卡普兰GED考试备考指南 2022-2023 [正版] 卡普兰ACT考试8套模拟题 英文原版 Kaplan 8 Prac
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书名:Kaplan 8 Practice Tests for the ACT 卡普兰ACT考试8套模拟测试题
作者:Kaplan Test Prep
出版社名称:Kaplan Publishing
语种: 英文
商品尺寸:21.3 x 4.3 x 27.6 cm
ACT(American College Test),中文名称为“美国大学入学考试”,与SAT一样被视为“美国高考”,它是美国大学本科的入学条件之一,也是奖学金发放的重要依据之一。
Kaplan 8 Practice Tests for the ACT《卡普兰 ACT考试8套模拟测试题》是由美国三大教育集团之一Kaplan(卡普兰)出版的模拟测试题,每套题均按照ACT考试要求编写,并真实反映了ACT考试的题型及难易程度,供考生进行实战演练。本书适合备考ACT的考生使用。
2. 题量丰富,含1700多道练习题,涵盖英语、数学、阅读、科学、作文五个部分;
3. 全真模拟题,均附全真考试答题卡,以及自我评分系统;
4. 每道题均配有答案及详细解析,完整呈现解题过程;
5. 大开本,编排得当,清晰好用。
Kaplan 8 Practice Tests for the ACT Second Edition
Includes 1,700+ Practice Questions
Higher Score Guaranteed
8 Practice Tests for the ACT provides unmatched practice so you can build the skills you need to score higher.
·Over One Thousand Practice Questions
Build testing endurance, speed, and skills with over one thousand Act-like practice math, verbal, and science questions.
·Realistic Testing Experience
Know what you’ll take on the real exam with 8 practice tests that match the format, section instructions, and pacing of the actual ACT. All tests include recent updates to the ACT, like new Reading Passage types and and updated Writing test.
·Detailed Explanations for Every Questions
Understand exactly where you stand with in-depth explanations for every question. You’ll learm why each answer choice is correct or incorrect and also be given formulas and strategies to answer questions quickly and correctly.
Kaplan 8 Practice Tests for the ACT《卡普兰 ACT考试8套模拟测试题》为卡普兰ACT考试系列丛书之一,内含8套2017版的ACT模拟题,每套题均涵盖英语、数学、阅读、科学、以及作文五个部分,让考生真实地体验ACT考试。全书共1700多道练习题,选材全面并切合考试题型及趋势,每道题均附有答案及详细解析,帮助考生全面冲击ACT高分。
8 Practice Tests for the ACT 2017 is Kaplan’s latest essential ACT guide filled with the realistic practice students need to prep for the exam and score higher. There is nothing like practice to help build the necessary edge, and this guide includes 8 printed practice tests and is designed to help students increase speed and accuracy with all of the different ACT question types.
Kaplan’s 8 Practice Tests for the ACT 2017 features:
· 8 full-length practice exams with full answer explanations
·500+ English questions
· 400+ Math questions
·300+ Reading questions
·300+ Science questions
· 8 essay prompts, updated for the revised Writing Test, complete with model essays and a self-grading guide
Based on Kaplan’s official online prep partnership with ACT, Inc., we have done an in-depth review and refresh of our practice test content and questions to make sure they are fully aligned with the actual ACT test. This will ensure that we provide students with an extremely accurate test-like experience when prepping with this resource.
Kaplan guarantees that students will score higher on the ACT or get their money back. 8 Practice Tests for the ACT 2017 is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking to score higher!
Celebrating more than 75 years as the world leader in the test prep industry, Kaplan Test Prep (www.kaptest.com) is a premier provider of educational and career services for individuals, schools, and businesses. With a comprehensive menu of online offerings as well as a complete array of print books and digital products, Kaplan offers preparation for more than 90 standardized tests, including entrance exams for secondary school, college, and graduate school, as well as professional licensing exams for attorneys, physicians, and nurses. Kaplan also provides private tutoring and graduate admissions consulting services.
Practice Makes Perfect
Practice Test 1模拟测试1
Practice Test 1 Answers and Explanations模拟测试1答案和解析
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Practice Test2 Answers and Explanations模拟测试2答案和解析
Practice Test3 模拟测试3
Practice Test3 Answers and Explanations模拟测试3答案和解析
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Practice Test4 Answers and Explanations模拟测试4答案和解析
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Practice Test6 Answers and Explanations模拟测试6答案和解析
Practice Test7 模拟测试7
Practice Test7 Answers and Explanations模拟测试7答案和解析
Practice Test8 模拟测试8
Practice Test8 Answers and Explanations 模拟测试8答案和解析