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  • 全新正版当代中国的检察制度9787515412009当代中国出版社
    • 作者: 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会著 | 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会编 | 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会译 | 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会绘
    • 出版社: 当代中国出版社
    • 出版时间:2021-04-01
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    • 作者: 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会著| 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会编| 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会译| 《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会绘
    • 出版社:当代中国出版社
    • 出版时间:2021-04-01
    • 版次:1
    • 字数:478000
    • 页数:520
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787515412009
    • 版权提供:当代中国出版社
    • 作者:《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会
    • 著:《当代中国》丛书编辑委员会
    • 装帧:精装
    • 印次:暂无
    • 定价:352.00
    • ISBN:9787515412009
    • 出版社:当代中国出版社
    • 开本:16开
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2021-04-01
    • 页数:520
    • 外部编号:11787450
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    目录 总序 绪论 1 编 新中国人民检察制度的开创和检察工作的发展 章人民检察制度的创建时期 18 节人民检察制度的创立 18 第二节届全国司法会议的召开和检察制度的初步建设 24 第三节 参加运动,开始发挥法律监督作用 29 第四节 参加“”“”运动,査处大案要案 37 第五节参加司法改革运动,纠正错捕错判 44 第六节 参加“新“斗争,检察违法乱纪案件 47 第二章检察工作的发展和波折时期 52 节发布指示,加强检察工作 52 第二节一九五四年、组织法的颁布和检察制度的发展 57 第三节运用检察武器,保障过渡时期总任务的实现 62 第四节 继续参加镇反运动,保障社会主义事业的安全 69 第五节 侦査起诉和宽大处理日本侵华战争犯罪分子 84 第六节“左”倾思想对检察工作的影响和检察机关对“取消风”的抵制……103 第七节 打击现行破坏活动,正确执行“三少”政策 112 第八节同严重违法乱纪行为作斗争 119 第九节“矛盾不上交”,依靠群众实行专政 124 第十节开展社会改造的检察工作 132 第三章检察工作的中断时期 135 节、集团破坏检察机关的罪行 135 第二节检察权由机关行使 138 第三节检察机关被破坏的深刻教训 140 第四章检察机关的重建和发展时期 144 节的重新建立 144 第二节平冤狱张法纪,保障公民民主权利 151 第三节打击刑事犯罪活动,创造良好的社会治安秩序 16 第节 打击严重经济犯罪活动,保卫“四化”建设 185 第五节 加强对监管改造活动的法律监督,促进劳改、劳教人员的改造 ……207 第六节对、集团案的检察起诉 225 第七节发展国际交往,促进检察制度的建设 244 第二编 少数民族地区的检察工作和专门的工作 第五章少数民族地区的检察工作 252 节少数民族地区法制建设的巨大进步和检察机关的建立与发展 252 第二节全国法制的统一和在少数民族地区的变通 260 第三节坚持民族平等,维护民族团结 269 第四节少数民族检察干部的培养、提拔和使用 278 第六章军事检察院的工作 287 节军事检察工作的简要历史 287 第二节军事检察院的任务和工作成就 291 第三节建设适合军队特点的军事检察制度 300 第七章铁路运输检察院的工作 305 节铁路运输检察院的历史和概况 305 第二节铁路运输检察院的任务和作用 308 第三节坚持铁路检察院的建设和工作 315 第三编 人民检察制度的发展及其基本问题的概述 第八章关于检察机关的质和任务 324 节检察机关的质和法律监督职能的变化 324 第二节关于检察机关的任务 328 第三节 检察机关在构中的地位 331 第四节检察制度与民主制度化、法律化 335 第九章的设置和组织原则 341 节的设置 341 第二节检察委员会 342 第三节中对检察机关的领导 347 第四节组织系统中检察机关的领导关系 350 第十章的职权 355 节对叛国案、分裂案等重大案件的检察权 355 第二节对刑事案件的侦査 356 第三节侦査监督 363 第四节对刑事案件的公诉和审判监督 370 第五节对刑事判决、裁定的执行和对监所工作的监督 380 第六节对民事审判活动的监督 387 第■—章的活动原则 390 节依法独立行使检察权的原则 390 第二节适用法律一律平等的原则 393 第三节以事实为根据、以法律为准绳的原则 39 第节 分工负责、互相配合、互相制约的原则 399 第五节依靠群众的原则 403 第十二章检察机关的人事制度和队伍建设 407 节检察机关的人事制度 407 第二节 检察队伍的建设 411 第三节向实现干部队伍“四化”的目标前进 417 第十三章人民检察制度的理论基础 424 节坚持实事求是的科学世界观和方 424 第二节以人民的政治理论为指导 430 第三节列宁关于法律监督的理论和中国的实际相结合 438 结束语 445 附录一 人民检察工作大事记(1949—1986年) 450 附录二中华人民共和国和法律关于检察制度的规定 492 后 记 515 Contents General Preface Introduction 1 Part One Founding of the Peoples Procuratorial System and Development of Procuratorial Work in New China Chapter I Period of Establishment of the Peoples Procuratorial System (1949—1953) 18 1.Founding of the Peoples Procuratorial System 18 2.Convening of the First National Judicial Conference and Preliminary Construction of the Peoples Procuratorial System 24 3.Participating in the Movement to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, Starting to Play the Role of Legal Supervision 2.Participating in the Movements Against the uThree Evils" and the “ Five Evils, Investigating and Handling Major and Important Cases 37 5.Participating in the Movement of Judicial Reform, Redressing Wrongful Arrests and Misjudgments 44 6.Participating in the Struggle Against the “ New Three Evils" , Prosecuting Cases of Violating the Law and Discipline 47 Chapter II Period of Develomn ad Twists and Turns of Procuratorial Work (1954一1966) 52 1.Instructions Given by the Central Committee of CPC to Strengthen Procuratorial Work 52 2.Promulgation of the Constitution as well as the Organic Law of Peopled Procuratorates in 1954 and Development of the Procuratorial System 57 3.Wielding Procuratorial Functions to Ensure the Realization of the General Task in the Transition Period 62 4.Continuing to Participate in the Movement for the Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries to Safeguard the Security of the Socialist Cause 69 5.Investigating, Prosecuting and Handling Leniently Japanese Criminals for Aggression Against China 84 6.The Impact of "Left" Error on Procuratorial Work and the Resistance of Procuratorial Organs Against the u Liquidation Tendency" 103 7.Attacking Active Sabotage, Implementing the Policy of the MThree Less" Correcdy 112 8.Struggling Against Acts of Serious Violating the Law and Discipline 119 9.