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Chapter I A Brief History of the United States
1.1 Discovery of the New World
1.2 The War of Independence
1.3 The American Civil War
1.4 The United States and WWⅠ
1.5 The United States and WWⅡ
1.6 The United States after WoAd War Ⅱ
Chapter Ⅱ The Making of the United States and Its Politics
2.1 The Making of the United States
2.2 The System of Checks-and-balances in the U. S.
. The Election of the U.S. President
Chapter Ⅲ American Economy and Its Society
3.1 The Economy of the United States
3.2 Household incomes and Expenditures
3.3 Social Welfare and Heahhcare
Chapter 1V Religions in the United States
4. 1 Religions in the United States
4.2 The Influence of Religion on the United States
Chapter V Education in the United States
5.1 Education System and Its Philosophy
5.2 Well-known Universities
Chapter VI Famous People and Top Attractions
6.1 Famous people in America
6.2 Top attractions
Chapter VII ArsndSprts
7.1 Music
7.2 Painting
7.3 Film
7.4 Spoas
Chapter Ⅷ American Values
8.1 Indiviasm and Privacy
8.2 Informality and Equality
8.3 Achievement and 7ime Consciousness
8.4 Directness and Volunteerism
Chapter IX Holidays
9.1 National Holidays
9.2 Religious Holidays
9.3 Observanees
Chapter X Literature
10.1 Contemporary American Literature
10.2 Famous writers and their WOrks
10.3 Reading in America
Chapter XI The Mass Media
11.1 Newspapers and Magazines
11.2 nlevision and Radio
11.3 New Media
Chapter Ⅻ Life in America
12.1 Jobs
12.2 Charity
1. Respects for the Disabled
12.4 Behaviors in Public
12.5 Tohle Manncrs
12.6 Green Life
Chinese Version
章 美国历史概要
第二章 美国概览及政治制度
第三章 美国经济与社会
第四章 美国的宗教文化
第五章 美国的教育
第六章 美国名人和观光胜地
第七章 艺术与体育
第八章 美国人的价值观
第九章 节日
第十章 文学
十章 大众传媒
第十二章 美国生活