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  • [正版]Pete the Cat皮特猫13册全套 英文原版绘本 I Can Read系列分级读物 自然拼读分级阅读初阶m
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    • 作者: James著
    • 出版社: 哈珀柯林斯(Harper Collins US)
    • 出版时间:2013年2月26日
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    • 作者: James著
    • 出版社:哈珀柯林斯(Harper Collins US)
    • 出版时间:2013年2月26日
    • 页数:32
    • 开本:15.2
    • ISBN:9780062110695
    • 版权提供:哈珀柯林斯(Harper Collins US)


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    书名:Pete the Cat皮特猫13册
    难度:Lexile蓝思阅读指数AD290L- 490L
    James Dean
    商品尺寸:每本约15.2 x 0.3 x 22.9 cm
    页数:约32页/册x 13册

    Pete the Cat系列是美国很受欢迎的儿童情绪绘本系列,销量已超过950万册,始终稳居美国亚马逊畅销榜。主人公是一只深蓝色皮毛、黄色外套、红白相间、个性洒脱独特的小猫Pete,通过有趣的故事和多彩的插图,展示了这只小猫变得自信、乐观、勇敢的各种生动故事,让孩子学会接纳自己、直面困难、乐于分享!

    本套装共13本,为大名鼎鼎的“I Can Read”系列读本,语言难度严格控制,使用大量高频词汇。

    1.经典分级读物I Can Read明星系列,文字难度为My First水平,适合启蒙阶段的学习者;
    2.美国幼儿园及小学低年级小朋友读物,符合美国共同核心国家教育标准(Common Core States Standards);

    New York Timesbestselling author and artist James Dean brings readers along for a fun, surprising, snowy adventure withPete the Cat
    Pete the Catis My First I Can Read book. It is designed to excite and engage beginning readers. Reading aloud to a child is the first step to helping a kid become a great reader.

    Pete the Cat: Play Ball!
    Pete the Cat is ready to play baseball! Pete’s team, the Rocks, is playing the Rolls. But when the game doesn’t go Pete’s way, what will Pete do?

    Pete the Cat: Pete’s Big Lunch
    In this cool beginning reader, Pete uses creativity to create a delicious sandwich and then teaches readers about the joy of sharing with friends.Pete the Cat: Pete’s Big Lunch is a My First I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for shared reading with a child. 

    Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete
    When Pete gets a goldfish, Goldie, he decides to paint a picture of his new pet. Word spreads of Pete’s cool paintings, and soon everyone wants one. But Pete doesn’t have enough time to make one for everyone in town. With a little help from his mom, Pete finds the perfect solution so that everyone can enjoy a Goldie painting and Pete has time to finish his homework!

    Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana
    In this hilarious new title, Pete the Cat bites into a bad banana and decides that he never, ever wants to eat bananas again. But Pete really likes bananas! Will a rotten bite ruin Pete’s love for this tasty fruit? 

    Pete the Cat’s Train Trip 
    Pete can’t wait to visit Grandma, especially because he gets to take a train ride to see her! The conductor gives Pete a tour of the train, and Pete gets to see the engine and honk the horn. Pete even makes new friends and plays games on board. What a cool ride!

    Pete the Cat: Sir Pete the Brave
    This time Pete is a knight on an adventure to save a pal in Pete the Cat: Sir Pete the Brave.
    When Lady Callie, the most awesome harpist in all the land, goes missing, it’s up to Sir Pete to save her. But when he ends up trapped in a dragon’s lair, Lady Callie might have to do the saving.

    Pete the Cat: Snow Daze
    In Pete the Cat: Snow Daze, school is canceled, and Pete cannot wait to play in the snow with all his friends. Imagine a day filled with snowball fights, hot chocolate, snowcats, and more.
    But when the next day and the day after that are all snow days, Pete comes to a sudden realization—it is possible to have too many snow days.


    Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth

    Blast off into space with New York Times bestselling author and artists James Dean and everyone s favorite cat-stronaut, Pete the Cat, in Pete the Cat: Out of This World. Includes over 30 fun stickers!

    When Pete heads off to space camp, he gets to float in zero gravity, build rockets, and even goes on an extraordinary interstellar mission that is out of this world literally. Houston, ready to rock out with Pete the Cat!


    Pete the Cat and the Surprise Teacher

    When Pete goes to school, he finds out his teacher is out sick and the substitute teacher is . . . his mom! It’s up to Pete to teach the teacher what school is all about.

    Beginning readers will enjoy this story about Pete and his mom working together to make the most awesome teaching team ever!

    Pete the Cat and the Surprise Teacher is a My First I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for shared reading with a child.


    Pete the Cat and the Tip-Top Tree House

    In Pete the Cat and the Tip-Top Tree House, Pete invites all of his friends over to spend time in his tree house. When they climb up, they realize the tree house is not big enough to fit everyone! They all work together to build the coolest tree house ever.

    Pete the Cat and the Tip-Top Tree House is a My First I Can Read book, which means it’s perfect for shared reading with a child.


    Pete the Cat's Groovy Bake Sale

    The school's bake sale is a day away! Pete tries to make something yummy for his friends. But he seems to be only making a giant mess! Will Pete have something delicious in time for the bake sale?

    Beginning readers will love Pete's adventure in the kitchen in this My First I Can Read story, complete with original illustrations from the creator of Pete the Cat, James Dean. My First I Can Read books are perfect for shared reading with a child.


    Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach

    New York Times bestselling author and artist James Dean brings Pete the Cat fans some fun in the sun! 

    Pete the Cat is one groovy cat at finding shells and building sand castles at the beach. But when it gets too hot, there's only one way to cool off--jump into the ocean! Except Pete might be a scaredy-cat when it comes to the water. 

    Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach is a My First I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for shared reading with a child. 


    Pete the Cat: Scuba-Cat

    New York Times bestselling author and artist James Dean brings Pete the Cat's world to life under the sea in this new I Can Read book. 

    Pete the Cat is going scuba diving! Before he hits the water, Captain Joe tells him about all the sea creatures he can encounter, and Pete is super excited to see a seahorse. But when he is suited up and swimming around, he has to search high and low to find the little guy. In this aquatic adventure, Pete makes a new friend and gets a big surprise! 

    Pete the Cat: Scuba-Cat is a My First I Can Read Book, which means it's perfect for shared reading with a child. New readers will love the easy-to-read format and groovy illustrations in Pete the Cat's first I Can Read underwater journey! James Dean’s art has sold in more than ninety galleries and shops across the United States. He has devoted his paintings to Pete the Cat for fifteen years and has turned his natural love for cats into his life’s work. James published his first adult book, The Misadventures of Pete the Cat, a history of his artwork, in 2006. He illustrated his first self-published children’s book, Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, in 2008, and the follow-up book, Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes, in 2011. James lives in Savannah, Georgia, with his wife, four cats, and one dog. You can visit him online at www.petethecat.com.

    Pete the Cat: Play Ball!

    Pete the Cat: Pete's Big Lunch

    Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach

    Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete

    Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana

    Pete the Cat's Train Trip

    Pete the Cat: Scuba-Cat

    Pete the Cat: Sir Pete the Brave

    Pete the Cat: Snow Daze

    Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth 

    Pete the Cat and the Surprise Teacher

    Pete the Cat and the Tip-Top Tree House 

    Pete the Cat's Groovy Bake Sale

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