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Chapter 1 Brief Introduction to ihtvehicles1.1 Basic concepts1.2 Overview o fiht vehicles 1.2.1 Rockets 1.2.2 Missiles 1.. Airvehicles 1.2.4 Spacevehicles 1.2.5 Hypersoniciht vehicles1.3 Development history o fiht vehicles 1.3.1 Flight vehicle exploration 1.3.2 Typicalexamples of aeronautics & astronautics 1.3.3 Famouspersons in aerospace 1.4 Flight vehicles today 1.4.1 Rockets & missiles 1.4.2 Air vehicles 1.4.3 Space VehiclesChapter 2 Flight principles o fihtvehicles2.1 Outlines2.2 Rocket motion 2.2.1Basic principles 2.2.2Multistage rocket theory. Atmospheric environment ..1 Atmosphericenvironment ..2 Standard atmosphere ..Earth reference ellipsoid. Physical properties of atmosphere ..1 Gas state equation ..2 Low speedflow .. High speedflow ..4 Basicprinciples of fluid2.4 Mechanics environment of a iht vehicle 2.4.1Gravity 2.4.2Thrust & thrust moments 2.4.3 Aerodynamics & aerodynamic moments2.5 Flight vehicle motion 2.5.1Reference frames and transformations 2.5.2Flight vehicle motion equation 2.6 Flight performances 2.6.1Flight mission profile 2.6.2Overload2.7 Flight stability & control 2.7.1Stability 2.7.2ControlChapter 3 Flight vehicle system coitions3.1 Overview o fiht vehicle system3.2 Missile system coition 3.2.1 Surface toAir missile system 3.2.2 Antitank missile system3.3 Rocket system coition3.4 Aircraft system coition3.5 Spacecraft system coition 3.5.1 Satellitesystem 3.5.2 Spacecraftsystem 3.5.3 Spacestation system 3.5.4 Mannedspace iht systemChapter 4 Flight vehicle propulsion system4.1 Basic concepts and principles4.2 Main performance parameters4.3 Aviation engine system4.4 Rocket propulsion system 4.4.1 Solidrocket propulsion system 4.4.2 Liquidrocket propulsion system4.5 Combination engine system4.6 Thrust vector control system4.7 Special propulsion system4.8 Engine applicationChapter 5 Flight vehicle aerodynamic configuration5.1 Flight vehicle configuration 5.1.1Overview 5.1.2 Typicalmissile configuration 5.1.3 Aircraft configuration 5.1.4 Liftingsurfaces 5.1.5 Controlsurfaces5.2 Flight vehicle configuration parameters 5.2.1 Airfoil 5.2.2Wing platform 5..Flight vehicle configuration geometric parameters5.2 Aircraft configuration variationChapter 6 Flight vehicle construction6.1 Flight vehicle construction6.2.1 Typical construction6.2.2 Body (fuselage) 6.. Wing 6.2.4 Tail6.2 Loads on iht vehicles 6.3.1 Aerodynamicloads 6.3.2 Massdistribution loadsChapter 7 Flight vehicle GNC system7.1 Concepts of GNC system7.1.1 Guidance and control loop7.1.2 Navigation system 7.1.3 Guidance system7.1.4 Control system7.2 Guidance and control components7.2.1 Sensitive components 7.2.2Seeker7.3 Guidance modes 7.3.1 Automaticguidance system 7.3.2 Remoteguidance system 7.3.3 Homingguidance system 7.3.4 Combinationguidance system7.4 Control system 7.4.1 Threecontrol ways 7.4.2 Autopilot7.5 Guidance methods 7.5.1 Automaticguidance method 7.5.2 Remoteguidance method7.6 ActuationChapter 8 Ground equimn ad launch8.1 Airporndgrund equipment 8.1.1 Airport 8.1.2 Groundequipment8.2 Rocket & space vehicle launch 8.2.1 Space base 8.2.2 Space shuttlelaunch procedure 8.. Spacevehicle return & reentry8.3 Missile launch 8.3.1 Missilelaunch system 8.3.2 Missilelaunch ways 8.3.3 Missilelaunch equipmentChapter 9 Payloads9.1 Outlines9.2 Rocket payloads9.2 Air vehicle payloads9.3 Space vehicle payloads9.4 Missile payloads 9.4.1 Warheadcoition 9.4.2 Typicalwarhead 9.4.3 FusesChapter 10 Flight vehicle research anddevelopment10.1 Flight vehicle design concepts 10.1.1 Flightvehicle design process 10.1.2 Flightvehicle system analysis10.2 Basic stages o fiht vehicle research anddevelopment10.2.1 Idea proposition10.2.2 Proof of tactical and technical requirements10.. Preliminary design10.2.4 Technical design10.2.5 Trial-manufacture and test 10.2.6 Design finality10.2.7 Manufacture an tization10.3 Design requirement10.4 Design methds0.5 Typical tests10.6 Design example for a iht vehicleReferences