[正版]精装 Hooked 英文原版 上瘾 让用户养成使用习惯的四大产品逻辑 上瘾模型 互联网产品交互设计 英文版进口科
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为保障消费者合理购买需求及公平交易机会,避免因非生活消费目的的购买货囤积商品,抬价转售等违法行为发生,店铺有权对异常订单不发货且不进行赔付。异常订单:包括但不限于相同用户ID批量下单,同一用户(指不同用户ID,存在相同/临近/虚构收货地址,或相同联系号码,收件人,同账户付款人等情形的)批量下单(一次性大于5本),以及其他非消费目的的交易订单。 温馨提示:请务必当着快递员面开箱验货,如发现破损,请立即拍照拒收,如验货有问题请及时联系在线客服处理,(如开箱验货时发现破损,所产生运费由我司承担,一经签收即为货物完好,如果您未开箱验货,一切损失就需要由买家承担,所以请买家一定要仔细验货), 关于退货运费:对于下单后且物流已发货货品在途的状态下,原则上均不接受退货申请,如顾客原因退货需要承担来回运费,如因产品质量问题(非破损问题)可在签收后,联系在线客服。
作者:Nir Eyal
出版社名称:Portfolio Penguin
商品尺寸:13.8 x 2.6 x 20.4 cm
硅谷每个人都在谈论Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products《上瘾:让用户养成使用习惯的四大产品逻辑》这本书,互联网创业者、产品经理、广告创意人也都在看!掌握了“上瘾模型”,就掌握了互联网产品交互设计的关键!
硅谷每一个人都在谈论这本书!——博里斯·范赞腾,科技博客网The Next Web创始人
——戴维·麦克卢尔,硅谷孵化器500 Startups创始人
In Hooked, Nir Eyal reveals how successful companies create products people can't put down - and how you can too
Winner of best Marketing book in 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards 2014
Why do some products capture our attention while others flop? What makes us engage with certain things out of sheer habit? Is there an underlying pattern to how technologies hook us?
Nir Eyal answers these questions (and many more) with the Hook Model - a four-step process that, when embedded into products, subtly encourages customer behaviour. Through consecutive "hook cycles," these products bring people back again and again without depending on costly advertising or aggressive messaging.
Hooked is based on Eyal's years of research, consulting, and practical experience. He wrote the book he wished had been available to him as a start-up founder - not abstract theory, but a how-to guide for building better products. Hooked is written for product managers, designers, marketers, start-up founders, and anyone who seeks to understand how products influence our behaviour.
Eyal provides readers with practical insights to create user habits that stick; actionable steps for building products people love; and riveting examples from the iPhone to Twitter, Pinterest and the Bible App.
A must-read for everyone who cares about driving customer engagement
(Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup)
The most high bandwidth, high octane, and valuable presentation I have ever seen on this subject (Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather)
The book everyone in Silicon Valley is talking about (Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten, founder of The Next Web)
Hooked gives you the blueprint for the next generation of products. Read Hooked or the company that replaces you will(Matt Mullenweg, Founder of Wordpress)
You'll read this. Then you'll hope your competition isn't reading this. It's that good.
(Stephen P. Anderson, Author of 'Seductive Interaction Design')
Nir's work is an essential crib sheet for any startup looking to understand user psychology.
(Dave McClure, Founder 500 Startups)
When it comes to driving engagement and building habits, Hooked is an excellent guide into the mind of the user. (Andrew Chen, Technology Writer and Investor)
I've learned a great deal from Nir, and you will too. He'll help you design habits to benefit your users, and your company.(Dr Stephen Wendel, author of 'Designing for Behaviour Change')
If you're serious about designing seductive products that sell, Hooked is the only psychological toolkit you'll need(Nathalie Nahai, Web Psychologist and best-selling author of Webs Of Influence: The Psychology Of Online Persuasion (Pearson))
Draws on behavioural economics and neuroscience to examine why some products, games and television shows become habits, while others sink. This is useful knowledge for entrepreneurs, marketers and designers ... crucial to generating followers, viewers, consumers and revenues. It is also of wider significance(Financial Times Business Education)
《上瘾》揭示了很多让用户形成使用习惯,甚至“上瘾”的互联网产品服务背后的基本设计原理,告诉你怎样打造一款让用户欲罢不能的产品。作者根据自己多年的研究、咨询及实际经验,提出了新颖而实用的“上瘾模型”(Hook Model),即通过四个方面来养成用户的使用习惯。通过连续的“上瘾循环”,让用户成为“回头客”,进而实现循环消费的目标,而不是依赖高昂的广告投入或泛滥粗暴的信息传播。
尼尔·埃亚尔(Nir Eyal),曾在斯坦福大学商学院与Hasso Plattner研究所任教,并有多篇技术、心理学及商业文章在《哈佛商业评论》、《大西洋月刊》、TechCrunch网站和《今日心理学》等媒体上发表。
Nir Eyal spent years in the video gaming and advertising industries where he learned, applied, and at times rejected, techniques described in Hooked to motivate and influence users. He has taught courses on applied consumer psychology at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and at Fortune 500 companies. His writing on technology, psychology, and business appears in the Harvard Business Review, The Atlantic, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today.
When I run, I zone out. I don’t think about what my body is doing and my mind usually wanders elsewhere. I find it relaxing and refreshing, and run about three mornings each week. Recently, I needed to take an overseas client call during my usual morning run time. “No biggie,” I thought. “I can run in the evening instead.” However, the time shift create some peculiar behaviors that night.
I left the house for my run at dusk and as I was about to pass a woman taking out her trash, she made eye contact and smiled. I politely saluted her with Good morning!” and then caught my mistake: “I mean, good evening! Sorry!” I corrected myself, realizing I was about ten hours off. She furrowed tier brow and cracked a nervous smile.
Slightly embarrassed, I noted how my mind had been oblivious to the time of day. I chided myself not to do it again, but within a few minutes I passed another runner and again—as if possessed—I blurted out, “Good morning!” What was going on?
Back home, during my normal post-run shower, my mind began to wander again as it often does when I bathe.
My brain’s autopilot switch turned on and I proceeded with my daily routine, unaware of my actions.
It wasn’t until I felt the nick of the razor cutting my face that I realized I had lathered up and stat-ted shaving. Although it is something I do every morning, shaving was painfully unnecessary in the evening. And yet I’d clone it anyway, unknowingly.
The evening version of my morning run had triggered a behavioral script that instructed my body to carry out my usual run—related activities—all without mindful awareness. Such is the nature of ingrained habits—behaviors done with little or no conscious thought—which, by some estimates, guide nearly half of our daily actions.