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Chapter 1: The Essentials of Responsive Web Design
Beginning our quest
Defining responsive web design
Responsive web design in a nutshell
Setting browser support levels
A brief note on tooling and text editors
Our first responsive example
Our basic HTML file
Taming images
Enter media queries
Amending the example for a larger screen
The shortcomings of our example
Chapter 2: Media eries - Supporting Differing Viewports
Why media queries are needed for a responsive web design
Basic conditional logic in CSS
Media query syntax
Media queries in link tags
Combining media queries
Media queries with @import
Media queries in CSS
What can media queries test for?
Using media queries to alter a design
Any CSS can be wrapped in a media query
Media queries for HiDPI devices
Considerations for organizing and authoring media queries
Linking to different CSS files with media queries
The practicalities of separating media queries
Nesting media queries inline
Combine media queries or write them where it suits?
The viewport meta tag
Media eries Level 4
Scripting media feature
Interaction media features
The hover media feature
Environment media features
Chapter 3: Fluid Layouts and Responsive Images
Converting a fixed pixel design to a fluid proportional layout
Why do we need Flexbox?
Inline block and whitespace
Table and table-cell
Introducing Flexbox
The bumpy path to Flexbox
Browser support for Flexbox
Leave prefixing to someone else
Getting Flexy
Perfect vertically centered text
Offset items
Reverse the order of items
How about if we want them laid out vertically instead?
Column reverse
Different Flexbox layouts inside different media queries
Flexbox alignment properties
The align-items property
The align-self property
Possible alignment values
Te usify-content property
The flex property
Simple sticky footer
Changing source order
Wrapping up Flexbox
Responsive images
The intrinsic problem of responsive images
Simple resolution switching with srcset
Advanced switching with srcset and sizes
Did you say the browser might pick one image over another?
Art direction with the picture element
Facilitate new-fangled image formats
Chapter 4:HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs
Chapter 5:CSS3 - Selectors, Typography, Color Modes, and New Features
Chapter 6: Stunning Aesthetics with CSS3
Chapter 7: Using SVGs for Resolution Independence
Chapter 8: Transitions, Transformations, and Animations
Chapter 9: Conquer Forms with HTML5 and CSS3
Chapter 10: Approaching a Responsive Web Design
本·弗雷恩,Ben Frain has been a web designer/developer since 1996. He is currently employed as a Senior Front-end Developer at Bet365.Before the web, he worked as an underrated (and modest) TV actor and technology journalist, having graduate fo Salford University with a degree in Media and Performance.
He has written four equally underrated (his opinion) screenplays and still harbors the (fading) belief he might sell one. Outside of work, he enjoys simple pleasures.Playing indoor football while his body and wife still allow it, and wrestling with his two sons.
His other book, Sass and Compass for Designers is available now. Visit Ben online at www. benfrain, corn and follow him on Twitter at twitter, com/benfrain.