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  • 正版剑19[新东方图书店]剑桥雅思真题集19 学术类 IELTS雅思真题精讲19A类全解雅思学习资料
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    • 作者: 剑桥大学出版社与考试委员会著 | 无编
    • 出版社: 群言出版社
    • 出版时间:2024-06
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    • 作者: 剑桥大学出版社与考试委员会著| 无编
    • 出版社:群言出版社
    • 出版时间:2024-06
    • 页数:144页
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787519309381
    • 版权提供:群言出版社

    作  者 剑桥大学出版社与考试委员会            
    出 版 社 群言出版社            
    出版时间 2024年06月            
    书  号 9787519309381            
    开  本 16开            
    页  数 144            
    定  价 128.00            


    ● 4套学术类雅思全真试题

    ● 雅思考试介绍及官方评分系统解析

    ● 试题答案及听力录音文本

    ● 考生作文/考官范文及考官点评


    ● 剑桥官方资源





    ● 新东方读者专属资源




    准备任何一门考试,关键就是要研究真题:只有了解考试考什么,才知道怎么去准备。《剑桥雅思官方真题集19 学术类》由雅思考试命题方出品,是官方出版的相当具有参考价值的雅思备考资料。书中含有4套完整的学术类雅思全真试题,并提供习题解答和听力录音文本,写作部分提供考生作文及考官点评,适合考生自学。此外,书中还包含对各种题型的全面介绍、对剑桥大学考试委员会采用的评分系统的解析以及丰富的线上资源。本书所有资料均由剑桥大学考试委员会提供,是学术类雅思考生备考过程中必不可少的参考书。







    Introduction   4

    Test 1   10

    Test 2   33

    Test 3   55

    Test 4   78

    Audioscripts   99

    Listening and Reading answer keys   120

    Sample Writing answers   128

    Sample answer sheets   139

    Acknowledgements   143


    Prepare for the exam with practice tests from Cambridge

    Inside you’ll find four authentic examination papers from Cambridge Assessment English. They are the perfect way to practise – EXACTLY like the real exam.


    Why are they unique?

    All our authentic practice tests go through the same design process as the IELTS test. We check every single part of our practice tests with real students under exam conditions, to make sure we give you the most authentic experience possible.

    Students can practise these tests on their own or with the help of a teacher to familiarize themselves with the exam format, understand the scoring system and practise exam technique.


    Further information

    IELTS is jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English. Further information can be found on the IELTS official website at: ielts.org.




    IELTS consists of four components. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking tests. There is a choice of Reading and Writing tests according to whether a candidate is taking the Academic or General Training module.



    For candidates wishing to study at undergraduate or postgraduate levels, 

    and for those seeking professional registration.


    General Training

    For candidates wishing to migrate to an Englishspeaking country (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK), and for those wishing to train or study at below degree level


    The test components are taken in the following order:



    4 sections, 40 items approximately 30 minutes

    Academic Reading

    3 sections, 40 items

    60 minutes


    General Training Reading

    3 sections, 40 items

    60 minutes

    Academic Writing

    2 tasks

    60 minutes


    General Training Writing

    2 tasks

    60 minutes


    11 to 14 minutes

    Total Test Time

    2 hours 44 minutes




    This test consists of four sections, each with ten questions. The first two sections are concerned with social needs. The first section is a conversation between two speakers and the second section is a monologue. The final two sections are concerned with situations related to educational or training contexts. The third section is a conversation between up to four people and the fourth section is a monologue.


    A variety of question types is used, including: multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labelling, form completion, note completion, table completion, flowchart completion, summary completion, sentence completion, shortanswer questions.


    Candidates hear the recording once only and answer the questions as they listen. Ten minutes are allowed at the end for candidates to transfer their answers to the answer sheet.



    This test consists of three sections with 40 questions. There are three texts, which are taken from journals, books, magazines and newspapers. The texts are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument.


    A variety of question types is used, including: multiple choice, identifying information (True/False/Not Given), identifying writer’s views/claims (Yes/No/Not Given), matching information, matching headings, matching features, matching sentence endings, sentence completion, summary completion, note completion, table completion, flowchart completion, diagram label completion, shortanswer questions.



    This test consists of two tasks. It is suggested that candidates spend about 20 minutes on Task 1, which requires them to write at least 150 words, and 40 minutes on Task 2, which requires them to write at least 250 words. Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score.


    Task 1 requires candidates to look at a diagram or some data (graph, table or chart) and to present the information in their own words. They are assessed on their ability to organise, present and possibly compare data, describe the stages of a process, describe an object or event, or explain how something works.


    In Task 2 candidates are presented with a point of view, argument or problem. They are assessed on their ability to present a solution to the problem, present and justify an opinion, compare and contrast evidence and opinions, and evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or arguments.


