[正版图书]Lassie Come-Home 英文原版儿童文学读物 灵犬莱西 英文版奥斯卡电影原著小说书 男孩与狗狗的暖
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书名:Lassie Come-Home灵犬莱西
作者:Eric Knight
出版社名称:Alma Classics
商品尺寸:12.8 x 2.1 x 19.9 cm
美国作家埃里克·奈特编著的Lassie Come-Home《灵犬莱西》讲述了男孩和爱犬之间忠诚与爱的历险故事,出版60余年来打动了无数读者的心。为了一个约定,狗狗莱西不惜跋涉千里……如果你爱狗,请看看这本书,莱西一定会带给你感动、震撼;如果你不喜欢狗,也请看看这本书,莱西一定会改变你对狗的偏见。
书的后面还附有作者(The Author)、书籍(The Book)、书中角色(The Characters)的介绍,以及一篇选择题小测试(Test Yourself),检验你是否真的读懂了这本书哦!
Lassie Come-Home is one of the best-loved dog stories in the world. Presented here with illustrations by Gary Blythe and an extra section for young readers.
Everyone in the Yorkshire town of Greenall Bridge knows Lassie, the prize collie of miner Sam Carraclough and his son Joe. But when the family falls on hard times, Sam is forced to sell his dog to the Duke of Rudling, who takes her hundreds of miles away to his estate in Scotland. Undeterred by the distance and driven by instinctive love, Lassie escapes from her new owners and embarks on an epic journey to be reunited with her young master Joe. Will she survive the hardships of the long journey and the various dangers along the way?
Based on the author's own childhood memories and filled with adventure and suspense, Lassie Come-Home – Eric Knight's best-loved novel and a huge best-seller, famously adapted into a 1943 Hollywood movie – is a timeless classic and one of the greatest dog stories ever written.
'Told without sentimentality and with deep insight into the characters not only of collies but of those who love them' --Times Literary Supplement
'A timeless tale and one of the greatest dog stories ever written' --Surrey Advertiser
Born in Britain,Eric Knight (1897–1943) emigrated to the States as a teenager, where he wrote adult novels and stories for young readers, many of them set in his native Yorkshire, until his untimely death in a wartime accident.
EVERYONE IN GREENALL BRIDGE knew Sam Carraclough’s Lassie. In fact, you might say that she was the best-known dog in the village — and for three reasons.
First, because nearly every man in the village agreed she was the finest collie he had ever laid eyes on.
This was praise indeed, for Greenall Bridge is in the county of Yorkshire, and, of all places in the world, it is here that the dog is really king. In that bleak part of northern England, the dog seems to thrive as it does nowhere else. The wind and the cold rains sweep over the flat moorlands, making the dogs rich-coated and as sturdy as the people who live there.
The people love dogs and arc clever at raising them. You can go into any one of the hundreds of small mining villages in this largest of England’s counties, and see, walking at the heels of humbly clad workmen, dogs of such a fine breed and aristocratic hearing as to arouse the envy of wealthier dog fanciers from other parts of the world.
And Greenall Bridge was like other Yorkshire villages. Its men knew and understood and loved dogs, and there were many perfect ones that walked at men’s heels; but they all agreed that if a finer dog than SamCarraclough’s tricolour collie had ever been bred in Greenall Bridge, then it must have been long before they were born.
But there was another reason why Lassie was so well known in the village. It was because, as the women said, “You can set your clock by her”.
That had begun many years before, when Lassie was a bright, harum-scarum yearling. One day Sam Carraclough’sboy, Joe, had come home bubbling with excitement.
“Mother! I come out of school today, and who do you think was sitting there waiting for me? Lassie! Now how do you think she knew where I was?”
“She must have picked up your scent, Joe. That’s all I can figure out.”
Whatever it was, Lassie was waiting at the school gate the next day, and the next. And the weeks and the months and the years had gone past, and it had always been the same. Women glancing through the windows of their cottages, or shopkeepers standing in the doors on High Street, would see the proud black-white-and-golden-sable dog go past on a steady trot, and would say:
“Must be five minutes to four — there goes Lassie!”
Rain or shine, the dog was always there, waiting for a boy — one of dozens who would come pelting across the concrete playground —but for the dog, the only one who mattered.