目 录Contents1. 谢红:我在美国等你I’ll wait for you in America 12. 方新:去哪里找电脑? Where can I find a computer? 63. 小月:你去中关村,能做大事Go to Zhongguocun, and you will prosper 124. 钱贵:是钱,第二是钱,第三还是钱!Money, money, and money! 195. 小月:买的人一定会比现在多More and more people will buy it . 方新:我不能在这里工作了I can’t work here any longer 297. 谢红:我们不能这样了We shouldn’t live this way anymore 348. 方新:这是我快乐的This is the happiest day in my life 39生词表Vocabulary list 47练习 Exercises 50练习 Answer keys to the exercises 56