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"【目录】: TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I ON SOUND Section 1. Alphabet. Table of sounds. 2. On the Chinese Tones. Natural tones described. Tones of several dialects. 3. On the Shanghai Tones. Tones in state of transition. Relation of tones to music and accents. 4. Alphabetical Form of the Shanghai Sounds. The 36 initials of the Dictionaries. Represent the sounds of the old language, and are now a provincial pronunciation. The Shanghai dialect, a branch of that system. Finals. Comparative table of Shanghai and Mandarin finals. The final consonants n, ng and k. PART II ON THE PARTS OF SPEECH Section 1. Native Divisions. Division proposed by a native grammarian. 2. Relation of the Dialect to the Written Language, and to other Dialects. Primitive words exemplified. Relation to the mandarin of the Historical Romances. Compared with the dialect of Sú-cheú. 3. On Substantives. 4. On Numeral Particles an Axiary Substantives. Distinctive Particles. Significant Particles. Weights and measures. Collectives. 5. On Adjectives. 6. On Pronouns. 7. On Verbs. Modes of grouping. Kinds of Verbs. Mode. Tense. 8. On Prepositions and Positions. 9. On Adverbs. 10. On Conjunctions. 11. On Expletives and Interjections. PART III ON SYNTAX Section 1. On Government. 2. Interchange of the Parts of Speech. Adjective as Substantive. Verb as Substantive, and as Adjective, &c. 3. On Government of Words in Groups or Combinations. 4. On Repetition. 5. On Order in Groups. 6. On Simple Propositions. 7. On Subordinate Sentences. 8. On Coordinate Sentences. 9. On Antithesis. 10. On Rhythmus. Appendix I On the Higher Colloquial Used by Literary Men. II On the Native Tables of Initials and Finals. Imitate fo the Sanscrit. Geographical outline of the dialects that agree with the dictionary system."
"【内容简介】: 《上海方言文法》的词法部分对词的构成方式、类别和词形变化进行了分析,句法部分就短语(内部结构、层次、语义指向)和句子(成分、类别、词序以及扩展方式)这两级语法单位及其韵律特点进行了探讨。此外,该书还对动词的时和体、量词的类别、虚词、词序、韵律与语法的相互作用、特殊的单句形式等可展现上海方言独特的语法现象进行了解析,并针对上海方言教学中的难点(如量词、句法变换方法)提出了相应的解决方法。该书从语音、词类、句法三方面分析了上海话的面貌,是研究开埠初期上海县城方言的珍贵范本。"
"【编辑】: 《上海方言文法》版由伦敦布道团于1853年出版,上海会于1868年再版。作者以其杰出的才能和语言学理论修养,对1纪中叶开埠初期上海县城方言的语音、词语和语法进行了早的忠实记录和研究,有不少精辟的论述和独到的见解。"