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  • [正版][]Factory: Andy Warhol 安迪·沃霍尔的工作室 斯蒂芬肖尔拍摄作品集 波普艺术的摄影记录
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    • 作者: Stephen著
    • 出版社: 图书其它
    • 出版时间:2016年10月24日
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    • 作者: Stephen著
    • 出版社:图书其它
    • 出版时间:2016年10月24日
    • 页数:192
    • 开本:26.7
    • 装帧:精装
    • ISBN:9780836870802
    • 版权提供:图书其它


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    出版社: Phaidon Press Ltd (2016年10月24日)

    精装: 192页

    语种: 英语

    ISBN: 0714872741

    条形码: 9780714872742

    商品尺寸: 26.7 x 2.2 x 36.2 cm


    斯蒂芬肖尔17岁时开始在曼哈顿的工厂——安迪沃霍尔的传奇工作室闲逛。 在1965年到1967年之间,肖尔几乎每天都在那里拍摄各种各样的角色,从音乐家到演员,艺术家到作家,还包括Edie Sedgwick,Lou Reed和Nico - 更不用说沃霍尔了。 这本书提供了肖氏集合的个人精选照片,通过摄影爱好者中的一位摄影师的眼睛看到了这个非凡时刻和地点的内幕人士的视角。

    Warhol's Factory as seen through the lens of a young Shore, providing an insider view of this extraordinary moment and place

    Stephen Shore was 17 years old when he began hanging out at The Factory - Andy Warhol's legendary studio in Manhattan. Between 1965 and 1967, Shore spent nearly every day there, taking pictures of its diverse cast of characters, from musicians to actors, artists to writers, and including Edie Sedgwick, Lou Reed, and Nico - not to mention Warhol himself. This book presents a personal selection of photographs from Shore’s collection, providing an insider's view of this extraordinary moment and place, as seen through the eyes of one of photography's most beloved practitioners

    Stephen Shore is one of the most influential photographers working today. He was the first living photographer to have a solo exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, in 1971. Shore has been director of the photography program at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, since 1982.

    As featured in AmEx Centurion Magazine, Harper's Bazaar, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, W Magazine, WSJ. Magazine, and on ARTINFO, Artnet News, DazedDigital, and Juxtapoz "A rare look inside the legendary artist's studio in Manhattan." -Amuse-i-d.vice.com "An illuminating art historical journey about Warhol's process. The distinctive formal qualities of his Factory images... presage Shore's celebrated career." -WSJ Magazine's "Shore's important photos capture Warhol hard at work on his art." -Artnet News "An insider view of Andy Warhol's Factory, provided by a teenage Stephen Shore." -Edward Moore, Jocks & Nerds "Stephen Shore's intimate photographs unquestionably help us imagine what it must have been like." -Musee Magazine "Candid black and white photographs... As well as capturing the everyday life of one of the 21st century's most famous artists, the book features portraits of many of his notable visitors, from The Velvet Underground, Allen Ginsberg and Yoko Ono to Warhol's brightest star, the society model, actress and muse Edie Sedgwick." -Daily Telegraph, Saturday magazine "A ringside seat the king of pop art's star-studded New Studio... Reveals Warhol's unique way of working." -The Sunday Times magazine "Stephen Shore, who quietly documented theglittering figures of Andy Warhol's Factory between 1965 and 1967, has to go down in history as the least phased 17-year-old boy to have ever come into contact with extremely cool people... For any observer looking at these photos with fresh eyes, they are an essential record of both the world's most infamous artist's studio, and the birth of Shore's own ways of seeing through photography." -DazedDigital.com "Andy Warhol was an exciting innovator, dedicated to exploration and creation, and Stephen was just as driven in his art - poised to discover, as he puts it, new ways of photographic seeing... [Shore's] images in Factory: Andy Warhol, capture iconic artists at work, but they are also an insight into the developing eye of one of the world's greatest photographers." -i-D.vice.com "Over 50 years on, [Shore's] photographs still fascinate, offering an insight into one of the most compelling and important artistic moments of the 20th century... There are behind-the-scenes shots of art and films being created but perhaps some of the most appealing shots are the candid images, showing everyone just hanging out, always looking immensely cool." -CreativeReview.co.uk "A document for a period in time when Warhol's reputation was soaring and New York was moving to the beat of experimentalism, a time when filmmakers and musicians, and artists and their muses dominated New York's creative landscape. So much has been written of the Factory; but a picture is worth a thousand words." -We-Heart.com, James Davidson "Pictures of the legendary studio's diverse cast of characters, from Edie Sedgewick to Lou Reed and Warhol himself. This book provides an insider's view of this extraordinary moment and place." -New Design

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