- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- 出版时间:2021-1-7
- 版次:1
- 印次:1
- 页数:176
- 开本:24.5x18.5cm开
- 装帧:精装
- ISBN:9789365150078
- 版权提供:图书其它
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1958年,塞尔吉奥•拉瑞恩(Sergio Larrain)拍摄为烟雾缭绕、落魄不堪的伦敦拍摄了一组照片。这组作品之所以令人赞叹,因为它精彩地记录下了工业革命以来,一个已被人遗忘很久的英国社会。那种以煤炭为驱动、整日烟雾氤氲却不乏活力的城市面貌,又惊人地闪回在镜头下。这些照片让卡蒂亚•布列松(Henri Cartier-Bresson)注意到了Larrain,他立即邀请他加入马格南图片社。
Samuel Johnson famously said that: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” London’s remarkable history, architecture, landmarks, streets, style, cool, swagger, and stalwart residents are pictured in hundreds of compelling photographs sourced from a wide array of archives around the world. London is a vast sprawling metropolis, constantly evolving and growing, yet throughout its complex past and shifting present, the humor, unique character, and bulldog spirit of the people have stayed constant. This book salutes all those Londoners, their city, and its history. In addition to the wealth of images included in this book, many previously unpublished, London’s history is told through hundreds of quotations, lively essays, and references from key movies, books, and records.
From Victorian London to the Swinging ’60s; from the Battle of Britain to Punk; from the Festival of Britain to the 2012 Olympics; from the foggy cobbled streets to the architectural masterpieces of the millennium; from rough pubs to private drinking clubs; from royal weddings to raves, from the charm of the East End to the wonders of Westminster; from Chelsea girls to Hoxton hipsters; from the power to glory: in page after page of stunning photographs, reproduced big and bold like the city itself, London at last gets the photographic tribute it deserves.
在贝里斯·康纳利(Berris Connoly)的这个黑白色调系列作品中,艏都熟悉的街道显得十分神秘。康纳利的照片以其大气、电影般的质量吸引人,揭示了过去的小时刻,暗示着刚刚发生或者即将发生的故事。它们既有宁静,又有即将到来的骚乱,吸引我们进入城市景观,让40年前的伦敦既遥远又奇怪。