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  • 醉染图书海洋平台组装与浮托安装技术9787030512062
  • 正版全新
    • 作者: Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li著 | Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li编 | Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li译 | Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li绘
    • 出版社: 科学出版社
    • 出版时间:2017-01-01
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    • 作者: Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li著| Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li编| Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li译| Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li绘
    • 出版社:科学出版社
    • 出版时间:2017-01-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 页数:280
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787030512062
    • 国别/地区:中国
    • 版权提供:科学出版社
    • 作者:Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li
    • 著:Gengshen Liu,Huajun Li
    • 装帧:精装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:198.00
    • ISBN:9787030512062
    • 出版社:科学出版社
    • 开本:16开
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2017-01-01
    • 页数:280
    • 外部编号:1201630003
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    1 Offshore Platform Topsides and Substructure 1
    1.1 Platform Topsides 2
    1.2 Design of Offshore Platform Topsides and Substructures 6
    1.2.1 Topsides Design in General 6
    1.2.2 Modular Topsides, Integrated Topsides and Single Lift Topsides 9
    1.. Jacket Design 21
    1.3 Consideration of Construction and Integration of Topsides and Substructure
    1.3.1 Platform Design Strongly Related to the Methodology of Platform Integration
    1.3.2 Impact of Changing Integration Method 26
    References 34
    2 Platform Integration and Stationing 35
    2.1 Self Installable Platform 36
    2.1.1 Jack-Ups 36
    2.1.2 SIP II Platform []1
    2.1.3 EDP [13–15] 48
    2.2 Inshore Integration [16] 51
    2.2.1 Inshore Topsides Integration by Heavy Lifting 54
    2.2.2 Inshore Platform Integration by Floatover 58
    2.. Moving-in-Under [–25] 65
    . Offshore Integration 71
    ..1 Topsides Installation by HLCV [26, 27] 71
    ..2 Offshore Topsides Installation by Floatover 76
    .. Challenges and Development 82
    2.4 Summary 84
    References 85
    3 Floatover Technology 87
    3.1 Floatover Concept 87
    3.2 Advantages of Floatover Method [7–10] 94
    3.3 Category of Floatover Technology 98
    References 99
    4 HECK Floatover Technology 101
    References 114
    5 UNECK and SMARTLEG 115
    5.1 UNECK Floatover 115
    5.2 Comparison UNECK to HECK 116
    5.3 UNECK Equimn ad Orai 18
    5.4 Advantages of UNECK Method Comparing
    to the HECK Methd
    5.5 SMARTLEG Installation Methd 25
    5.6 Application of SMARTLEG Technology [9, 10] 127
    References 129
    6 Catamaran Floatover 131
    6.1 Multi-vessel Floatover 131
    6.2 “Catamaran Floatover” Origination 133
    6.3 Catamaran Floatover Technology 137
    6.3.1 Genera Dscson 137
    6.3.2 Catamaran Floatover Categories 141
    6.4 Technical Challenges 146
    6.4.1 One Extra Oraio Phase 146
    6.4.2 Mating Orai 51
    References 151
    7 Project Management and Planning 153
    7.1 Offshore Installation Projects 153
    7.1.1 Features of T&I Projects 154
    7.1.2 Project Team and Its Main Functions [5] 157
    7.2 Project ManagemenndPrject Organizations 177
    7.2.1 Project Management 177
    7.2.2 Project Organizations and Organization Charts 178
    7.3 PM (Project Manager) 180
    7.4 PEP (Project Execution Plan) 182
    7.5 IM (Installation Manual) 183
    7.6 Summary Comments 188
    References 189
    8 Engineering Analysis and Model Test 191
    8.1 Engineering Plays a Vital Role in Floatover Projects 191
    8.1.1 Engineering Team on the Project 192
    8.1.2 Engineers—Their lity and Challenges 193
    8.2 Categories of Engineering Work 195
    8.2.1 Installation Criteria Set Up 195
    8.2.2 Analysis and Simulation Supporting Oraio Procedure Development 196
    8.. Floatover Equipment Design an afication 196
    8.2.4 Emergency Handling 197
    8.2.5 On-Site Supporting 197
    8.2.6 Model Test 197
    8.3 Engineering Work lity Management 198
    8.3.1 Analysis/Design Philosophy 198
    8.3.2 DB 198
    8.3.3 Analysis and Design Procedures 198
    8.3.4 Involvement in the Early Stage of the Project 199
    8.4 Analysis and Simulation Work 199
    8.4.1 Stability Analysis 199
    8.4.2 Transportation Motion Simulation and Hydrodynamic Load Calculation 200
    8.4.3 Topsides Transfer Simulation and Catamaran System Transportation 202
    8.4.4 Floatover Simulation [2–4] 204
    8.5 Structural Analyses 210
    8.5.1 Global Structural Analysis 210
    8.5.2 Topsides Integrity Checking 211
    8.6 Design Work [5] 212
    8.6.1 DSS (DSF) Design 212
    8.6.2 LMU [6] 216
    8.7 Model Test for Transportation and Floatover Oraio 220
    8.7.1 Main Contents of Model Test Specification 220
    8.7.2 Motion Decay Test 2
    8.7.3 Transportation Model Test 2
    8.7.4 Pre-mating Test 224
    8.7.5 Mating Test 225
    8.7.6 Model Test Results and the Data Evaluation [7–9] 226
    8.8 Summary 227
    References 228
    9 Oraio Execution 229
    9.1 Installation Procedures and IFC Drawings 229
    9.2 Platform Integration Oraio Activities 1
    9.3 Task Force Management 2
    9.4 Loadout and Pre-sailaway 4
    9.4.1 Preparations 5
    9.4.2 Weather Broadcasting and Tide Survey 243
    9.4.3 Loadout Oraio 244
    9.4.4 Post Loadout and Pre-sailaway Preparation 249
    9.5 Topsides Installation 250
    9.5.1 Field Preparation 251
    9.5.2 Stand-by Stage Activities 253
    9.5.3 Pre-docking Stage Activities 254
    9.5.4 Docking Stage 255
    9.5.5 Pre-mating Stage 256
    9.5.6 Mating Stage 257
    9.5.7 Undocking/Withdrawal Stage 259
    9.6 Post-installation Oraio 259
    9.6.1 In-field Activities 260
    9.6.2 Vessel Demobilization Preparation 260
    9.7 Mating Oraio Contingency Procedure 260
    9.8 Summary 261
    References 262
    10 Evolution and New Source of Motivation 263
    10.1 Retrospect of the Application of Floatover Technology 263
    10.2 Evolution 266




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