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部 课上讲义
Chapter 1 Cell Structure and Function
1.1 Cellular level of organization
1.2 Classification of cells
1.2.1 Prokaryotic cells
1.2.2 Introduction to eukaryotic cells
1.. Compare the structure of animal cell and plant cell
1.3 The nucleus and ribosome
1.3.1 The nucleus
1.3.2 The ribosome
1.4 The endomembrane system―cooraio of organelles
1.5 The energy-related organelles
1.6 Other structures
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life
2.1 Basic chemistry
2.1.1 Elements and chemicals
2.1.2 Solution and ions
2.1.3 Aci, kl and pH scale
2.1.4 Buffers
2.2 Components of cell
. Chemistry of water
2.4 Organic molecules
2.4.1 Carbohydrate
2.4.2 Lipids
2.4.3 Protein
2.4.4 Nucleic acid
2.5 Macromolecules
Chapter 3 Membrane Structure and Function
3.1 Plasma membrane structure and function
3.2 Transport in and out of cells
3.2.1 Permeability of cell membrane
3.2.2 Ways of transport
3.. Transport protein
3.3 Osmosis and cell
3.3.1 Osmosis
3.3.2 Aquaporin
3.3.3 Water balance of cells
Chapter 4 Metabolism Energy and Enzyme
4.1 Energy and life
4.1.1 Life needs energy
4.1.2 Life is based on chemical reactions
4.1.3 ATP
4.2 Metabolism and enzymes
4.2.1 Enzymes
4.2.2 Factors affecting enzymatic speed
Chapter 5 Photosynthesis
5.1 Overview of photosynthesis
5.1.1 Photosynthesis
5.1.2 Autotroph
5.1.3 Chloroplast
5.2 The overall process of photosynthesis
5.3 Light-dependent reactions
5.3.1 Photosynthetic pigments
5.3.2 Process o iht-dependent reactions
5.4 Calvin cycle
5.5 Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis
Chapter 6 Cellular Respiration
6.1 Comparing photosynthesis with llar respiration
6.2 Preview of the stages of llar respiration
6.3 The process of aerobic respiration
6.3.1 Glycolysis
6.3.2 Pyruvate otion and Krebs cycle
6.3.3 Electron transport chain
6.3.4 Synthesis of ATP in photosynthesis and llar respiration
6.4 Fermentation
6.4.1 The process of anaerobic respiration
6.4.2 System view: aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration
6.4.3 Types of catabolic pathway
6.5 Metabolic rate and thermoregulation
Chapter 7 Cell Communication
7.1 Overview of cell communication
7.2 Stages of cell signaling
7.3 Apoptosis / programmed cell death
7.4 Endocrine system and hormone regulation
7.4.1 Hormones
7.4.2 Feedback control
7.4.3 Trophic regulation of hormones
7.4.4 Trophic regulation and feedback control model
Chapter 8 The Cell Cycle
8.1 Cell division
8.2 The process of cell division
8.2.1 The cell cycle
8.2.2 Prokaryotic chromosome and cell cycle
8.. Eukaryotic chromosome and cell cycle
8.3 The mitotic cell cycle
8.3.1 Interphase
8.3.2 Process of mitosis
8.3.3 Differences between mitosis in animal cell and plant cell
8.3.4 Variation of numbers of DNA, chromosomes
8.4 Regulating the cell cycle
8.4.1 Frequency of cell division
8.4.2 Checkpoint
8.4.3 Internal regulator
8.4.4 External regulator
8.4.5 Cancer
Chapter 9 Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
9.1 Sexual life cycle
9.1.1 Karyotype
9.1.2 Sexual life cycle
9.1.3 Types of reproduction
9.2 Overview of meiosis
9.2.1 Homologous chromosomes / homologs
9.2.2 Meiosis consists of two rounds of division
