- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- 出版时间:2010
- 页数:以实物为准
- ISBN:9780877798569
- 版权提供:图书其它
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书名:Merriam-Webster's Essential Learner's English Dictionary韦氏基础词典
作者:Merriam Webster
出版社名称:Merriam Webster
商品尺寸:10.8 x 5.7 x 17.8 cm
A dictionary designed to help students learn spoken and written English with 54, 000 words and phrases. Coverage of both U. S. and British English and their differences. Includes 15, 000 idioms, collocations, and commonly used phrases from American and British English. Clarifies definitions using 74, 000 example sentences and phrases. Usage guidance through extensive labeling (old fashioned, technical, informal, humorous, etc); glosses (restatements to explain example phrases); count and non-count labeling; usage notes; and usage paragraphs and a table of irregular verbs.
Merriam-Webster, Incorporated是美国有名的辞书出版机构。该公司被认为是美国词典编辑家诺亚•韦伯斯特的词典编撰事业继承者,而提到词典时常常使用的“韦氏”也就是出自诺亚•韦伯斯特的姓氏。该公司出版的“韦氏词典”包括有名的《韦氏第三版新国际英语大辞典》(美国英语辞书,相当于我们的《辞海》或《辞源》),以及《韦氏大学英语词典》。
Merriam-Webster, originally known as the G. & C. Merriam Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, is a United States company that publishes reference books, especially dictionaries that are descendants of Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language.
The company's two best known dictionaries are: Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, the most complete current non-specialist American dictionary of English; Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, the largest and most popular college dictionary.