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Chapter One Theoretical Basis of the WTO
1.1 The Theory of Comparative Advantage
1.1.1 Basics of the Theory
1.1.2 Historical Overview
1.1.3 David Ricardos Numerical Example
1.1.4 The Ricardian Model Assutin and Results
1.2 The Theory of Market Economy
1.2.1 Spontaneous Order or “Invisible Hand”
1.2.2 Free Market Economy
1.. Government Intervention
1.2.4 Criticism of Market Economy
1.3 The Theory of Sustainable Development
1.3.1 Scope and Definitions
1.3.2 History of Sustainable Development as a Policy Concept
1.3.3 The Earth Summit and Environmental Sustainability
1.3.4 WTO and Sustainable Development
CS 1.1 True Meaning and Intuition of the Theory of Comparative Advantage
CS 1.2 Chinas Market Economy Status(MES)
Chapter Two Development of the WTO
Chapter Two Development of the WTO
2.1 Basics of the WTO
2.1.1 The WTO in Brief
2.1.2 The Multilateral Trading System
2.1.3 The GATT Years:from Havana to Marrakesh
2.2 Development of the WTO
2.2.1 The 1947 GATT Agreement
2.2.2 GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiation Meetings
2.. Uruguay Round and the World Trade Organization
. The Organization of the WTO
..1 Introduction to WTO Organization
..2 WTO Organization Chart
.. Membership, Alliances and Bureaucracy
..4 The Secretariat Chart
..5 Special Policies
2.4 China and WTO
2.4.1 Chinas WTO Entry
2.4.2 The Right-and-Duty Balance in the WTO
CS 2.1 Doha Development Round
Chapter Three Basic Principles of the WTO
3.1 Reciprocity
3.1.1 Two Folds of Reciprocity
3.1.2 WTO Rules of Reciprocity
3.1.3 Theoretical Interpretation of Reciprocity
3.2 Non-discrimination
3.2.1 Most-favoured-nation (MFN)
3.2.2 National Treatment:Treating Foreigners and Locals Equally
3.3 Liberalization of Trade
3.3.1 Liberalization for Goods
3.3.2 Liberalization for Services
3.3.3 Limits to Liberalization
3.4 Transparency
3.4.1 Introduction to Transparency
3.4.2 Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations
3.4.3 Transparency Rules for GATS
3.4.4 Transparency Rules for TRIPS
3.4.5 Trade Policy Review Mechanism ( "TPRM" )
CS 3.1 MFN Exception:Promotion of Regional Intergration-Custom Unions
CS 3.2 National Treatment
Chapter Four Trade in Goods
4.1 Basics of Trade in Goods
4.1.1 GATT 1994
4.1.2 Interpretation of GATT 1994 Articles
4.1.3 Basic Principles of the GATT 1947/1994
4.2 Tariff Concessions
4.2.1 Tariffs:More Bindings and Closer to Zero
4.2.2 Tariff Cuts
4.. More Bindings
4.2.4 Tariffs and Agriculture
4.3 Non-tariff Measures
4.3.1 Standards and Safety
4.3.2 Import Licensing:Keeping Procedures Clear
4.3.3 Rules for the Naluation of Goods at Customs
4.3.4 Preshimn Iscio:a Further Check on Irt
4.3.5 Rules of Origin
4.3.6 Investment Measures:Reducing Trade Distortions
4.4 Trade in Specific Products
4.4.1 Textiles and Clothing
4.4.2 Information Technology Agreement
CS 4.1 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
CS 4.2 Safeguard
Chapter Five Agriculture Agreement
5.1 Basics of Trade in Agriculture
5.1.1 New Rules
5.1.2 Market Access
5.1.3 Domestic Support
5.1. 4 Export Subsidies:Limits on Spending and ntities
5.1.5 The Least-developed and Those Depending on Food Irt
5.2 Understanding the Agriculture Agreement
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Market Access
5.. Domestic Support
5.2.4 Export Competition/Subsidies
5.2.5 Other Issues
5.2.6 Net Food-Importing Developing Countries
5.2.7 Summary
5.3 The Agriculture Negotiations
5.3.1 The Doha Mandate
5.3.2 The Current Negotiations
CS 5.1 Japan-Import ots on Dried Laver and Seasoned Laver (DS3)
CS 5.2 European Communities-Protection of Trademarks and Geographical Indications for Agricultural ProducsndFodstuffs (DS174, 290)
Chapter Six Trade Remedy Measures
6.1 Safeguards
6.1.1 Safeguards:Emergency Actions for Irt of Particular Products
Chapter Seven Trade in Services
Chapter Eighe Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter Nine Otheer New Issues of the WTO
Chapter Ten Procedural Rules of the WTO
Annex Ⅰ Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
Annex Ⅱ Protocol on the Accession of the Peoples Republic 0f China
Xuesen Zhang,LL.D,East China University of Political Science and Law,Arbitrator,Senior Economist,Associate Professor of Law,Director of the Law Faculty,Shanghai Finance University.
Gary D.Patterson,J.D,Western State University College of Law at Fullerton,Professor,California State University at San Bernardino,Adjuncrfesor,University of California at Riverside.