爱在黎明破晓前 [正版]一个叫欧维的男人决定 英文原版 A Man Called Ove 英文版奥斯卡电影原著小说
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书名:A Man Called Ove 一个叫欧维的男人决定
作者:Fredrik Backman弗雷德里克·巴克曼
出版社名称:Washington Square Press
商品尺寸:13.5 x 2.5 x 21 cm
A Man Called Ove《一个叫欧维的男人决定》是瑞典作家弗雷德里克•巴克曼的处女作,根据该小说改编的同名电影获第89届奥斯卡外语片提名。
★ 同名电影提名第89届奥斯卡佳外语片,瑞典年度票房之冠。
★ 全球畅销书《一个人的朝圣》的瑞典版,2012夏季以来畅销作品,各大媒体怒赞推荐。
★ 瑞典近5年来成功80后作家一夜爆红之作,怪老头欧维征服全球超过44国读者。全球销量突破730万册。
★ 美国亚马逊总榜Top5,豆瓣网友9.1高分推荐,连续70周蝉联《纽约时报》畅销书榜。
★ 文笔朴实优秀,苦乐参半、温情柔和、时不时幽默,几乎让人流泪。
Read the New York Times bestseller that has taken the world by storm!
Meet Ove. He’s a curmudgeon—the kind of man who points at people he dislikes as if they were burglars caught outside his bedroom window. He has staunch principles, strict routines, and a short fuse. People call him “the bitter neighbor from hell.” But must Ove be bitter just because he doesn’t walk around with a smile plastered to his face all the time?
Behind the cranky exterior there is a story and a sadness. So when one November morning a chatty young couple with two chatty young daughters move in next door and accidentally flatten Ove’s mailbox, it is the lead-in to a comical and heartwarming tale of unkempt cats, unexpected friendship, and the ancient art of backing up a U-Haul. All of which will change one cranky old man and a local residents’ association to their very foundations.
A feel-good story in the spirit of The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry and Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, Fredrik Backman’s novel about the angry old man next door is a thoughtful exploration of the profound impact one life has on countless others. “If there was an award for ‘Most Charming Book of the Year,’ this first novel by a Swedish blogger-turned-overnight-sensation would win hands down.”—Booklist, starred review
“A charming debut…You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll feel new sympathy for the curmudgeons in your life. You’ll also want to move to Scandinavia, where everything’s cuter.”—People
“Even the most serious reader of fiction needs light relief, and for that afternoon when all you want is charm, this is the perfect book.” —San Francisco Chronicle
“You will laugh, you will cry, as his heartbreaking story unfolds through the diverse cast of characters that enter his life, all uninvited. You will never look at the grumpy people who come into your life in quite the same way. A very memorable read.” —San Diego Union Tribune, Best Books of 2015
At first sight, Ove is almost certainly the grumpiest man you will ever meet. He thinks himself surrounded by idiots—neighbours who can’t reverse a trailer properly, joggers, shop assistants who talk in code, and the perpetrators of the vicious coup d’etat that ousted him as Chairman of the Residents’ Association. He will persist in making his daily inspection rounds of the local streets.
But isn’t it rare, these days, to find such old-fashioned clarity of belief and deed? Such unswerving conviction about what the world should be, and a lifelong dedication to making it just so?
In the end, you will see, there is something about Ove that is quite irresistible...
Fredrik Backman is the #1New York Times bestselling author ofA Man Called Ove (soon to be a major motion picture starring Tom Hanks),My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry,Britt-Marie Was Here,Beartown,Us Against You, as well as two novellas,And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer andThe Deal of a Lifetime. His books are published in more than forty countries. He lives in Stockholm, Sweden, with his wife and two children.
Ove is fifty-nine.
He drives a Saab. He’s the kind of man who points at people he doesn’t like the look of, as if they were burglars and his forefinger a policeman’s flashlight. He stands at the counter of a shop where owners of Japanese cars come to purchase white cables. Ove eyes the sales assistant for a long time before shaking a medium-sized white box at him.
“So this is one of those O-Pads, is it?” he demands.
The assistant, a young man with a single-digit body mass index, looks ill at ease. He visibly struggles to control his urge to snatch the box out of Ove’s hands.
“Yes, exactly. An iPad. Do you think you could stop shaking it like that...?”
Ove gives the box a skeptical glance, as if it’s a highly dubious sort of box, a box that rides a scooter and wears tracksuit pants and just called Ove “my friend” before offering to sell him a watch.
“I see. So it’s a computer, yes?”
The sales assistant nods. Then hesitates and quickly shakes his head.
“Yes... or, what I mean is, it’s an iPad. Some people call it a ‘tablet’ and others call it a ‘surfing device.’ There are different ways of looking at it....”
Ove looks at the sales assistant as if he has just spoken backwards, before shaking the box again.
“But is it good, this thing?”
The assistant nods confusedly. “Yes. Or... How do you mean?”
Ove sighs and starts talking slowly, articulating his words as if the only problem here is his adversary’s impaired hearing.
“Is. It. Goooood? Is it a good computer?”
The assistant scratches his chin.
“I mean... yeah... it’s really good... but it depends what sort of computer you want.”
Ove glares at him.
“I want a computer! A normal bloody computer!”
Silence descends over the two men for a short while. The assistant clears his throat.
“Well... it isn’t really a normal computer. Maybe you’d rather have a...”
The assistant stops and seems to be looking for a word that falls within the bounds of comprehension of the man facing him. Then he clears his throat again and says:
“... a laptop?”
Ove shakes his head wildly and leans menacingly over the counter.
“No, I don’t want a ‘laptop.’ I want a computer.”
The assistant nods pedagogically.
“A laptop is a computer.”
Ove, insulted, glares at him and stabs his forefinger at the counter.
“You think I don’t know that!”
Another silence, as if two gunmen have suddenly realized they have forgotten to bring their pistols. Ove looks at the box for a long time, as though he’s waiting for it to make a confession.
“Where does the keyboard pull out?” he mutters eventually.
The sales assistant rubs his palms against the edge of the counter and shifts his weight nervously from foot to foot, as young men employed in retail outlets often do when they begin to understand that something is going to take considerably more time than they had initially hoped.