论文300余篇,包括Nat. Nanotechnol., Nat. Chem., JACS.等期刊,总引超过2万余次,H-index75;获上海市自然科学一等奖,中国分析测试协会科学技术特等奖和中国化学会分析化学基础研究梁树权奖。主持基金委创新研究群体、重大科研仪器研制专项和863重大项目课题等;负责科技部重点领域创新团队“单个体生命分析化学创新团队”;曾任ACS Sensors创刊副主编,现任Chemical Science、Research、《高等学校化学学报》副主编。
第1章 纳米孔道电化学基础与应用 001
1.1 纳米孔道电化学分析 002 纳米孔道电化学分析 002
1.2 纳米孔道的分类 002
1.3 纳米孔道电化学技术原理 003
1.4 纳米孔道电化学分析的应用 006
1.4.1 纳米孔道单分子测序 007
1.4.2 纳米孔道单分子分析 008
1.4.3 纳米孔道限域可控单分子化学 010
1.4.4 纳米孔道单个体电化学 011
参考文献 012
第2章 生物纳米孔道检测系统 017
2.1 磷脂双分子层 018
2.1.1 磷脂双分子层的构建 020
2.1.2 磷脂双分子层膜的表征 023
2.2 蛋白质生物纳米孔道及其组装 024
2.2.1 蛋白质生物纳米孔道 024
2.2.2 蛋白质生物纳米孔道的组装 026
2.3 纳米孔道电化学实验 030
2.3.1 电极的制备 030
2.3.2 检测池的装配 031
2.3.3 实验操作步骤 032
2.3.4 孔道内的基础电化学机制 039
2.3.5 生物纳米孔道单分子实验注意事项 042
2.4 生物纳米孔道的可控构建 045
2.4.1 孔道内天然氨基酸的定点突变 045
2.4.2 孔道内非天然氨基酸的引入 047
2.4.3 孔道内的化学修饰 050
2.4.4 其他孔道 052
参考文献 054
第3章 固体纳米孔道检测系统 057
3.1 固体纳米孔道 058
3.2 固体纳米孔道体系的构建 058
3.2.1 电化学可控刻蚀的固体纳米孔道制备平台的搭建 061
3.2.2 固体纳米孔道制备平台软件控制系统的开发 063
3.3 固体纳米孔道体系的表征 067
3.3.1 I-V曲线对纳米孔道孔径的表征 067
3.3.2 TEM对纳米孔道孔径的表征 067
3.4 固体纳米孔道体系的修饰 068
3.5 固体纳米孔道实验 069
3.5.1 检测池的装配 069
3.5.2 固体纳米孔道检测实例 070
参考文献 079
第4章 玻璃纳米孔道单个体测量 081
4.1 玻璃纳米孔道 082
4.2 玻璃纳米孔道的构建方法 083
4.3 玻璃纳米孔道的表征 087
4.4 功能化玻璃纳米孔道及无线纳米孔电极的构建 089
4.4.1 玻璃纳米孔道的功能化 089
4.4.2 新型无线纳米孔电极的制备及表征 091
4.5 玻璃纳米孔道实验 097
4.5.1 实验材料 097
4.5.2 无线纳米孔电极的制备 098
4.5.3 离子的高灵敏度检测 099
4.5.4 淀粉样蛋白分子聚集过程分析 101
4.5.5 活细胞的氧化还原代谢检测 103
4.5.6 单个纳米颗粒检测 106
参考文献 108
第5章 纳米孔道微电流电化学测量仪器 111
5.1 仪器组成 113
5.1.1 微电流放大器 113
5.1.2 模数/数模转换 117
5.1.3 微控制器及软件 119
5.2 仪器性能指标 120
5.2.1 系统带宽 120
5.2.2 噪声及降噪措施 121
5.2.3 仪器校准 133
5.3 纳米孔道检测仪器的发展 135
5.3.1 常见的商品化仪器 135
5.3.2 自主研发的单分子测量仪器 137
参考文献 138
第6章 纳米孔道电化学信号分析与处理 140
6.1 信号预处理 141
6.2 数据处理获取信号的原理和方法 143
6.2.1 阈值法 143
6.2.2 等效电路还原法 146
6.2.3 积分电流面积还原法 148
6.2.4 基于极值跃迁法的信号处理 154
6.3 纳米孔道信号频域分析方法 159
6.4 其他纳米孔道信号分析方法 161
6.4.1 基于形状的信号识别与数据分类 161
6.4.2 基于HMM的机器学习算法识别信号 162
6.4.3 DNA数据存储 164
6.5 纳米孔道数据处理基础操作 165
6.5.1 MOSAIC 165
6.5.2 Nanopore Analysis 167
6.5.3 PyNanoLab 167
参考文献 172
第7章 纳米孔道电化学限域可控单个体分析 175
7.1 生物纳米孔道应用 176
7.1.1 生物纳米孔道检测原理 176
7.1.2 基于单分子界面的动态分析 176
7.1.3 单分子反应 183
