管理的实践 [正版]英文原版 Justice Whats the Right Thing to Do 公正 做哪些事是正
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书名:Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?公正:该如何做是好?
作者:Michael J. Sandel迈克尔·桑德尔
商品尺寸:12.7 x 2.3 x 19.6 cm
阐述公正的伦理思想的书很多,但只有一部杰作,那就是这本Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?《公正:该如何做是好?》。
“迈克尔·桑德尔的讲解不但没有哲学的枯燥,反而引人入胜,让学生大开眼界。据说,能容纳1 000人的桑德斯讲堂几乎场场爆满。”——《财经》
Michael Sandel’s Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? invites readers of all ages and political persuasions on a journey of moral reflection, and shows how reasoned debate can illuminate our lives.
·Is it always wrong to lie?
·Should there be limits to personal freedom?
·Can killing sometimes be justified?
·Is the free market fair?
·What is the right thing to do?
Questions like these are at the heart of our lives. In this acclaimed book Michael Sandel—BBC Reith Lecturer and the Harvard professor whose ‘Justice’ course has become world famous—gives us a lively and accessible introduction to the intersection of politics and philosophy. He helps us think our way through such hotly contested issues as equal rights, democracy, euthanasia, abortion and same-sex marriage, as well as the ethical dilemmas we face every day.
“One of the world’s most interesting political philosophers.” — Guardian
“Justice is a lucid and compelling analysis of our current moral dilemmas, which argues for a new commitment to citizenship and the common good.” — Shirley Williams
“In the beautifully concise explanations of American philosopher Michael Sandel, I see great insight into our current predicaments. If any political reckoning is on its way... then perhaps it might come from the philosophy department of Harvard.” — Madeleine Bunting
“Michael Sandel, perhaps the most prominent college professor in America,... practices the best kind of academic populism, managing to simplify John Stuart Mill and John Rawls without being simplistic. But Sandel is best at what he calls bringing ‘moral clarity to the alternatives we confront as democratic citizens’.... He ends up clarifying a basic political divide—not between left and right, but between those who recognize nothing greater than individual rights and choices, and those who affirm a ‘politics of the common good,’ rooted in moral beliefs that can’t be ignored.” — Michael Gerson, Washington Post
“Michael Sandel transforms moral philosophy by putting it at the heart of civic debate.... Sandel’s insistence on the inescapably ethical character of political debate is enormously refreshing.” — Edward Skidelsky New Statesman
“A spellbinding philosopher.... For Michael Sandel, justice is not a spectator sport.... He is calling for nothing less than a reinvigoration of citizenship.” — Samuel Moyn, The Nation
“An ambitious and an appealing idea. Intriguingly, I find myself persuaded that it might well be worth a try.” — Lisa Jardine, The Times
“More than exhilarating; exciting in its ability to persuade this student/reader, time and again, that the principle now being invoked-on this page, in this chapter—is the one to deliver the sufficiently inclusive guide to the making of a decent life.” — Vivien Gornick Boston Review
“Sandel explains theories of justice... with clarity and immediacy; the ideas of Aristotle, Jeremy Bentham, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, Robert Nozick and John Rawls have rarely, if ever, been set out as accessibly... In terms we can all understand, Justice confronts us with the concepts that lurk, so often unacknowledged, beneath our conflicts.” — Jonathan Rauch New York Times
“This book is absolutely indispensable for anyone who wants to be a good citizen. It shows how to balance competing values, a talent our nation desperately needs nowadays.” — Walter Isaacson, author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
“Richly evocative, sharp and funny. De Botton proves himself to be a very fine travel writer indeed.” — Sunday Telegraph
“Delightful, profound, entertaining. I doubt if de Botton has written a dull sentence in his life.” — Jan Morris
“An elegant and subtle work, unlike any other. Beguiling.” — Colin Thubron, The Times
“Honest, funny and dripping with witty aphorisms. Extremely entertaining and enlightening... all the way to journey’s end.” —Herald
Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?《公正》从“何为公正”的关怀出发,关注当代复杂问题:同性婚姻、爱国主义、人权等,提供清晰的思考维度。书中蕴涵亚里士多德、康德、密尔、洛克等哲人的思想精华,被消化成适合入门者吸收的营养。促使读者对自己的固定思维进行深入反思,在内心的解放之路上,向前迈进。重新修订全文,内容更加精确,更忠实原文;封面、版式重新设计,给人耳目一新之惊艳感。
Considering the role of justice in our society and our lives, Michael Sandel reveals how an understanding of philosophy can help to make sense of politics, religion, morality—and our own convictions. Breaking down hotly contested issues, from abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage, to patriotism, dissent and affirmative action, Sandel shows how the biggest questions in our civic life can be broken down and illuminated through reasoned debate. “Justice” promises to take readers—of all ages and political persuasions—on an exhilarating journey to confront today’s political and moral controversies in a fresh and enlightening way.
迈克尔·桑德尔(Michael J. Sandel,1953-),政治哲学家,哈佛大学教授。他因在《自由主义与正义的局限》(Liberalism and the Limits of Justice,1982)一书中对罗尔斯的正义论(Theoryof Justice,1971)所进行的批判而著称,由此产生并流传“社群主义”一语。桑德尔著述颇丰,包括:《民主的不满》(Democracy’s Discontent)和《公共哲学》(PublicPhilosophy)。
Michael Sandel is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at the University of Harvard. Sandel’s legendary ‘Justice’ course is one of the most popular and influential at Harvard. Sandel is the author of many books and has previously written for the Atlantic Monthly, the New Republic and the New York Times. He was the 2009 BBC Reith Lecturer.