- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:Rizzoli
- 出版时间:2007-10-23
- 页数:370
- ISBN:9789138493617
- 版权提供:Rizzoli
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Hardcover: 370 pages
Publisher: Rizzoli International Publications; 01 edition (1 Nov. 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780847829538
ISBN-13: 978-0847829538
ASIN: 0847829537
Product Dimensions: 23.8 x 3.9 x 31.8 cm浪凡之家是从一位特别女性Jeanne Lanvin的创造力和非凡干劲演变而来的。她56年的设计生涯是成功而多产的。
。本书的核心是1909年至1946年(Lanvin逝世)期间的重要收藏品。原创的时尚插图、珠饰和刺绣样本在展示她复杂精细、有创意的和新颖技术方面发挥着至关重要的作用。浪凡之家目前正处于备受赞誉的时期,已经成为媒体、好莱坞和范围更广的时尚界的宠儿。通过最现代化的努力,现任设计总监Alber Elbaz正在借鉴丰富的浪凡传统,以打造一个获奖的时装系列,这个系列能同时唤起、尊重和重塑其创始人的意图。
The House of Lanvin evolved from the creative force and remarkable energy of an extraordinary woman, Jeanne Lanvin. Her design career survived fifty-six successful and productive years. Lanvin is the oldest surviving couture house, in near-continuous existence from 1909 through the present day. Her body of work includes millinery, children's wear, haute couture, fragrances, furs, lingerie, menswear, and interior design among others. The continuous public appeal and the youthful image of these couture creations are lasting aspects of Madame Lanvin's career. At the heart of this book are key collections from 1909 through 1946, the year of Lanvin's death. Original fashion illustrations, beading and embroidery swatches play a crucial role in demonstrating her intricate, creative, and innovative techniques. The house of Lanvin is currently experiencing a period of great acclaim, emerging as a darling of the press, Hollywood, and the larger fashion community. With the most modern of efforts, Alber Elbaz, the current design director, is drawing from the rich Lanvin
tradition to create an award-winning collection that at once evokes, reveres, and reinvents the intentions of its founder.![]()