[正版]飞速提高你的阅读速度英文原版工具书Triple Your Reading Speed三倍速英语阅读搭word p
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书名:Triple Your Reading Speed 飞速提高你的阅读速度/三倍速英语阅读
作者:Wade E. Cutler
出版社名称:Pocket Books
商品尺寸:10.5x2.9 x 17.1 cm
如果你的阅读速度慢,但又对阅读很感兴趣,Triple Your Reading Speed很值得你花时间读一读。本书帮助读者:克服阅读障碍,扩大阅读视野,增加阅读训练,创新阅读技巧,更新阅读观念,提高阅读能力。书中的“一行两停法”不仅适用于英语阅读,也适用于中文阅读。本书尤其适合需要提高英语阅读速度的学生,以及参加四六级、英语专业四级八级、托福、雅思、SAT、GRE、GMAT等考试的学生。
This fourth edition ofTriple Your Reading Speed does just that — with self-quizzes and tests that make it fun and simple to acquire the skills that will give you an edge in school and on the job. The renowned Acceleread Method helps you to break old habits that may be slowing you down, and develop strategies for increased comprehension in less time, with
·eye exercises to control and expand vision
·drills for practicing pacing and block reading
·strategies for mastering the “two-stop” reading method... and more!
Boost your reading power today withTriple Your Reading Speed.
Triple Your Reading Speed《三倍速英语阅读》介绍了阅读的技巧和方法,如何学会慢速阅读,快速阅读的好处,出声读和默读。同时收录了多篇文章供练习。使用《三倍速英语阅读》,你将得到:克服阅读障碍的指导与训练,提高速度和扩大视野的眼睛训练;语块阅读和定时阅读训练,创新阅读技巧“一行两停法”训练;阅读训练和能力测验,提高考试分数的实用建议。
Triple Your Reading Speed is a complete how-to course; everything you require to learn and succeed is here, but you will need to do the work necessary to assure that the techniques work for you. In this newly revised fourth edition, numerous improvements and additions have been incorporated—including additional book-length assignments with tests to measure your reading speed and comprehension. Also included are additional explanations and new easy-to-do-anywhere exercises to help you become a faster and more effective reader in the shortest time possible.
Wait! Before You Start to Read
PARTⅠ: Learn About Reading and Yourself
You can Read Much Faster
Measure Present Reading Rate/Comprehension
Inventory Selection 1
How to Figure Rate
Inventory Comprehension Test 1
Inventory Selection 2
Inventory Comprehension Test 2
Inventory Results: Where You Are, Where You Are Going
How You Learned to Read Slowly
Reading Speed—The Eyes Determine It
Eyes Are Living Cameras
Which Reader-photographer Are You?
Check Your Visual“Bite”
The Rewards of Accelerated Reading
Improved Reading Comprehension
Reduced Fatigue
PARTⅡ: Identify and Overcome Your Blocks to Better Reading
Block 1—Failure to Preview
How to Preview a Non-Fiction Book
How to Preview a Book of Fiction
How to Preview a Chapter
How to Preview Reports
How to Preview Letters (and Memos)
How to Preview Magazine Articles
Block 2—Wasted Eye Movement
Minimizing Visual Regressions
Minimizing Visual Progressions
Minimizing Visual Distractions
Block 3—Poor Vision Span
Block 4—Vocalization and Sub-Vocalization
Block 5—Miscellaneous Weaknesses
Slow Page Turning
PARTⅢ: Become An Accelerated Reader
Develop Eye Control and Expand Vision
Drill A
Drill B
Drill C
Drill D
Drill E
Practical Application
Wider and Deeper
Drill F
Drill G
Drill H
Drill I
Drill J
Learn Pacing and Block Reading
Drill K
Drill L
Drill M
Master the Two-Stop Method
Drill N
“For Real” Practice
The Web of Life, by John H. Storer (Chapter 9)
Comprehension Test
“Go for More” Practice
“The Cask of Amontillado,” by Edger Allan Poe
Comprehension Test
Short History of the Civil War, by Bruce Catton (Chapter 1)
Comprehension Test
Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson (Chapter 2)
Comprehension Test
The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells (Chapter 5)
Comprehension Test
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson (Excerpt)
Comprehension Test
Money Signs, by Elbert Wade (Chapter 1)
Comprehension Test
PARTⅣ: Develop Your Skills Further
How to Estimate the Number of Words
Set Rate; Get Total Reading Time
Quarter and Mark
Determine Pace
“Condition” Yourself
Begin Accelereading
Book-Length Assignments
Animal Farm, by George Orwell
Comprehension Test
The Pearl, by John Steinbeck
Comprehension Test
The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
Comprehension Test
The Light in the Forest, by Conrad Richter
Comprehension Test
The Turn of the Screw, by Henry James
Comprehension Test
A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne
Comprehension Test
Mutiny onthe Bounty, by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall
Comprehension Test
Test Answers
Appendix 1—Techniques of Better Study
A definite Time
A Definite Place
Study Props
Duration of Study
Appendix 2—Better Test Scores
Prepare Mentally and Psychologically
True-False Tests
Multiple-Choice Tests
Essay-Type Tests
Appendix 3—Why This Method Works
Appendix 4—How to Prepare a“Time-Tape”
WADE E. CUTLER developed theCutler Accleread Method, which has been successfully taught in a classroom setting to thousands of students and professionals.
From the mid-sixties to the early seventies, the Cutler Acceleread Method was taught successfully in classrooms to over 10,000 persons — both students and adults — primarily in the Southwest.
In-residence classes conducted for relatively small study groups developed dramatic improvements in individual reading rates and comprehension scores. Accelerated Education Schools, the name under which the Acceleread Course was marketed exclusively, operated for the most part in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
The schools guaranteed that all graduates of the program would be able to read 1,000 words-per-minute or three times the pre-course tested rate (whichever was greater), with improved comprehension. Records prove the average rate increase for graduates of the closely supervised, individualized course ranged from seven to twelve times — depending upon the individual student's basic ability, the type of material being read, the purpose for which it was read, and other factors.
Comprehension, as measured by objective tests, typically improved an average of 13 percent. However, overall understanding of what was read improved markedly — usually far more than that which could be measured solely by objective testing. An integral part of the outstanding success of this reading method was the intensive, specialized training and practice in developing previewing techniques, better study habits, and improved test-taking skills.
This book course contains all the necessary theory, explanations, drills, study, and practice exercises to enable a motivated, “average” reader to at least triple his or her present reading rate, and improve overall comprehension — if the program outlined here is closely followed.
This is a tested and proven method; it is in no way experimental. You can put the techniques that are described here to valuable use by applying them to improve your personal/business success and educational prowess. Remember: reading is the basis of all education.