全新正版Mu Mengjie and his school for the blind9787508537429
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Preface The Dream of a Blind Man
Chapter One The Students
The Campus
Happy Birds
Listening to Life
An Optimistic and Cheerful Girl
Family at Home Classmates at School
The Lingering Phoenix
The Thirsty Kid
Chapter Two The Faculty
The Discipline Director
The Blind Should Help Each Other
The Blind Teacher
The Lady Teacher with Beautiful Eyes
Chapter Three Family Support
“Big Mu”
“Little Mu”
“Nan Mu”
Chapter Four Venturing Out with a Bamboo Stick-
Falling into Darkness
“I Want to Go to School”
Study outside the Classroom
Venturing Outside at 13
The First 19-yuan Earning
Seeking Teachers
Missing an Opportunity to Attend School
A Narrow Escape from the Snow
Thrown Into the Fields
Trading Skills
A Caring Nanny
Needles Thrown Everywhere
Psychology Consultation
Chapter Five Meeting His True Love
Chapter Six Establishing the School
Chapter Seven A Prosperous Future
Chapter Eight “I Have a Bigger Dream”
This book recounts the life experience of Mu Mengjie, a blind man who ventured out into the world at the age of 13 to make a living through performing storytelling on the streets. Later in life, he returned home and established a special education school for the visually impaired. The school welcomed anyone who had a visual impairment, never charging them a penny. Mengjie never had even one day of formal schooling. With a pure kind heart, Mengjie is just one ordinary peasant in China who continues to bring joy and hope to many people with visual impairments as well as their families.
Mu Mengjie was a blind farmer who lived in Dongxinzhai Village, in a town called Ping Xiang in Hebei Province. Though he never received any formal education, Mengjie’s ea from a young age was to live a respectable, meaningful life. With a bamboo stick in hand, he ventured out at age 13 and made a living as a street performer, tasting all the bitterness the world had to offer. With perseverance and passion, he became a storyteller, well known in cities like Baoding, Shijiazhuang, and earned his first “pot of gold” in life. Once Mengjie became a millionaire, no one expected that he would be so determined to open a school for the blind in his hometown. His school would accept anyone who was visually impaired regardless of their condition and charged no fees. Students could continue to study at the
school until they mastered their skills. With a pure mind and a kind heart, Mengjie offered lots of help which benefited many blind people and their families.