[正版]美国国家地理珍稀鸟类全书 英文原版 National Geographic Birds of the Photo
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书名:National Geographic Birds of the Photo Ark
作者:Joel Sartore;Noah Strycker
出版社名称:National Geographic
商品尺寸:22.6 x 2.4 x 22.4 cm
National Geographic Birds of the Photo Ark一书收录了300多种鸟类的彩色照片,包括小雀、老鹰、巨嘴鸟、极乐鸟、鹦鹉、蜂鸟、猫头鹰等各具特色的鸟类;辅之以简单的文字说明,颂扬了鸟儿的美丽,表达了对生命的喜爱和尊重。每一个关心、喜爱鸟类的人,都会被这本精装摄影集所吸引,在欣赏其动人外表的同时,唤起保护濒危动物、创建美好地球家园的意识。
1. 美国《国家地理》多年力作,世界著名摄影师捕捉美妙的瞬间;
2. 涵盖各种鸟类的知识,鸟类爱好者不可错过的艺术画册;
3. 全彩精装摄影集,感受震撼人心的画面,具有收藏价值。
For avian enthusiasts, from armchair observers to dedicated life-listers, this brilliant book from acclaimed National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore celebrates the beauty of all birds, great and small.
This elegantly packaged celebration of birds from around the world unites incredible animal portraits from Joel Sartore's distinguished National Geographic Photo Ark project with inspiring text by up-and-coming birder Noah Strycker. It includes hundreds of species, from tiny finches to charismatic eagles; brilliant toucans, intricate birds of paradise, and perennial favorites such as parrots, hummingbirds, and owls also make colorful appearances. Everyone who cares about birds--from the family with a bird feeder outside the kitchen window to the serious birder with a life list of thousands--will flock to this distinctive and uplifting book.
"…a unique collection of rare and beautiful birds in the world. More importantly, this book is packed with knowledge about birds. This beautifully manufactured book is one of the best coffee table books published in 2018. If you care about life on Earth, you can show your love and respect to life by adding this to your living area – on the shelf or on the coffee table. "--The Washington Book Review
"A collection of stunning images documenting more than 300 bird species."--My Modern Met
JOEL SARTORE is a photographer, author, and 25-year contributor to National Geographic magazine. Through his National Geographic Photo Ark project, he will photograph every species of animal under human care, an estimated 12,000. His "Fundamentals of Photography" is the best-selling course of all The Great Courses. Sartore often appears on national television, including an upcoming three-part PBS special, and he is a frequent guest on CBS Sunday Morning.
NOAH STRYCKER is a writer, photographer, and birding expert. In 2015 he set a world record by seeing 6,042 species of birds (more than half the birds on Earth) in a year. Author of The Thing With Feathers and Among Penguins, he is also associate editor of Birding magazine and writes often for Audubon and other publications. He lives near Eugene, Oregon.
2. First Impressions
3. In Flight
4. Food
5. Next Generation
6. Bird Brains
7. The Future