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PART ONE The Old Buccaneer
1 The Old Sea-Dog at the Admiral Benbow 3
2 Black Dog Appears and Disappears 10
3 The Black Spt 7
4 The Sea-Chest 24
5 The Last of the Blind Man 31
6 The Captain’s Papers 37
PART TWO The Sea Cook
7 I Go to Bristol 47
8 At the Sign of the Spy-Glass 53
9 Powder an As 59
10 The Voyage 65
11 What I Heard in the Apple Barrel 71
12 Council of War 78
PART THREE My Shore Adventure
13 How I Began My Shore Adventure 87
14 The First Blow 93
15 The Man of the Island 99
PART FOUR The Stockade
16 Narrative Continued by the Doctor: How the Ship Was Abandoned 109
17 Narrative Continued by the Doctor: The Jolly-Boat’s Last Trip 115
18 Narrative Continued by the Doctor: End of the First Day’s Fighting 120
19 Narrative Resumed by Jim Hawkins: The Garrison in the Stockade 125
20 Silver’s Embassy 131
21 The Attack 137
PART FIVE My Sea Adventure
22 How I Began My Sea Adventure 147
The Ebb-Tide Runs 154
24 The Cruise of the Coracle 159
25 I Strike the Jolly Roger 165
26 Israel Hands 171
27 “Pieces of Eight” 180
PART SIX Captain Silver
28 In the Enemy’s Camp 189
29 The Black Spot Again 197
30 On Parole 204
31 The Treasure Hunt—Flint’s Pointer 212
32 The Treasure Hunt—the Voice Among the Trees 219
33 The Fall of a Chieftain 226
34 And Last
罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(1850—1894), 英国有名小说家、诗人,1纪英国文坛新浪漫主义文学的奠基者和杰出代表。他出生于苏格兰的爱丁堡,从小爱好文学,富于幻想;成年后,放弃了律师职业,专门从事写作。史蒂文森很早就染上结核病,一生与海绝缘,可是他却创作了许多与海盗和冒险有关的小说,此外另有多部游记。代表作有《金银岛》《化身博士》《内河航程》等。
浩瀚的大海 荒凉的孤岛 深埋的财宝
一场邪恶与正义的较量 一幕人与的斗争
精装纯英文 适合收藏