[正版]正版 平面国一个多维的传奇故事 英文原版科幻小说 Flatland A Romance of Many Dime
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书名:Flatland A Romance of Many Dimensions 平面国:一个多维的传奇故事
作者:Edwin A. Abbott
出版社名称:Signet Classics
商品尺寸:10.6 x 1.2 x 17.1 cm
页数:176 (以实物为准)
Flatland A Romance of Many Dimensions《平面国:一个多维的传奇故事》是一本虚幻小说,书中的主人公是一个正方形,生活在二维空间里。全书分为两部分。一部分描述平面国的社会状况:统治阶层与被统治阶层之间的予盾和斗争,妇女的卑微地位和苦况。二部分通过主人公正方形与三维世界来客——圆球——的邂逅,述说正方形如何认识立体物体和三维空间。读者从中可以初步了解更高维空间的知识。
本书为Signet Classics推出的英文原版,由Valerie Smith写导言,John Allen Paulos写后记,内容完整无删减,书本轻巧便携。
With wry humor and penetrating satire, Flatlandtakes us on a mind-expanding journey into a different world to give us a new vision of our own. A. Square, the slightly befuddled narrator, is born into a place limited to two dimensions—irrevocably flat—and peopled by a hierarchy of geometrical forms. In a Gulliver-like tour of his bizarre homeland, A. Square spins a fascinating tale of domestic drama and political turmoil, from sex among consenting triangles to the intentional subjugation of Flatland’s females. He tells of visits to Lineland, the world of one dimension, and Pointland, the world of no dimension. But when A. Square dares to speak openly of a third, or even a fourth, dimension, his tragic fate climaxes a brilliant parody of Victorian society. An underground favorite since its publication in England in1884, Flatland is as prophetic a science fiction classic as the works of H. G. Wells, introducing aspects of relativity and hyperspace years before Einstein’s famous theories. And it does so with wonderful, enduring enchantment.
With an Introduction by Valerie Smith and a New Afterword by John Allen Paulos.
艾勃特(1838~1926),出生于英国伦敦,中学就读于著名的伦敦城市学校(City of London Sch001),其后获取奖学金进入剑桥大学,修读古典文学与宗教学,曾获古典文学优越成绩的奖章,宗教学考试也名列前茅。同时,他的数学成绩也很好,虽然他在剑桥并没有修读数学,却在著名的剑桥数学考试中排名前列。Abbott大学毕业后便到中学任教,几年后被封为教会的牧师。1865年,他回到中学母校当上校长,是少有的年轻校长,时年只有27岁。1889年,他因为反对校董会削弱古典文学的教学而辞职。Abbott一生的著作有五十多种,除了《平面国》外,也有关于宗教、英语文法、语言、古典文学、人物传记等方面的著作。作者在世时《平面国》这本书不大有人理会,但百多年后的今天,他的其他著作已经很少被提及,倒是《平面国》却成了他的传世之作。
Edwin A. Abbott (1838–1926), a Victorian of great intellect and wit, enjoyed success not only as a writer, but as a scholar, educator, and theologian. Educated at St. John’s College, Cambridge, he was Headmaster of the City of London School from 1865 to 1889. During that time, his progressive belief in the importance of the study of English for every student, even before traditional classic curriculum, led him to write A Shakespearian Grammar (1870) “to help solve most of the difficulties that will present themselves to boys.” It ran to three editions within its first year of publication alone and continues to be a touchstone for Shakespearean scholars. In 1884, he wrote Flatland. First considered by many as merely “a pleasant tonic, and an excellent stimulant for boys,” it was later recognized as a magnificent work of science fiction, as prophetic as those of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells. Retiring to a scholarly life in 1889, he produced numerous other works, including Silanus the Christian (1907), Apologia: An Explanation and Defense (1907), Message of the Son of Man (1909), and Light on the Gospel from an Ancient Poet (Odes of Solomon) (1913).
Valerie M. Smith earned her PhD from the University of Connecticut. An associate professor of English at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, she is currently at work on a manuscript entitled Crossroads: Cultural Autobiography and Imperial Discourse.
John Allen Paulos is a Professor of Mathematics at Temple University and the bestselling author of eight books including Innumeracy, A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper, and Once upon a Number. He has been a columnist for ABCNews.com, Scientific American, and the Guardian, as well as the author of numerous reviews, articles, and op-ed pieces for a variety of publications. Among his many honors are the American Association for the Advancement of Science Award for Promoting Public Understanding of Science and the 2013 Mathematics Communication Award from the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics.
As with you, so also with us, there are four points of the compass North, South, East and West.
There being no sun nor other heavenly bodies, it is impossible for us to demine the North in the usual way but we leave a method of our own, By a Law of Nature with us, there is a constant attraction to the South;and although in temperate climates this is very slight—so that even a woman in reasonable health can journey several forms northward without midi difficulty—yet the hampering effect of the southward attraction is quite sufficient to serve as a compass in next parts of our each Moreover the ram (which falls at stated intervals) coming always from the North, is an additional once and in the towns we have the guidance of the houses. inch of course have their side-walk running for the most pan North and South, so data the roofs may kick off the ram from the North In the county, where there are no houses the makers of the trees serve as some sort of guide.