Preface Acknowledgements Part Ⅰ: Technical aspects of bosonization 1 A simple case of Bose-Fermi equivalence: Jordan-Wigner transformation 2 One-dimensional fermions. States near the Fermi points Ⅰ Chiral anomaly Ⅱ Anomalous commutators 3 Ganssian model. Lagrangian formulation Ⅰ Bosonization Ⅱ Interaction with an electromagnetic field; gauge invariance 4 Conformal symmetry and finite size effects Ⅰ Gaussian model in the Hamiltonian formulation 5 Virasoro algebra Ⅰ Ward identities Ⅱ Subalgebra sl(2) 6 Structure of Hilbert space in conformal theories Ⅰ Differential equations for correlation functions Ⅱ Dotsenko-Fateev bosonization scheme for the minimal models 7 Current (Kac-Moody) algebras; the first assault Ⅰ Sugawara Hamiltonian for Wess-Zumino-Noko-Wtten model Ⅱ Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov (KZ) equations 8 Relevant and irrelevant fields 9 Bose-Einstein Condensation in two dimensions; BeresinskiiKosterlJtz-Tbouless transition 10 The sine-Gordon model Ⅰ The renormalization group analysis Ⅱ Exact solution of the sine-Gordon model 11 Spin S - 1/2 Heiseuherg-lsiug chain Ⅰ Explicit expression for the dynamica anetic susceptibility 12 Isiug model 13 More about the WZNW model Ⅰ Special cases Ⅰ.1 SU1(2) WZNW model as a Gaussian model Ⅰ.2 SU2(2) WZNW model and the Ising model Ⅰ.3 SU4(2) as a theory of two bosonic fields Ⅰ.4 SU10(2) as a theory of three bosonic fields Ⅱ Deformation of the WZNW model and coset constructions 14 Non-Ahelian bosonization Ⅰ WZNW model in the Lagrangian formulation Ⅱ Derivation of the Lagrangian Ⅲ Calculation of a nontrivial determinant Part Ⅱ: Application of the hesonizatiou technique to physical models in (1+1)-dimemions 15 Interacting fermions with spin 16 Spin-l/2 Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid 17 Instabilities of a Tomouaga-Luttinger liquid Ⅰ Electron-phonon interaction Ⅰ.1 Incommensurate band filling, the effect on Kc Ⅰ.2 Commensurate band filling Ⅰ.3 Appendix Ⅱ Spectral gap in the spin sector Ⅲ Optical conductivity Ⅳ Gap in the charge sector at half-filling and the case of small doping Ⅴ Appendix. RG equations for the model of one-dimensional electrons from the SU(2) current algebra 18 Interacting fermions with broken spin rotational symmetry Ⅰ U(l)-symmetric Thirring model: relation to sine-Gordon and massive Thirfing models Ⅱ XYZ Thirring model Ⅲ Spin correlation functions Ⅳ The role of magnetic field Ⅳ.1 Spin-flop transition in the XY'Z model Ⅳ.2 Toy model for an orbital antiferromagnet 19 What may happen with a Tomomlln-Lattinger liquid in three dimensions Ⅰ Appendix. Fermionic Green's function Ⅰ.1 Coordinate space Green's function Ⅰ.2 The spectral function (Vc > vs) Ⅰ.3 Fourier transform of the Green's function (vc > v,) Ⅰ.4 The spectral function, v, > vc Ⅰ.5 Fourier transform of Green's function, v, > ve 20 Two weakly coupled Tomonaga--Lm/iager liquids; spinless ease 21 Spin qid n one dintension: example of spin ladders Ⅰ Coupling of identical chains; the Abel/an bosonization Ⅱ Correlation functions for the identical chains Ⅱ.1 Staggered susceptibility of the conventional (Haldane) spin liquid Ⅱ.2 Dimerized spin liquid Ⅲ Inequivalent chains; non-Abelian bosonization Ⅳ String order parameter in the spin-ladder model Ⅴ Appendix A. The topological term emerging from the Wess-Zumino term Ⅵ Appendix B. Hidden Z2 ~ Z2 symmetry and string order parameter in the bond-alternating S = 1/2 Heisenberg chain 22 Spin-l/2 Heisenberg chain with alternating exchange Ⅰ Appendix. Multiparticle formfactors Superconductivity in a doped spin liquid Ⅰ Bosonization and fermionization Ⅱ Superconducting fluctuations Ⅲ Conclusions Ⅳ Appendix. Conditions for suppression of the singie-particle tunneling 24 Edge states in the quantum Hall effect Part Ⅲ: Single impurity problems 25 Potential scattering Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ Reduction of the local scattering problem to one dimension Ⅲ The scattering phase 26 X-ray edge problem (Fermi liquids) Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ Statement of the problem Ⅱ.1 Many-body formulation Ⅱ.2 One-particle formulation Ⅲ Linked clusters expansion Ⅳ Nozieres-De Dominicis solution Ⅴ Exact solution for the overlap integral. Ⅵ Bosonization approach to the X-ray edge problem Ⅵ.1 Boundary condition changing operator (chiral anomaly) Ⅵ.2 X-ray response functions via bosonization Ⅶ Appendix A. Parquet approximation Ⅷ Appendix B. The Wiener-Hopf method Ⅸ Appendix C. Orthogonality of Slater determinants 27 Impurities in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ Weak-coupling analysis of a single impurity Ⅱ.1 Bosonization of the impurity Hamiltonian Ⅱ.2 Lagrangian formulation: local action Ⅱ.3 Renormalization group analysis of local operators Ⅲ Strong-coupling analysis Ⅲ.1 Open boundary bosonization Ⅲ.2 Strong-coupling fixed point Ⅳ Exact solution at K = 1/2 and the conductance Ⅴ Relation of the impurity backscattering model to the CaldeiraLeggett model Ⅵ X-ray edge problem in Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids 28 Multi-channel Kondo problem Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ litative analysis Ⅲ The Toulouse limit Ⅳ The Emery-Kivelson solution Ⅳ.1 Green's functions and zero-field free energy Ⅳ.2 Magnetic field effects Ⅳ.3 Wilson ratio Ⅴ The Toulouse limit for the four-channel Kondo model Ⅵ Coulomb blockade Ⅵ.1 One-dimensional electrons in point contacts Ⅵ.2 Coulomb blockade and two-channel Kondo model General bibliography Index