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Part One Uneonditional Love 亲情
1. A Boy and His Apple Tree
2. Who Gave Me the Ears?
3. The Price of a Miracle
4. A Special Date
5. Mothers Hands
6. In Giving I Connect with Others
7. All You Remember
8. Keep on Singing
9. I Love You
10. A Letter to My Son
Part Two True Love 爱情
1. Time and Love
2. Words from the Heart
3. Detour to Romance
4. In Loves Arms
5. Hungry for Your Love
6. Story of Regret
7. A Letter in the Wallet
8. The Best Kind of Love
9. A Legend of Love
10. 10 Keys to a Successful Romantic Relationship
Part Three Friendship 友情
1. About Friends
2. A Friends Prayer
3. Sand and Stone
4. With One Glass of Milk
5. The Power of Actions
6. How Selfless Real Love Is
7. No Greater Love
8. A Friend on the Line
9. A Users Guide to Fabulous Friendship
10. 12 Types of Friends You Should Break Up With
Part Four Positive Life 积极人生
1. Chances Exist in the Daily Details
2. Hell and Heaven
3. The Hospital Window
4. Five Balls of Life
5. Every Day is a Lucky Day
6. Life Comes in a Package
7. Run Throu&nsp;the Rain
8. Relax -- Live at Present
9. Life is All about Choices
10. Every Living Person Has Problems
曹煜主编的《情爱与人生(附光盘)》主要具备以下4个特点:(1)文章分为爱情、亲情、友情和积极人生4个主题,篇篇贴近生活,充满爱和力量的文字是滋润心灵的雨露,也是舒缓灵魂的良方。 (2)每部分的文章都按照从易到难的顺序安排,从而使读者轻松阅读、步步深入。 (3)每篇文章都配以与故事相关的优美名言和精美图片,使读者未读此文,先人此境。 (4)每篇文章都配有词汇表和参考译文,便于读者流畅阅读,真正不受干扰地欣赏优美文章,领略真情实感。