    Candidates are also assessed on their ability to write in an appropriate style. More information on assessing the Writing tests, including the Writing assessment criteria (public version), is available on the IELTS website.



    This test takes between 11 and 14 minutes and is conducted by a trained examiner. There are three parts:


    Part 1

    The candidate and the examiner introduce themselves. Candidates then answer general questions about themselves, their home/family, their job/studies, their interests and a wide range of similar familiar topic areas. This part lasts between four and five minutes.


    Part 2

    The candidate is given a task card with prompts and is asked to talk on a particular topic. The candidate has one minute to prepare and they can make some notes if they wish, before speaking for between one and two minutes. The examiner then asks one or two questions on the same topic.


    Part 3

    The examiner and the candidate engage in a discussion of more abstract issues which are thematically linked to the topic in Part 2. The discussion lasts between four and five minutes.


    The Speaking test assesses whether candidates can communicate effectively in English. The assessment takes into account Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation. More information on assessing the Speaking test, including the Speaking Assessment Criteria (public version), is available on the IELTS website.





    IELTS results are reported on a nineband scale. In addition to the score for overall language ability, IELTS provides a score in the form of a profile for each of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking). These scores are also reported on a nineband scale. All scores are recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidates nationality, first language and date of birth. Each Overall Band Score corresponds to a descriptive statement which gives a summary of the English language ability of a candidate classified at that level. The nine bands and their descriptive statements are as follows:


    9  Expert User  Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding.

    8  Very Good User  Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur in unfamiliar situations. Handles complex detailed argumentation well.

    7  Good User  Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning.

    6  Competent User  Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

    5  Modest User  Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though is likely to make many mistakes. Should be able to handle basic communication in own field.

    4  Limited User  Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expression. Is not able to use complex language.

    3  Extremely Limited User  Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur.

    2  Intermittent User  No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations and to meet immediate needs. Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.

    1  Non User  Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.

    0  Did not attempt the test  No assessable information provided.





    Listening and Reading

    The Answer Keys are on pages 119126.

    Each question in the Listening and Reading tests is worth one mark.


    Questions which require letter / Roman numeral answers

    For questions where the answers are letters or Roman numerals, you should write only the number of answers required. For example, if the answer is a single letter or numeral you should write only one answer. If you have written more letters or numerals than are required, the answer must be marked wrong.


    Questions which require answers in the form of words or numbers

    Answers may be written in upper or lower case.

    Words in brackets are optional they are correct, but not necessary.

    Alterative answers are separated by a slash (/).

    If you are asked to write an answer using a certain number of words and/or (a) number(s), you will be penalised if you exceed this. For example, if a question specifies an answer using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and the correct answer is black leather coat, the answer ‘coat of black leather’ is incorrect.

    In questions where you are expected to complete a gap, you should transfer only the necessary missing word(s) onto the answer sheet. For example, to complete in the ... , and the correct answer is morning, the answer in the morning would be incorrect.

    All answers require correct spelling (including words in brackets).

    Both US and UK spelling are acceptable and are included in the Answer Key.

    All standard alternatives for numbers, dates and currencies are acceptable.

    All standard abbreviations are acceptable.

    You will find additional notes about individual answers in the Answer Key.



    The sample answers are on page 127137. It is not possible for you to give yourself a mark for the Writing tasks. We have provided sample answers (written by candidates), showing their score and the examiners comments. These sample answers will give you an insight into what is required for the Writing test.




    At the end of each Listening and Reading Answer key you will find a chart which will help you assess whether, on the basis of your Practice Test results, you are ready to take the IELTS test.


    In interpreting your score, there are a number of points you should bear in mind. Your performance in the real IELTS test will be reported in two ways: there will be a Band Score from 1 to 9 for each of the components and an Overall Band Score from 1 to 9, which is the average of your scores in the four components. However, institutions considering your application are advised to look at both the Overall Band Score and the Bands for each component in order to determine whether you have the language skills needed for a particular course of study. For example, if your course has a lot of reading and writing, but no lectures, listening skills might be less important and a score of 5 in Listening might be acceptable if the Overall Band Score was 7. However, for a course which has lots of lectures and spoken instructions, a score of 5 in Listening might be unacceptable even though the Overall Band Score was 7.


    Once you have marked your tests you should have some idea of whether your listening and reading skills are good enough for you to try the IELTS test. If you did well enough in one component but not in others, you will have to decide for yourself whether you are ready to take the test.


    The Practice Tests have been checked to ensure that they are of approximately the same level of difficulty as the real IELTS test. However, we cannot guarantee that your score in the Practice Tests will be reflected in the real IELTS test. The Practice Tests can only give you an idea of your possible future performance and it is ultimately up to you to make decisions based on your score.


    Different institutions accept different IELTS scores for different types of courses. We have based our recommendations on the average scores which the majority of institutions accept. The institution to which you are applying may, of course, require a higher or lower score than most other institutions.

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