- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- 出版时间:Sept.
- 页数:352
- ISBN:9780492046136
- 版权提供:图书其它
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书名:Alma Classics: Tales of Horror爱伦坡恐怖故事集
作者:Edgar Allan Poe
出版社名称:Alma Classics
商品尺寸:13.4 x 2.1 x 20.2cm
A murderer is forced to reveal his crime by the sound of a beating heart, a mysterious figure wreaks havoc among a party of noblemen during the time of the plague, a grieving lover awakens to find himself clutching a box of his beloved blood-stained teeth, a man is obsessed with the fear of being buried alive – these are only some of the memorable characters and stories included in this volume, which exemplify Poe's inventiveness and natural talent as a storyteller.
Immensely popular both during and after his lifetime, and a powerful influence on generations of writers and film-makers to this day, Edgar Allan Poe is still counted among the greatest short-story writers of all time and seen as one of the initiators of the detective, horror and science-fiction genres.
埃德加•爱伦坡(Edgar Allan Poe,1809-1849),美国诗人、小说家、批评家。在西方被奉为侦探小说和心理小说的鼻祖,对唯美主义文艺思潮有一定的影响。著有《写作的哲学》《诗歌原理》及诗集《帖木尔》,在短篇小说创作方面成就巨大,是首个自觉地把短篇小说作为一种独立的文学体裁并提出短篇小说创作理论的作家。爱伦坡一生共写了七十篇短篇小说,收在《述异集》里。
Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1949) received a good education, first in England, then in a private school at Richmond, and later spent a year at the University of Virginia before he ran away to enlist in the army. Between 1827 and 1831, he published three volumes of poetry: Tamerlane (1827), Al Aaraaf (1829), and Poems (1831). From 1831 to 1835, he lived in Baltimore, where he began a lifelong struggle with poverty, disappointments in love, and addiction to alcohol. This last defect made it impossible for him to retain the editorial positions he later secured on magazines in Richmond, Philadelphia, and New York, despite the fact that the tales and book reviews he contributed greatly increased circulation. In May 1836, he married Virginia Clemm, a child of thirteen and the daughter of a paternal aunt. In April 1844, he moved his family to New York, and in January of the following year his literary fortunes turned when his poem“The Raven”appeared in the New York Evening News. Overnight, he became the most talked-about man of letters in America. Early in 1847 his wife died, and the year 1848 saw the end of two unhappy love affairs. He died on October 7, 1849.