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IntroductionPrincipal events in Fourier`s lifeA brief note on further reading Traslator`s introduction The Theory of the Four Movemensndf the General Destinies1808 Introduction Preliminary discourse PlanFirst part: Exposition of some branches of the general destinies General ideas about the destinies Phases and p[eriods of the social order in the third planet namely the earth Epilogue:On the proximity of the social metamorphosisSecond part: Description of the various branches of the private or domestic destinies First account:On the progressive household of the seventh period,and on the discontents of the secxes in the incoherent household Second acount:On the splendour of the combined order On the abandonment of moral philosophTir part:Confirmation derive fo the inadequacy of the inadequacy of the inexact sciences to deal with all the civilised mechanism presents First demonstration:Freemasonry and its still unknown properties Second demonstration:The insular monopoly and its still unknown properties Interlude:System of development of Civilisation Third demonstration:Commercial licence:Its known vices and its unknown dangers Epilogue:On the social chaos of the globeOmitted chapterNote AAdvice to the civilised1818 Introduction Index
This remarkable book ,written soon after the French revolution,has traditionable been considered one of the founding documents in the history of socialism.It introduces the best-known and most extraordinary utopia written in the last two centuries.Charles Fouridr was among the first to formulate a right to a minimum standard of life.His radical approach involved a systematic critique of work,marriage and patriarchy ,toghter with a parallel right to a sexual minimum.He also proposed a comprehensive altermative to the Christian religion.Finally,though the medium of a bizarre and extraordinary cosmology,Fourier argued that the poor state of the plant is the result of the evil practices of civilisation.Translated into English for the first time since1857,this classic text will be of particular interest to students and scholars of the history of sexuality and feminism,political thoughndscialism. GARETH STEDMAN JONES,is Reader in the History of Social Thought in the University of Cambridge,and a Fellow of Kings College,