¥ ×1
Chapter 1 Introduction / 1
1.1 Literature Review / 1
1.2 Research Object / 10
1.3 Research Objective / 12
1.4 Research Methodology / 13
1.4.1 Ontological Method / 13
1.4.2 Lexicographical Method / 14
1.5 Significance of the Research / 14
1.5.1 Translation Studies / 14
1.5.2 Compilation of Translatological Dictionaries / 16
1.5.3 Lexicographical Study of Translation / 16
1.6 Structure of the Research / 17
Chapter 1 Introduction / 1
1.1 Literature Review / 1
1.2 Research Object / 10
1.3 Research Objective / 12
1.4 Research Methodology / 13
1.4.1 Ontological Method / 13
1.4.2 Lexicographical Method / 14
1.5 Significance of the Research / 14
1.5.1 Translation Studies / 14
1.5.2 Compilation of Translatological Dictionaries / 16
1.5.3 Lexicographical Study of Translation / 16
1.6 Structure of the Research / 17
1.7 Originality of the Research / 18
1.7.1 Probe into the Sources of Translatological
Dictionaries / 18
1.7.2 Probe into the Functions of Translatological
Dictionaries / 19
Chapter 2 Lexicographical Source of Translatological Dictionaries / 20
2.1 Development of Lexicography / 20
2.2 Characteristics of Lexicography / 29
2.2.1 Multidiscipline Integration / 29
2.2.2 Open Perspective / 31
2.. Pragmatic Tendency / 35
. Summary / 38
Chapter 3 Translatological Source of Translatological Dictionaries / 40
3.1 Multivariate Paradigms of Translation Studies / 40
3.1.1 Paradigm of Creativity / 41
3.1.2 Paradigm of Equivalence / 46
3.1.3 Post-structuralist Translation Theories / 50
3.2 Systematicness of Translation Studies / 55
3.3 Openness of Translation Studies / 60
3.4 Summary / 62
Chapter 4 Constituents of Translatological Dictionaries / 64
4.1 Name and Nature of Translatological Dictionaries / 64
4.2 Materials of Translatological Dictionaries / 67
4.2.1 Translatological Concepts / 68
4.2.2 Translatological Terms / 70
4.. Translatological Proper Nouns / 77
4.3 Forms of Translatological Dictionaries / 80
4.3.1 Macrostructure / 81
4.3.2 Microstructure / 83
4.3.3 Physical Features / 90
4.4 Production of Translatological Dictionaries / 91
4.4.1 Noumenon / 92
4.4.2 Phenomenon / 95
4.4.3 Unification Between Noumenon and Phenomenon / 97
4.5 Purpose of Translatological Dictionaries / 98
4.6 Summary / 101
Chapter 5 Theories of Translatological Dictionaries / 102
5.1 Compilers / 102
5.1.1 Perception / 103
5.1.2 Understanding / 104
5.1.3 Rationality / 106
5.1.4 Professionalism / 108
5.2 Inner System of Translatological Dictionaries / 110
5.2.1 Nature of Translatological Dictionaries / 110
5.2.2 Typology of Translatological Dictionaries / 112
5.. Compilation Principles of Translatological
Dictionaries / 116
5.2.4 Structure of Translatological Dictionaries / 121
5.2.5 Criticism of Translatological Dictionaries / 1
5.2.6 Functions of Translatological Dictionaries / 125
5.2.7 History of Translatological Dictionaries / 128
5.3 Users / 129
5.3.1 Users Consciousness / 129
5.3.2 Users Cognitive Comece / 131
5.3.3 Users Communication / 134
5.4 Social Background / 137
5.4.1 Publication of Translatological Dictionaries / 137
5.4.2 Science and Technology / 139
5.4.3 Ideology / 142
5.5 Summary / 144
Chapter 6 Discipline Functions of STD / 146
6.1 Study of Translatological Dictionaries as a Sub-discipline / 146
6.1.1 Inner Impetus / 147
6.1.2 Discipline Environment / 148
6.1.3 Discipline Index System / 151
6.2 Lexicographical Approach to Translation Studies / 160
6.3 Summary / 165
Chapter 7 Conclusion / 167
7.1 Main Findings / 167
7.1.1 STD as an Interdisciplinary Research / 167
7.1.2 Contributions / 171
7.1.3 Ideas of Discipline Ecology / 176
7.2 Limitations of the Research / 177
7.2.1 Limitation in Empirical Study / 177
7.2.2 Limitation in Case Study / 178
7.. Limitation in Research Literature / 178
7.3 Future Study / 179
7.3.1 Compilation of More Translatological Dictionaries / 179
7.3.2 Attaching Importance to Translatological Dictionaries
and Their Study / 180
7.3.3 Making Out Criticism Specification of the
Translatological Dictionary / 182
Bibliography / 187