神探夏洛克 福尔摩斯 [正版]是大臣 英文原版 The Complete Yes Prime Minister 是首相
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书名:The Complete Yes (Prime) Minister 是,首相/大臣
作者:Jonathan Lynn;Antony Jay
出版社名称:BBC Books
商品尺寸:12.4 x 19.6 cm
The Complete Yes (Prime) Minister《是,首相/大臣》为广受欢迎的BBC同名英剧改编,时至今日仍为粉丝津津乐道,后来亦有翻版重拍。书的内容并不是电视剧本,而是改成了主角大臣哈克的日记体,并夹杂文官们的备忘录、书信和采访回忆,对政治的讽刺与英式幽默,令人拍案叫绝。除文字的意趣之外,还能使读者了解英国文官制度,并能够与当下很多现象做对比,有会心之乐。
Presented in the form of diaries, official documents, and letters, rather than simply transcribed scripts, these two books are companions to the successful BBC series, "Yes(Prime) Minister."
1.The Complete Yes Minister《是,大臣》
2.The Complete Yes Prime Minister《是,首相》
乔纳森·林恩,喜剧作者,电影导演,演员。电影作品有《我的表兄维尼》(My Cousin Vinny)、《整九码》(The Whole Nine Yards)、《狂野目标》(Wild Target)等。其中著名的作品,是他与Antony Jay合写的喜剧《是,大臣》(Yes, Minister)和《是,首相》(Yes Prime Minister)。
Jonathan Lynn authored the bestselling books The Complete Yes, Minister and The Complete Yes, Prime Minister, which cumulatively sold more than a million copies in hardback and have been translated into numerous languages and are still in print nearly 30 years later; Mayday (1993, recently re-published in a 25th Anniversary edition with a new Preface by the author) and Comedy Rules (Faber and Faber), which also received rave reviews.
安东尼·杰伊,曾在BBC的时事部工作,之后为纪录片《皇室》(Royal Family)与《伊丽莎白女王的一年》(Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen)写电影脚本,再后来被任命为英国皇室指挥个人服务。他与乔纳森•林恩合写的喜剧《是,大臣》(Yes, Minister)和《是,首相》(Yes Prime Minister)受到了大家的一致好评。
Antony Jay was an English writer, broadcaster, and director. With Jonathan Lynn, he co-wrote the British political comedies Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister.
The Complete Yes Minister是,大臣
The Complete Yes Prime Minister是,首相
October 22nd
Well, perhaps it’s the early hours of Friday, the 23rd now. I am most excited. I have just been returned to Parliament by Birmingham East. And after years in opposition, the party has finally won a general election and we’re hack in office.
After the result was announced I went to the celebration do at Alderman Spotteswoode’s and saw Robert McKenzie on the icily say: ‘And so urn Hacker’s back, with an increased majority in his marginal constituency. After many years as a Shadow Minister he seems almost certain to get a Cabinet post in the new government.’
Robin Day seemed doubtful, though. I do hope Bob Mckenzie’s right.
October 23rd
I’m still hoping but I wonder if Robin Day knows something that I don’t.
I’ve been sitting by the telephone ever since breakfast. No potential Cabinet Ministerever moves more than twenty feet from the telephone in the twenty-four hours following the appointment of a new Prime Minister. If you haven’t heard within twenty-four hours, you’re not going to be in the Cabinet.
Annie kept me supplied with constant cups of coffee all morning, and when I returned to the armchair next to the phone after lunch she asked me to help do the Brussels sprouts for dinner if I didn’t have anything else to do. I explained to her that I couldn’t because I was waiting for the call.
‘Who from?’ Sometimes Annie really is a bit dense.
The phone rang. I grabbed it. It was Frank Weisel, my special political adviser, saying that he was on his way over. I told Annie, who wasn’t pleased.
‘Why doesn’t he just move in?’ she asked bitterly. Sometimes I just don’t understand her. I patiently explained to her that, as my political adviser, I depend on Frank more than anyone. ‘Then why don’t you marry him?’ she asked. ‘I now pronounce you man and political adviser. Whom politics has joined let no wife put asunder.’
It is awfully difficult for Annie, I know. Being an MP’s wife is a pretty thankless task. But now that I may be a Minister, she’ll at last reap the rewards!