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Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Basic Theory of Nonlinear Optics
2.1 Classical electromagnetic theory of nonlinear optics
2.1.1 Measurement of nonlinear optical processes
2.1.2 Nonlinearly induced polarization effect of optical media
2.1.3 Tensor representation of nonlinear polarization
2.1.4 Rotational symmetry of nonlinear polarizability tensor elements
2.1.5 Time reversal symmetry of polarization rate
2.2 ntum theory and method of nonlinear optics
2.2.1 Density matrix
2.2.2 Timedependent density matrix
2.. The tensor and properties of the polarizability of the independent molecular system
2.2.4 The tensor and properties of the polarizability of the molecular system with intermolecular interaction
2.2.5 Resonanceenhanced polarizability
2.2.6 Calculation method of nonlinear polarizability by higher order derivative
2.2.7 Nonlinear polarizability by sumoverstate method
. Common nonlinear optical processes
..1 Second harmonic generation
..2 Sum frequency generation
.. Raman ampiction
..4 Fourwave mixing
Chapter 3 The Principle, Application and Imaging of CARS
3.1 Principles of CARS
3.1.1 Mechanism of CARS signal generation
3.1.2 CARS optical configuration
3.2 Biomedical imaging of CARS
3.3 Materials imaging of CARS
3.3.1 CARS image for porous carbon
3.3.2 CARS image for graphene
Chapter 4 The Principle, Application and Imaging of SRS
4.1 Principles of SRS
4.1.1 ntum theory of SRS
4.1.2 Instrumentation of SRS
4.2 Biomedical imaging
4.2.1 SRS imaging of hela cells
4.2.2 SRS detection and diagnosis of the boundary of glioma
4.. SRS imaging of laryngeal cancer
4.3 Material coition analysis
Chapter 5 The Principle, Application and Imaging of SHG
5.1 Principles of SHG
5.2 Biomedical imaging of SHG
5.2.1 Collagen
5.2.2 SHG imaging for elastic arteries
5.. SHG imaging for snail
Chapter 6 The Principle, Application and Imaging of TPEF
Chapter 7 The Principle, Application and Imaging of STED
Chapter 8 PlasmonEnhanced Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Imaging
孙萌涛,北京科技大学数理学院教授,博士生导师。大连化学物理研究所博士,师从沙国河院士;瑞典隆德大学博士后;先后就职于瑞典隆德大学,物理研究所。自主研发了高真空针尖拉曼光谱仪,实现了目标分子拉曼光谱的超灵敏检测,并揭示了表面等离激元拉曼光谱的物理和化学机制。截至目前,已在Light: Science & Applications、Advance Materials、Small 等期刊上发表高水平150余篇,包含8篇ESI高被引,已被引用5600余次,单篇引用优选0次,H因子40。主持自然科学重大研究计划2项;自然科学面上项目2项;科技部重大研究计划1项 。