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  • 全新正版战略管理:英文版9787564161927东南大学出版社
    • 作者: 王圣元,赵彤编著著 | 王圣元,赵彤编著编 | 王圣元,赵彤编著译 | 王圣元,赵彤编著绘
    • 出版社: 东南大学出版社
    • 出版时间:2013-12-01
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    • 作者: 王圣元,赵彤编著著| 王圣元,赵彤编著编| 王圣元,赵彤编著译| 王圣元,赵彤编著绘
    • 出版社:东南大学出版社
    • 出版时间:2013-12-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 印刷时间:2015-12-01
    • 字数:727000
    • 页数:432
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787564161927
    • 版权提供:东南大学出版社
    • 作者:王圣元,赵彤编著
    • 著:王圣元,赵彤编著
    • 装帧:平装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:49.80
    • ISBN:9787564161927
    • 出版社:东南大学出版社
    • 开本:16开
    • 印刷时间:2015-12-01
    • 语种:英语
    • 出版时间:2013-12-01
    • 页数:432
    • 外部编号:8650311
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    Part 1 Fundamentals of Strategy
    Chapter 1Strategic Management
    1.1 Concept
    1.2 The Competitive I.andscape
    1.3 The I/O Model of Above—Average Returns
    1.4 The Resource—Based Model of Above—Average Returns
    1.5 Vision and Mission
    1.6 Stakeholders
    Chapter 2 The External Environment Analysis
    2.1 The General,Industry,and Competitor Environments
    2.2 External Environmental Analysis
    . Segments of the General Environment
    2.4 Industry Environment Analysis
    2.5 Interpreting Industry Analyses
    2.6 Strategic Groups

    Part 1 Fundamentals of Strategy
    Chapter 1Strategic Management
     1.1 Concept
     1.2 The Competitive I.andscape
     1.3 The I/O Model of Above—Average Returns
     1.4 The Resource—Based Model of Above—Average Returns
     1.5 Vision and Mission
     1.6 Stakeholders
    Chapter 2 The External Environment Analysis
     2.1 The General,Industry,and Competitor Environments
     2.2 External Environmental Analysis
     . Segments of the General Environment
     2.4 Industry Environment Analysis
     2.5 Interpreting Industry Analyses
     2.6 Strategic Groups
    Chapter 3 The Internal Organization
     3.1 Analyzing the Internal Organization
     3.2 Resources,Capabilities,and Core Comecies
     3.3 Core Comecies
     3.4 Outsourcing
     3.5 Strategic Decisions
    Chapter 4 Business Level Strategy
     4.1 Business—Level Strategy
     4.2 Customers:Their Relationship with BusinessLevel Strategies
     4.3 The Purpose of a Business—Level Strategy
     4.4 Types of Business—Level Strategies
    Chapter 5 Competitive Behavior
     5.1 A Model of Competitive Rivalry
     5.2 Competitor Analysis
     5.3 Drivers of Competitive Actions
     5.4 Competitive Rivalry
     5.5 Likelihood of Attack
     5.6 Likelihood of Response
     5.7 Competitive Dynamics
    Chapter 6 CorporateLevel Strategy
     6.1 Levels of Diversification
     6.2 Reasons for Diversification
     6.3 Value—Creating Diversification
     6.4 Diversification
     6.5 Unrelated Diversification
     6.6 Value—Neutral Diversification
     6.7 ValueReducing Diversification:Managerial Motives to Diversify
    Chapter 7 Merger and Acquisition Strategies
     7.1 The Popularity of Merger and Acquisition Strategies
     7.2 Reasons for Acquisitions
     7.3 Problems in Achieving Acquisition Success
     7.4 Effective Acquisitions
     7.5 Restructuring
    Chapter 8 International Strategy
     8.1 Identifying International Opportunities:Incentives to Use an International Strategy
     8.2 International Strategies
     8.3 Environmental Trends
     8.4 International Entry Mode
     8.5 Strategic Competitive Outcomes
     8.6 Risks in an International Environment
    Chapter 9 Cooperative Strategy
     9.1 Strategic Alliances as a Primary Type of Cooperative Strategy
     9.2 Business—Level Cooperative Strategy
     9.3 Corporate—I.evel Cooperative Strategy
     9.4 International Cooperative Strategy
     9.5 Network Cooperative Strategy _
     9.6 Competitive Risks with Cooperative Strategies
     9.7 Managing Cooperative Strategies
    Chapter 10 Corporate Governance_
     10.1 Separation of Ownership and Managerial Control
     10.2 Ownership Concentration
     10.3 Board of Directors
     10.4 Executive Compensation
     10.5 Market for Corporate Control
     10.6 International Corporate Governance
     10.7 Governance Mechanisms and Ethical Behavior