7.1.4 基于相互作用的单分子界面传感性能的精准调控 188
7.2 固态纳米孔道应用 192
7.2.1 固态纳米孔道的表面修饰 193
7.2.2 固态纳米孔道单分子检测 196
7.2.3 固态纳米孔道DNA测序 197
7.2.4 固态纳米孔道检测单分子构象变化 198
7.2.5 基于二维材料的固态纳米孔道传感应用 201
7.2.6 光电同步检测 202
7.3 玻璃纳米孔道应用 205
7.3.1 玻璃纳米孔道的电化学分析原理 205
7.3.2 基于整流现象的单分子分析方法 207
7.3.3 玻璃纳米孔道单分子及单颗粒分析 209
7.3.4 基于玻璃纳米孔道的单细胞分析 216
7.3.5 新型玻璃纳米孔道电极的应用 219
参考文献 222
第8章 总结与展望 232
参考文献 246
新的测量方法为推动科学认知的跨越式发展提供了可能。最典型的例子是继R?ntgen发现X射线后,Friedrich、Knipping、von Laue、Ewald、Braggs、Debye、Sumner、Patterson等人在此基础上发展了X射线晶体衍射技术。这项技术已广泛应用于晶体、DNA(Franklin、Wilkins、Gosling)和蛋白质(Kendrew、Perutz等人)的三维结构表征,推动了材料科学研究,揭示了DNA和蛋白质的功能,并为开发新型诊断试剂和创新生物大分子应用提供了重要技术支撑。
John J. Kasianowicz 博士
New methods of measurement make significant leaps in scientific knowledge possible. A prime example is the 3-dimensional structural analysis of materials that followed R?ntgen’s discovery of X-rays and the development of the effect by Friedrich, Knipping, von Laue, Ewald, the Braggs, Debye, Sumner, Patterson, and others. The method’s application to structural determination of crystalline solids, DNA (Franklin, Wilkins, Gosling) and proteins (Kendrew, Perutz, and others) led to advancements in materials science, the elucidation of DNA and protein function, development of therapeutic agents, and novel applications of biological molecules.
Classical electrophysiology has been used since the 1930s to better understand the molecular basis of nerve and muscle activity (Young, Cole, Curtis, Hodgkin, Huxley, Eccles, Fatt, Katz, and others). Refinement of the method by the “patch clamping” of nerve membranes (Neher and Sakmann) demonstrated that the action potential was mediated by individual ion channels that flickered or “gated” between open and “closed” states. Around that time, the ability to study “Excitability-Inducing Material” from nerve (Ehrenstein, Lecar, and Nossal) reconstituted in artificial phospholipid bilayer membranes (developed in the early 1960s by Tsien and colleagues and another method in the 1970s by Montal and Mueller) opened another way to study ion channels.