“Not to Pass on Conflicts to the Leadershipn , but to Exercise Dictatorship by Way of Relying on the Masses 124 10.Unfolding the Procuratorial Work of Social Transformation 132 Chapter III Period of Suspension of Procuratorial Work (1967—1977) 135 1.Offences of Sabotaging Procuratorial Organs by the Counterrevolutionaries Lin Biao and Jiang ing Cliques 135 2.Procuratorial Power Exercised by Public Security Organs 138 3.Profound Lessons Drawn from Procuratorial Organs Sabotaged 140 Chapter IV Period of Reconstruction and Development of Procuratorial Organs (1978一1986) 144 1.Reconstruction of Peoples Procuratorates 144 2.Reversing Unjust Prisoning and Upholding Law and Discipline to Protect the Democratic Rights of Citizens 151 3.Attacking Criminal Activities to Create Goo Pbc Order 166 4.Attacking Serious Activities of Economic Crime to Safeguard the Construction of the “Four Modernizations” 185 5.Strengthening Legal Supervision on the Activities of Control and Refbnn to Promote the Reformation of Prisoners and the Educated through Labor 207 6.Prosecuting Lin Biao and Jiang ing Cliques for the Counterrevolution 225 7.Developing International Contacts to Promote the Construction of Procuratorial System 244 Part Two Procuratorial Work in the Minority Areas and Work of Special Peoples Procuratorates Chapter V Procuratorial Work in the Minority Areas 252 1.Tremendous Progress o£ Legal Construction in the Minority Areas and Establishment and Development of the Procuratorial Organs 252 2.Uniformity of Legal System on the National Scale and Its Flelity in the Minority Areas 26° 3.Persisting in Equality Among Nationalities to Maintain the Unity of Nationalities 26.Training, Promotion and Employment of Procuratorial Cadres of Minority Nationalities 278 Chapter VI Work of Military Procuratorates 287 1.Brief History of Work of Military Procuratorates 287 2.Tasks and Achievements of Military Procuratorates 291 3.Establishing a Military Procuratorial System Appropriate to the Peculiarities of the Army 300 Chapter VII Work of Railway Transport Procuratorates 305 1.History and Survey of Railway Transport Procuratorates 305 2.Tasks and Functions of Railway Transport Procuratorates 308 3.Persisting in the EstablishmenndWrk of Railway Transport Procuratorates 315 Part Three Summary of Development of the Peopled Procuratorial System and Its Basic Problems Chapter VIII Concerning the Nature and the Tasks of Procuratorial Organs 324 1.Nature of Procuratorial Organs and Changes in the Functions of Legal Supervision 324 2.Tasks of Procuratorial Organs 328 3.Status of Procuratorial Organs in State Organs 331 4.Procuratorial System Connected with the Systematization as well as Legalization of Democracy 335 Chapter IX Organizational Principle and Establishment of Peoples Procuratorates 341 1.Establishment of Peoples Procuratorates 341 2.Procuratorial Committee 34 .Leadership over Procuratorial Organs Exercised by the Chinese Communist Party 347 4.Leading Relationship of Procuratorial Organs in the State Organizational System 35° Chapter X Functions and Powers of Peoples Procuratorates 355 1.Exercising Procuratorial Power over Major Cases of Treason and Dismembering the State, etc. 355 2.Conducting Investigation of Criminal Cases 356 3.Supervising Investigation 363 4.Exercising Powers of Public Prosecution and Supervising Adjudication in Criminal Cases 370 5.Supervising the Execution of Judgements, Rulings and Orders in Criminal Cases and the Work of Prisons and Detention Houses 380 6.Supervising Adjudication in Civil Cases 387 Chapter XI Principles of Oraio of People’s Procuratorates 390 1.Principle of Exercising Procuratorial Power Independently in Accordance with the Law 39° 2.Principle that Law is Applicable to All Citizens Equally 393 3.Principle of Taking Facts as the Basis and Law as the Criterion 396 4.Principle of Having a Division of Labor with Separate Responsibilities and Cooraig with Each Other and Restraining Each Other 399 5.Principle of Relying on the Masses 403 当代中国的检察制度 Chapter XII Personnel System and Construction of a


    《当代中国》丛书作为新中国成立以来套大型当代中国国史和国情丛书,是新中国国史研究领域的标识作品。该丛书以无可辩驳的史实客观呈现了新中国成立以后近40年我们带领全国人民所取得的中国特色社会主义伟大建设成就,是改革开放前后两个时期有机衔接的忠实记录。这套百科全书式的丛书,是全面了解新中国国史和国情的资料库、数据库、信息库,是中华人民共和国一部、可靠、内容丰富、立论科学的信史。《当代中国的司法行政工作》呈现了自新民主主义时期到20世纪80年代我国司法行政工作的发展历程和取得的辉煌成就。 目前订正重印这套丛书,是向2020年全面建成小康社会和2021年敬献的贺礼。




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