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Wendy Pfeffer(温迪·普费弗),从1990年出版本书,至今已出版32本书,她是多部获奖儿童读物的作者,致力于为孩子们写书。她写的书大多数是科学和自然方面的图书。她曾经担任过老师和幼儿园园长,后成立写作工作室,专注于创作。该作者参与以下图书系列的创作:“Let’s Read and Find out Science”(自然科学启蒙系列,北京联合出版公司已), 包括Sound All Around, Light is All Around Us,From Seed to Pumpkin, From Tadpole to Frog, What’s It Like to Be a Fish?等书。“Amer Museum of Nat History Easy Reader”,包括The World of Sharks,Wolf Pup等书。“Smithsonian's Backyard Book”,包括Firefly at Stonybrook Farm,Mallard Duck at Meadow View Pond等书。 “ Living on the Edge”,包括Arctic Frozen Reaches,Deep Oceans,High Mountains,Icy Antarctic Waters等书。该套图书的插画由两名绘图作者完成,展现了不同的画风。一位是Linda Bleck,出版过30本绘图书,曾为许多童书绘制过插图,同时自己也从事写作。另一位是Jesse Reisch,出版过9本图书。
"In a well-thought-out collection of ideas surrounding December 21 and the Winter Solstice, the author leads read trgh what happens to the sun and why... Back pages include an interesting and useful variety of ideas, from more facts about the solstice with explanatory diagrams, four projects that teachers, parents, and adults who work with children would find fresh, and two "cooking" activities, one for a human paryndne for an avian one."
—— Children's Literature美国儿童文学
"Using clear, concise language, Pfeffer discusses important ideas behind the shortesdyf the year, such as the change from autumn to winter as well as the concept of the Earth's tilting away from the sun. The historical view provides a brief look at the days of prehistoric sun worship as well as chronological interpretations of the phenomenon from 5000 t 000 years ago. Thus, young listeners are exposed to the ideas of ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Incan, and European astronomers and their efforts to explain this scientific wonder. The modern scene of the solstice celebration, thou oviously at Christmas, features family, presens,ndstckings on the mantle buhsn religious overtones. The remaining pages feature more complete "Solstice Facts," four simple experiments, two party suggestions, and a short but up-to-date list for further reading. While appealing to a younger audience, this treatment combines the cultural approach of Ellen Jackson's The Winter Solstice(Millbrook, 1994) and the activities of Sandra Markle's Exploring Winter (Atheneum, 1984; o.p.). Pfeffer uses an easy, comfortable tone for conveyin te asic information, and the end pages will provide additional opportunities for would-be astronomers to explore the principles on their own."
——School Library Journal 美国学校图书馆杂志