9.. Spermatogenesis and oogenesis
9.3 Phases of meiosis
9.4 Meiosis compared to mitosis
9.5 Variation of numbers of DNA, chromosomes
9.6 Source of genetic variation during sexual reproduction
9.7 Changes in chromosome number and structure
9.7.1 Nondisjunction leads to changes in chromosome number
9.7.2 Euploidy and aneuploidy
9.7.3 Classes of chromosome in human
9.7.4 Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes
9.7.5 Errors in crossing over lead to changes in chromosome structure
Chapter 10 Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance
10.1 Gregor Mendel
10.2 Law of segregation
10.2.1 Monohybrid cross
10.2.2 Applying law of segregation
10.3 Law of independent assortment
10.3.1 Dihybrid cross
10.3.2 Applying law of independent assortment
10.4 Beyond Mendelian inheritance
10.4.1 Relation between genotype and phenotype
10.4.2 Degrees of dominance
10.4.3 Multiple alleles
10.4.4 Polygenic inheritance
Chapter 11 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
11.1 Cellular basis of the two laws
11.1.1 Gene and chromosome
11.1.2 Cellular explanation of Mendelian laws
11.1.3 Linkage and crossing over
11.2 Sex-linked inheritance
11.3 Human disease
Chapter 12 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
12.1 The genetic material
12.1.1 DNA is the genetic material
12.1.2 The structure of DNA
12.2 Replication of DNA
12.2.1 Mechanism of DNA replication
12.2.2 Process of DNA replication
12.. Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic DNA replication
Chapter 13 From Gene to Protein
13.1 Central dogma
13.2 Gene expression
13.3 Transcription―From DNA to RNA
13.3.1 Definition
13.3.2 Process
13.3.3 RNA processing
13.3.4 Transcription in prokaryotes
13.4 Translation―from RNA to protein
13.4.1 Definition
13.4.2 Genetic code
13.4.3 Process of translation
13.4.4 Translation in prokaryotes
13.4.5 Types of RNA
13.5 Comparing of replication, transcription and translation
Chapter 14 Gene Regulation and Mutation
14.1 Regulation of gene expression
14.1.1 Cell differentiation
14.1.2 Prokaryotic regulation
14.1.3 Eukaryotic regulation
14.2 Gene mutation
14.2.1 Inheritable mutation
14.2.2 Gene mutation
Chapter 15 Biotechnology
15.1 Transgenic technology
15.1.1 Genetic engineering
15.1.2 Benefit and issues
15.1.3 The molecular tools
15.1.4 Steps of genetic engineering
15.1.5 Further discussion
15.2 More biotechnology
15.2.1 PCR
15.2.2 Gel electrophoresis
15.. Restriction enzyme analysis of DNA
15.2.4 Gene therapy
Chapter 16 Mechanism of Evolution
16.1 Darwin and evolution
16.1.1 Life has unity and diversity
16.1.2 Process of evolution by natural selection
16.1.3 Evolution continues to occur for all organisms
16.2 Evolution and population genetics
16.2.1 The unit of evolution
16.2.2 Measure of evolution
16.. Hardy-Weinberg genetic equilibrium (HWE)
16.2.4 Factors that cause evolution
16.2.5 Source of genetic variation
16.2.6 Types of selection
16.3 Speciation
16.3.1 Species and reproductive isolation
16.3.2 Speciation
Chapter 17 The History of Life
17.1 Origin and history of life
17.1.1 Origin of life
17.1.2 History of evolution
17.2 Phylogeny
17.2.1 Overview of phylogenetic tree / cladogram