X-ray crystallography was a successful structural technique, because it uses electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths that are smaller than the atoms it locates. In the 1980s, the method was not sufficiently developed to elucidate the structures of transmembrane proteins like ion channels. However, a combination of electrophysiology and nanometer-scale water-soluble polymers were used to physically characterize ion channel structure. For example, the volume change that occurs during channel gating was estimated using pore-impermeant polymers (Zimmerberg and Parsegian). Subsequently, Krasilnikov and colleagues used polymers with different mean sizes to determine the inner diameter of an ion channel’s pore: only polymers that were small enough to enter the pore were able to reduce the nanopore conductance. Around that time, Simon (collaborating with Blobel) initially used my electrophysiology rig at the National Institutes of Health to study a putative protein-conducting channel from the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, the thought that ion channels could be a conduit for synthetic and biological polymers was clear by the late 1980s.
Based on those efforts, I decided to test whether ion channels could be used to physically characterize synthetic and biological polymers. Initial experiments to test DNA translocation through the voltage-dependent ion channel were not successful. However, that capability was soon made possible by two experimental findings. First, I discovered experimentally that the voltage-dependent gating of an ion channel could be controlled and stopped, which enabled us (Kasianowicz and Bezrukov) to use a nanopore to sense and discriminate between different ions. Second, in 1990, we found that the dwell time of polymers (the same ones used by Krasilnikov) in a protein ion channel was ≈1000 times longer than one would expect if polymers simply diffused through a nanoscale pore according to Einstein’s equation for Brownian motion. It was clear to us that polymers interacted with the pore walls, making single molecule detection with nanopores possible (Bezrukov, Vodyanoy, Brutyan, and Kasianowicz). These two results enabled our study of nucleic acid transport through a protein nanopore (Kasianowicz, Brandin, Branton, and Deamer), which provided the basis for using a nanopore to read DNA bases in a ticker tape-like fashion (finally demonstrated by Gundlach’s group). In the 2000s, in collaboration with Krasilnikov’s group, we showed that a nanopore could discriminate between different sized polymers to better than the monomer limit, and this new measurement capability allowed us (with Ju’s and Church’s groups) to demonstrate a second nanopore-based DNA sequencing method (i.e., sequencing-by-synthesis without the need for fluorescent tags). These two DNA sequencing methods are employed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and Genia Technologies/Roche, respectively. A third DNA sequencing method, based on the cleavage of bases by exonuclease in proximity to the nanopore entrance, was proposed by ONT, but in 2012 we demonstrated theoretically that this was not feasible. While the first phase of nanopore-based single molecule sensing was done without the knowledge of channel structures, a combination of X-crystallography (e.g., by Gouaux’s group) and genetic engineering markedly aided the rational design of protein nanopores with novel functions.
It has been stated in several instances that nanopore-based single molecule sensing is a simple extension of the Coulter counter principle. However, that is not the case for two reasons. First, the entry and transport of particles into and through a microscale capillary are easily measured because of the relatively long path length of the capillary. In contrast, relatively small single molecules that partition into and/or translocate through a nanopore can only detected if they interact with the pore walls, as noted above. Second, the natures of the conductance time series signals measured in the two methods are quite different. With Coulter counting, the initial decrease in the capillary conductance is relatively complex. In nanopore-based sensing, the molecule-induced change in pore conductance look like rectangular resistive pulses, because the access resistance just outside the pore mouth is far less than that of the pore itself (which was suggested by Hall in 1975 and measurements reported by Bezrukov, Vodyanoy, Brutyan, and me in 1996) and the short time scale the molecules spend just outside the pore.
In this book, professor Yitao Long describes in more detail the development, and some of the applications of, nanopore-based electrophysiology measurements to help the next generation of students further the technique’s development and applications. In addition to the technical methods described herein, the purpose of the book is to have students also appreciate that ideas are not born in a vacuum: new concepts are built on experimental findings that precede them. Finally, all of the nanopore-based sensing, described above, made use of simple reversible electrochemical reactions at the electrode-solution interface. However, much more could be done by the analytical method if it was applied to the study of electrochemical reactions in chemistry or biology. That latter fact is one of the motivations for this book.
John J. Kasianowicz, Ph.D.
at Nanjing University, China; 9 December, 2023
University of South Florida Tampa
Department of Physics
Tampa, FL USA
Senior Marie Curie Fellow
Universit?t Freiburg