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  • 诺森希腊拉丁古文书学概(英版)(精)/CLASSICS系列/寰宇文献
  • 正版
    • 作者: (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著著 | (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著编 | (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著译 | (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著绘
    • 出版社: 上海三联书店
    • 出版时间:2021-05
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    • 作者: (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著著| (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著编| (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著译| (英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著绘
    • 出版社:上海三联书店
    • 出版时间:2021-05
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字数:496000
    • 页数:600
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787542674036
    • 版权提供:上海三联书店
    • 作者:(英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著
    • 著:(英)爱德华·蒙德·汤普森(Edward Maunde Thompson)著
    • 装帧:精装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:780.00
    • ISBN:9787542674036
    • 出版社:上海三联书店
    • 开本:16开
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2021-05
    • 页数:600
    • 外部编号:11253309
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 7
    Chapter 8
    Chapter 9
    Chapter 10
    Chapter 11
    Chapter 12
    Chapter 13
    Chapter 14
    Chapter 15
    Chapter 16
    Chapter 17
    Chapter 18
    Chapter 19
    Tables of alphabets


      When, twenyyersag, at the invitation of Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Company, I contributed to their International Scientific Series a Handbook of Greek and Latin, Palaeography, I hardly dared to hope that such a work would appeal to more than a limited number of students. Yet, even at that time, the study of Palaeograph a begun to take a wider range; and the ever-growing output of photographic reproductions and especially the interest aroused by the recovery of valuable relics of Greek Literature which so frequently were coming to light among the newly-found papyri from Egypt combined to give it a greater stimulus. For this reason, and rather because it happened to be the only book of its kind in the English language than for any particular merit of its own, the Handbook attained a larger circulation than had been anticipated, and served more effectually the purpose, for which it was written, of a general guide to te ec.

      A certain inconvenience, however, embarrassed the usefulness which mit e claimed for the book, almost from the first. The small form of the volume and the moderate price of the Series prohibited illustration on more than a limited scale, and although the facsimiles, as issued, may have proved sufficient as an accompaniment of the text, their value as palaeographical specimens, representing as they did only very small sections of the pages of the MSS. from which they were selected, could not count for much. Moreover, the letter-preeing stereotyped, the introduction of new matter in any satis-factory degree was attended with difficulties. Therefore, when, in 1906, a third edition of the Handbook was called for, it was suggested to the publishers that the time had arrived for a fuller treatment of te ec both in text and in illustration. They were, however, of opinion that the Handbook, as it stood, still had its value, at the same time they ver ansomely gave me authority to make use of it as a basis for a larger work. I here desire to record my grateful thanks for this concession.




      When, twenyyersag, at the invitation of Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Company, I contributed to their International Scientific Series a Handbook of Greek and Latin, Palaeography, I hardly dared to hope that such a work would appeal to more than a limited number of students. Yet, even at that time, the study of Palaeograph a begun to take a wider range; and the ever-growing output of photographic reproductions and especially the interest aroused by the recovery of valuable relics of Greek Literature which so frequently were coming to light among the newly-found papyri from Egypt combined to give it a greater stimulus. For this reason, and rather because it happened to be the only book of its kind in the English language than for any particular merit of its own, the Handbook attained a larger circulation than had been anticipated, and served more effectually the purpose, for which it was written, of a general guide to te ec.

      A certain inconvenience, however, embarrassed the usefulness which mit e claimed for the book, almost from the first. The small form of the volume and the moderate price of the Series prohibited illustration on more than a limited scale, and although the facsimiles, as issued, may have proved sufficient as an accompaniment of the text, their value as palaeographical specimens, representing as they did only very small sections of the pages of the MSS. from which they were selected, could not count for much. Moreover, the letter-preeing stereotyped, the introduction of new matter in any satis-factory degree was attended with difficulties. Therefore, when, in 1906, a third edition of the Handbook was called for, it was suggested to the publishers that the time had arrived for a fuller treatment of te ec both in text and in illustration. They were, however, of opinion that the Handbook, as it stood, still had its value, at the same time they ver ansomely gave me authority to make use of it as a basis for a larger work. I here desire to record my grateful thanks for this concession.




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