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1.1 Definition定义
1.I.1 What Is Debate?
1.2 Key estions关键问题
1.2.1 What Does“Debating”Mean?
1.2.2 How Does Debating Work?
(“Parliamentary Debating”as a case)
1.. How Did Debating Start?
1.3 Case:Original Background of Parliamentary Debate初始背景
1.3.1 PD in Westem System
1.3.2 BP of PD for Tournament
1.3.3 Debating for Western Mental Orientation
1.4 Aim ofthe Course课程目的
1.4.1 General Information
1.4.2 Why Is This Course?
1.4.3 Aim ofthe Course
Part Ⅰ Value Debating价值辩论
2.Basic Terms and Debating Skills基本术语及辩论技巧
2.1 Concepts概念
2.1.1 What Is a Motion?[Debating Topic]
2.1.2 Definition OfContents ofMotion
2.1.3 Team-line tO Hold
2.1.4 The Rebuttal
2.1.5 3M.Matter Method Manner
2.2 Basic Rules:The Roles of the Debaters基本条件:辩手之角色
. Case.studies(Value Debating)案例研究
Part Ⅱ Parliamentary Debating议会制辩论
3.Background of Parliamentary Debate议会建制背景
3.1 Parliamentary system议会制
3.1.1 Background and Advantages of a parliamentary system
3.1.2 Criticisms of Parliamentarianism
3.1.3 Countries with a parliamentary system of government
3.1.4 Parliamentary Leader
3.2 Background of Debating Chamber辩论议事厅的背景
3.3 Key estions关键问题
3.4 The GuidetoAmericanParliamentaryDebate“美式议会制辩论”导读
3.4.1 Overview ofAmerican Parliamentary Debate
3.4.2 The debaters and the speeches
3.5 Guidelines and Conventions about American Parliamentary Debate“美式议会制辩论”指南及条例
3.5.1 American Parliamentary Debate is a formal contest featuring critical analysis,rhetorical skill,and wit
3.5.2 A resolution is presented as the subject for debate
3.5.3 Two types offormal speeches in each round ofdebate
3.5.4 The purpose of constructive speeches is to introduce the foundational arguments ofthe debate
3.5.5 The rebuttal speeches provide the final summary positions of each team in the debate
3.5.6 Modified form ofparliamentary procedure is used in the debate
3.5.7 No prepared materials may be brought into the debate round for the debater’S use
3.5.8 Sample topics
3.6 On Parliamentary Debate ofAmerican Style试析“美式议会制辩论”
3.6.1 The Nature of Parliamentary Debate
3.6.2 Focus on Extemporaneous Debate
3.6.3 Focus on Informed Debate
3.6.4 Focus on Reasoned Debate
3.6.5 Focus on Public Debate
3.6.6 The American Parliamentary Debate Format
3.7 American Parliamentary Debate美式议会制辩论
3.8 Study-case-1:Training Session of American Parliamentary Debate
学习个案-1: “美式议会制辩论”训练环节
3.9 British Parliamentary Debate英式议会制辩论
3.9.1 The political system in the UK
3.9.2 An Introduction to British Parliamentary Debate
3.9.3 Four—Team Parliamentary Debate Rules
3.9.4 Study—cases—2:Training Session ofBritish Parliamentary
Debate学习个案—2: “英式议会制辩论”训练
Part Ⅲ Cross-Examination Debating盘问式辩论
4.1 Why Is Cross-examination Important?为什么盘问重要?
4.2 Why Do We Conduct Cross—examination?为什么我们进行盘问?
4.3 What Are the Goals of Cross.examination?盘问的目标是什么?
4.4 How should the questioner conduct cross—examination?提问者如何驾驭盘问?
4.4.1 Adopt a Formal Stance
4.4.2 Prioritize Your estions
4.4.3 Don’t Make Speeches
4.4.4 Anticipate the Answer
4.4.5 Group Your estions
4.4.6 Be Fair.
4.4.7 Control the Time
4.4.8 Control Your Style
4.4.9 Use What You Elicit
4.5 Can We Understand an Example of Cross—examination?
4.6.1 Adopt a Formal Stance
4.6.2 Be Direct
4.6.3 Be Honest
4.6.4 Answer,Don’t Ask
4.6.7 Think Ahead
4.6.8 Remain Poised
4.7 What Is the Most Common Cross.examination estion?
4.8 Rules of Cross.Examination Debate“盘问式辩论”的规则
4.9 Training Case of Cross—examination Debate