17.2.2 Evidences for constructing phylogenetic tree
17.. How to build phylogenetic tree
Chapter 18 Population and Community
18.1 Scope of ecology
18.2 Population
18.2.1 Population properties
18.2.2 Population growth curve
18.3 Community
18.3.1 Community structure
18.3.2 Interspecific interactions
Chapter 19 Ecosystem and Biosphere
19.1 Ecosystem
19.1.1 The components of ecosystem
19.1.2 Trophic structure
19.1.3 Energy flow
19.1.4 Matter cycle/biogeochemical cycle
19.2 Human activities impact biosphere
19.3 Organisms response to the environment
19.3.1 Animal behavior
19.3.2 Behavioral rhythms
第二部分 习题册
Chapter 1 Cell Structure and Function
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Life
Chapter 3 Membrane Structure and Function
Chapter 4 Metabolism Energy and Enzyme
Chapter 5 Photosynthesis
Chapter 6 Cellular Respiration
Chapter 7 Cell Communication
Chapter 8 The Cell Cycle
Chapter 9 Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Chapter 10 Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance
Chapter 11 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
Chapter 12 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Chapter 13 From Gene to Protein
Chapter 14 Gene Regulation and Mutation
Chapter 15 Biotechnology
Chapter 16 Mechanism of Evolution
Chapter 17 The History of Life
Chapter 18 Population and Community
Chapter 19 Ecosystem and Biosphere
Chapter Test 01
Chapter Test 02
Chapter Test 03
Chapter Test 04
Chapter Test 05
Chapter Test 06
1Chapter Test 07
Chapter Test 08
Chapter Test 09
Chapter Test 10
Chapter Test 11
Chapter Test 12
Chapter Test 13
Chapter Test 14
Chapter Test 15
Chapter Test 16
Chapter Test 17
Chapter Test 18
Chapter Test 19
第三部分 阶段测试卷及
Regular Test 01 Cell Structure and Function
(Chapter 1-3)
Regular Test 02 Cell Metabolism
(Chapter 4-6)
Regular Test 03 Cell Communication and Cell Cycle
(Chapter 7-8)
Regular Test 04 Sexual Reproduction and Mendelian Genetics
(Chapter 9-11)
Regular Test 05 Molecular Genetics
(Chapter 12-15)
Regular Test 06 Evolution
(Chapter 16-17)
Regular Test 07 Ecology
(Chapter 18-19)
Answer Key
Answer Key to Learning Material
Answer Key to Exercise Book
Answer Key to Chapter Test
Answer Key to Regular Test
第四部分 知识手册
Chapter 1 Cell Structure and Function
周晓婷,于北京师范大学,高级教师。拥有生物科学士学、计算机科学士学、生物信息学硕士,活跃在教育一线10余年。2008年至2015年,任教于全国百强重点高中,担任高中一线生物教师,以丰富的教学经验及过硬的专业能力,帮大批学生在高考中夺得高分,深受学生喜爱。期间,还带领学生在全国生物竞赛中取得优异。2015年后转战国际教育,先后担任IGCSE生物、SAT II生物、AP生物、B-P生物教师,尤其擅长AP生物的教学。带领的国际班学生,AP生物达到5分的占60%,超过该科目平均5分率的10倍。在教学过程中善于总结归纳,博采众长,编写此书以期力更多国际教育学子在AP大考中取得高分。
《AP生物从0到5》是一套全英文版出国类辅导图书,可用于教师日常教学及学生自学使用。内容共分为五部分,有配套教学视频,总视频时长 2 000 余分钟。 部课上讲义:该部分是知识点精讲讲义(每节均配有双语教学视频)。内容包括带填空的讲义和课堂练习题。其中填空在配套视频中可获取,也可以从“第四部分知识手册”中获取。课堂练习题难度较低,有于理解知识点并抓住重点。 第二部分习题册:该部分分为基础篇习题 Exercise Book 和进阶篇习题 Chapter Test。其中 Exercise Book 中的题目难度中等,有于巩固已学知识并提高知识运用能力;Chapter Test 作为章节检测,内含部分真题,具有一定难度,可用于考查综合应用能力。 第三部分阶段测试卷及:该部分包括 7 套阶段模拟卷,内容是根据生物的知识逻辑分块,将“细胞的组成与结构”“细胞代谢”“细胞通讯与细胞周期”“有殖及孟德尔遗传”“分子遗传学”“生物的进化”“生态学”各设置为一份试卷。试卷内含大量真题,题型及难度与 AP 类似。每套试卷满分 100 分,设有类似 AP 的评分卡,为达到模拟及自我检测目的,建议 90 分钟之内完成。 第四部分知识手册:该部分作为“部课上讲义”的精简版,在填补原讲义留白的同时,删去习题部分。该手册体积小,便于携带,方便知识点记忆。 第五部分词汇手册:该部分将各章节的生物专业名词,按在讲义中出现的顺序排序,有逻辑顺序,有于记忆。