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迈克尔·琼斯 Michael Jones
刘魁立 Kuili Liu 亚民俗:学科发展的有机动力 Metafolklore: An Organic Development
of the Discipline
张举文 Juwen Zhang
I. 回眸历程,追忆先贤
Glimpses of the Past and Memories of the Distinguished Predecessors
中国记忆 China Memories
艾伟 Bill Ivey
携手共建国际民俗会合会 The Collaboration in Initiating the
International Federation of Folklore Societies
朝戈金Gejin Chao
中美民俗学会合作史略 A Capsule History of the AFS-CFS Collaboration
罗仪德 Timothy Lloyd
世界民俗学的两个发展引擎之间的几点信使差事 Some Messengers between
the Two Developing Engines of the World Folklore Studies
高丙中 Bingzhong Gao
丁乃通: 醉心于中国民间故事研究的美籍华人学者 Nai-tung Ting: A Chinese
American Scholar Devoted to Chinese Folktale Studies
刘守华 Shouhua Liu
阿兰·邓迪斯教授访华记 Alan Dundes’s Visit to China
陈建宪 Jianxian Chen
太遗憾了:阿兰·邓迪斯没能收到这本书 What a Pity: Alan Dundes
Did Not Receive This Book
户晓辉 Xiaohui Hu
II. 从面对文本到面对面,耕耘友情
From face-to-text to face-to-face ― Cultivating Friendship
去中国研究,在美国传播 Researching in China, Disseminating Results in the US
白素贞Susan Blader
合作研究中国民俗的一些往事Some Recollections of Collaborative Works
on Chinese Folklore Studies
马克·本德尔Mark Bender
中国给我留下的深刻印象是什么?What Impressed Me Most in China?
迈克尔·琼斯 Michael Jones
我与美国民俗学界的交流与译事 My Stories of Knowing American
Folklorists and Translating their Works
李扬 Yang Li
中美民俗研究交流的记忆 My Recollections of the China-US Folkloristic Exchange萧放 Fang Xiao
美美与共:我们与美国民俗学界的交往 Sharing the Beauty:
Our Exchanges with American Folklorists
杨利慧 安德明 Lihui Yang and Deming An
III. 从书本民俗回到生活民俗,共拓新途
From Folklore in Books back to Folklore in Practice ― Opening Up New Paths
初识的印象,持久的记忆 First Impressions, Enduring Memories
罗伯特·巴龙 Robert Baron
让不让狼死掉Killing the Wolf
道格拉斯·布兰迪 Douglas Blandy
世界平台与本土命题:我与美国民俗学界交往之管见 World Stage and
Local Tasks: A Glimpse of the China-US Folkloristic Exchanges
陈泳超Yongchao Chen
建立关系:中美民间生活与合作 Building Connectivity: China-US
Folklife and Collaborations
科特·杜赫斯特Kurt Dewhurst
反思合作:中国西南拼布展项目 Reflections on Collaborations:
The ilts of Southwest China Project
玛莎·麦克多维尔Marsha McDowell
我的两个故事 My Two Stories
谢沫华 Mohua Xie
十年:中美博物馆合作项目记述 Ten Years: China-US Museum
Collaborations in Retrospect
杜韵红Yunhong Du
我所参与的博物馆交流项目My Involvement in the Museum Exchange Projects
张丽君Lijun Zhang
我在中国之行 My Journeys to China
萨伦·谢尔曼 Sharon Sherman
我在中美民俗学交流中的两件事My Stories about the China-US
Folkloristic Communication
孙正国 Zhengguo Sun
IV. 从单向离散的到双向机制化的交流,学术交流 的新常态
From One-Way and Scattershot to Two-way and Institutionalized
Communication ― A New Norm of Academic Communication
我的一年美国访学 My Year in the US
周星 Xing Zhou
我与美国民俗学的邂逅 My Encounters with American Folkloristics
王霄冰 Xiaobing Wang
从碰撞到共享:中美民俗学者的交流From “Attacking” to “Sharing”:
Exchanges between the Sino-US Folklorists
宋俊华 Junhua Song
2我的中国经历故事 My Narratives of China Experience
安东尼·布切泰利Anthony Buccitelli
中美民俗学交流对我个人的影响 How China-US Exchanges Influenced Me
游自荧 Ziying You
我与美国民俗学会年会的情缘 My Love Affair with the AFS Annual Meeting
南快莫德格 Namkamidog
次参加美国民俗学年会 My First AFS Annual Meeting
王均霞 Junxia Wang
行走·回首·远望:中美民俗学交流之个人经历 Proceeding, Retrospect,
and Prosc:&bsp;My Experience in the China-US Folkloristic Exchange
程鹏 Peng Cheng
专有名称的翻译 Translation of the Proper Names