第五章 离子型声子晶体与超构材料 5.1 Optical Properties of an Ionic-Type Phononic Crystal 5.2 New Type of Polariton in a Piezoelectric Superlattice 5.3 Piezoelectric-Induced Polariton Coupling in a Superlattice 5.4 Phonon-polaritons in siperiodic Piezoelectric Superlattices 5.5 Coupling of Electromagnetic Waves and Superlattice Vibrations in a Piezomagnetic Superlattice: Creation of a Polariton Through the Piezomagnetic Effect 5.6 Coupled Phonon Polaritons in a Piezoelectric-piezomagnetic Superlattice 5.7 Mimicing Surface Phonon Polaritons in Microwave Band Based on Ionic-type Phononic Crystal 5.8 Magnetic Plasmon Hybridization and Optical Activity at Optical Frequencies in Metallic Nanostructures 5.9 Stereometamaterials 5.10 Magnetic Plasmon Propagation Along a Chain of Connected Subwavelength Resonators at Infrared Frequencies 5.11 Long-Wavelength Optical Properties of a Plasmonic Crystal
第六章 准相位匹配量子光学与光子芯片 6.1 Transforming Spatial Entanglement Using a Domain-Engineering Technique 6.2 Compact Engineering of Path-Entangled Sources from a Monolithic dratic Nonlinear Photonic Crystal 6.3 On-chip Steering of Entangled Photons in Nonlinear Photonic Crystals 6.4 Lensless Imaging by Entangled Photons from dratic Nonlinear Photonic Crystals 6.5 Observation of ntum Talbot Effect from a Domain-engineered Nonlinear Photonic Crystal 6.6 Mode-locked Biphoton Generation by Concurrent si-phase-matching 6.7 Generation of NOON State with Orbital Angular Momentum in a Twisted Nonlinear Photonic Crystal 6.8 Tailoring Entanglement Through Domain Engineering in a Lithium Niobate Waveguide 6.9 On-Chip Generation and Manipulation of Entangled Photons Based on Reconfigurable Lithium-Niobate Waveguide Circuits 6.10 Generation of Three-mode Continuous-variable Entanglement by Cascaded Nonlinear Interactions in a siperiodic Superlattice
第七章 介电体超晶格与畴工程学 7.1 The Growth Striations and Ferroelectric Domain Structures in Czochralski-grown LiNbO3 Single Crystals 7.2 Growth of Optical Superlattice LiNbO3 with Different Moatng Periods and Its Applications in Second-harmonic Generation 7.3 Growth of Nd3+-doped LiNbO3 Optical Superlattice Crystals and Its Potential Applications in Self-frequency Doubling 7.4 Fabrication of Acoustic Superlattice LiNbO3 by Pulsed Current Induction and Its Application for Crossed Field Ultrasonic Excitation 7.5 LiTaO3 Crystal Periodically Poled by Applying an External Pulsed Field 7.6 Poling lity Evaluation of Optical Superlattice Using 2D Fourier Transform Method 7.7 Frequency Self-doubling Optical Parametric Ampiction. Noncollinear Red- green-blue Lightsource Generation based on a Hexagonally Poled Lithium Tantalate 7.8 Direct Observation of Ferroelectric Domains in LiTaO3 Using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy 7.9 Nondestructive Imaging of Dielectric-Constant Profiles and Ferroelectric Domains wit canning-Tip Microwave Near-Field Microscope
第八章 光学超晶格的应用研究 8.1 Efficient Continuous Wave Blue Light Generation in Optical Superlattice LiNbO3 by Direct Frequency Doubling a 978 nm InGaAs Diode Laser 8.2 Femtosecond Violet Light Generation by si-phase-matched Frequency Doubling in Optical Superlattice LiNbO3 8.3 Visible Dual-wavelength Light Generation in Optical Superlattice Er: LiNbO3 through Upconversion and si-phase-matched Frequency Doubling 8.4 Frequency Tuning of Optical Parametric Generator in Periodically Poled Optical Superlattice LiNbO3 by Electro-optic Effect 8.5 Electro-optic Effect of Periodically Poled Optical Superlattice LiNbO3 and Its Applications 8.6 High-power Red-green-blue Laser Light Source Based on Intermittent Oscillating Dual-wavelength Nd.YAG Laser with a Cascaded LiTaO3 Superlattice 8.7 Diode-pumped 1988-nm Tm.YAP Laser Mode-locked by Intracavity Second-harmonic Generation in Periodically Poled LiNbO3 8.8 Efficiency-enhanced Optical Parametric Down Conversion for Mid-infrared Generation on a Tandem Periodically Poled MgO-doped Stoichiometric Lithium Tantalate Chip 8.9 Polarization-free Second-order Nonlinear Frequency Conversion Using the Optical Superlattice 8.10 Polarization Independent si-phase-matched Sum Frequency Generation for Single Photon Detection 8.11 DFB Semiconductor Lasers based on Reconstruction-equivalent-chirp Technology 8.12 High Channel Count and High Precision Channel Spacing Multi-wavelent 第九章 总结与展望 附录 的重要成果收录