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Series Editors’note
1 Learning Oriented Assessment:An overview
1.1 The organisation of this volume
1.2 What is learning?
1.3 What is language learning?
1.4 What is to belearned?
1.5 The roles of assessment in learning
1.6 Aligning large—scale and classroom assessment
1.7 In summary
2 The roots of Learning Oriented Assessment
2.1 Cambridge English and Learning Oriented Assessment
2.2 Origins and emphases of learning.oriented approaches
. Defining learning—oriented assessment:Process.policy or principles?
2.4 Specific learning—oriented methods
3 What is learning?
3.1 Constructivism
3.2 An appropriate model of cognition and learning
3.3 Tlask—based interaction
3.4 Roles of teachers and learners
3.5 In summary
4 What is language learning?
4.1 Languages as a spe case
4.2 The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
4.3 Natural language acquisition
4.4 Second Language Acquisition research
4.5 In summary
5 What is to be learned?
5.1 The desired outcomes of learning
5.2 The nature o anuage proficiency:Construct definition
5.3 The content of learning:Curricular objectives
5.4 In summary
6 The role o are.scale assessment in learning
6.1 Proficiency testing:The importance of criterion reference
6.2 Scale construction
6.3 Item Response Theory
6.4 Item banking
6.5 Performance assessment
6.6 Validity and reliability o are—scale assessment
6.7 Large—scale assessment:Evidence of and for learning
6.8 In summary
7 Learning—oriented assessment in the classroom
7.I The nature of classroom learning.oriented assessment
7.2 Domain—specific and generalisable learning skills
7.3 Learning—centred and content—centred activities
7.4 Classroom evidence ofandfo,learning
7.5 Learning.oriented assessment:An ecological model
7.6 In summary
8 Aligning large.scale and classroom assessment
8.1 Alignment of goals
8.2 Aligning interpretations of standards
8.3 Construct.based alignment of assessment
8.4 Evidence within a Learning Oriented Assessment model
8.5 The validity of Learning Oriented Assessment
9 Implementing Learning Oriented Assessment
9.1 Educational policy—making:The global scale
9.2 Worlds of difference:Predictable implementation issues
9.3 Asset Languages:A cautionary tale
9.4 Technology to the rescue?
9.5 New contexts of learning
9.6 Positive impact by design
9.7 Steps in implementation
9.8 A conclusion
Appendix 1 Assessment for learning:10 principles(Assessment Reform Group 2002)
Appendix 2 The Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP):10 principles of effective pedagogy (Teaching and Learning Research Programme 2007)
Appendix 3 James and Pedder’S(2006)hypotheses on assessment for learning
Subject Index