    Chapter 11 organizatiOnal Structure and Control
     11.1 Organizational Structure and Controls
     11.2 Relationships between Strategy and Structure
     11.3 Evolutionary Patterns of Strategy and Organizational Structure
     11.4 Implementing Business—Level Cooperative Strategies
     11.5 Implementing Corporate—Level Cooperative Strategies
     11.6 Implementing International Cooperative Strategies
    Chapter 12 Strategic Leadership
     12.1 Strategic Leadership and Style
     12.2 The Role of Top—Level Managers
     1. Managerial Succession
     12.4 Key Strategic Leadership Actions
    Part 2 Special Topics of Strategy
    Chapter 13 Strategic Information System
     13.1 History of SIS
     13.2 Definition
     13.3 Three General Types
     13.4 Gaining Competitive Advantage
     13.5 Models for Strategic Information System
    Chapter 14 Strategic Alliance
     14.1 Definitions
     14.2 Typology
     14.3 Historical Development of Strategic Alliances
     14.4 Goals of Strategic Alliances
     14.5 dantages/Disadvantages
     14.6 Success Factors
     14.7 Further Important Factors
     14.8 Risks
     14.9 Importance of Strategic Alliances
     14.10 Life Cycle of a Strategic Alliance
    Chapter 15 Strategic Innovation
     15.1 Define Strategic Entrepreneurship and Corporate Entrepreneurship
     15.2 Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Opportunities
     15.3 Innovation
     15.4 International Entrepreneurship
     15.5 Incremental and Radical Innovation
     15.6 Implementing Internal Innovations
     15.7 Innovation through Cooperative Strategies
     15.8 Innovation through Acquisitions
     15.9 Creating Value through Strategic Entrepreneurship
    Chapter 16 Strategy and Game Theory
     16.1 Strategy
     16.2 Nash Equilibrium
     16.3 Evolutionarily Stable Strategy
    Chapter 17 Industry 4.0 and Strategy
     17.1 Industry 4.0
     l7.2 Comparison of Germany and China,the Industry 4.0 Strategy Approach for China
    Chapter 18 Electronic Business and Strategy_
     18.1 Electronic Business
     18.2 Concerns
     18.3 Online Shopping
     18.4 Customers
     18.5 Payment
     18.6 Product Delivery
     18.7 Shopping Cart systems
     18.8 Advantages
     18.9 Disadvantages
     18.10 Impact of Reviews on Consumer Behaviour
    Part 3 Research Methods and Exercises
    Chapter 19 litative Research
     19.1 Data Collection,Analysis and Field Research Design
     19.2 Specialized Uses of litative Research
     19.3 Data Analysis
    Chapter 20 ntitative Research
     20.1 CIverview
     20.2 Use of Statistics
     20.3 Measurement
     20.4 Relationship with litative Methods
    Chapter 21 Survey Research
     21.1 Sampling
     21.2 Correlation and Causality
     21.3 Research Designs
     21.4 estionnaires
    Chapter 22 Sampling
     22.1 Population Definition
     22.2 Sampling Frame
     2. ProbabiliyndNnprobability Sampling
     22.4 Sampling Methods
     22.5 Errors in Sample Surveys
     22.6 Survey Weights
    Chapter Secondary Research
     .1 Secondary Research
     .2 Meta—Analysis
    Chapter 24 Strategic Management Cases
     24.1 It Was the Season for E—Splurging
     24.2 Business Japanese—Style
     24.3 Public Policy and Ethics in Marketing Research
     24.4 From Stiff Upper Lip to New British Hip—British Airways Updates Its Image and Its Fleet
     24.5 The MeandPtatoes of Online Shopping
     24.6 Foreign Rivals VS.the Chinese:If You Can’t Beat Them
     24.7 The Buyer Always Wins
     24.8 The Rise and Fall of New Coke:What’S the Problem7
     24.9 Value Pricing:Offering More for Less
     24.10 International Promotional Strategy
     24.11 International Segmentation
     24.12 FedExCreating Competitive Advantage
     24.13 From A—Z,Not A—B:DHL Is Far More Than Just a Carrier
     24.14 Practice Cases Magna Health
    Chapter 25 Experiential Exercises
     25.1 Creating a Shared Vision
     25.2 The Oracle at Delphi
     25.3 Internet Exercise
     25.4 Customer Needs and Stock Trading
     25.5 Internet Exercise:Cisco Systems
     25.6 Corporate Juggling
     25.7 Governance and Personal Investments






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