- 商品参数
- 作者:
- 出版社:图书其它
- ISBN:9783371945872
- 版权提供:图书其它
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书名:Five Little Ducks (Board book) 五只小鸭子纸板书
作者:Raffi Cavoukian; Jose Aruego; Ariane Dewey
出版社名称:Knopf Books for Young Readers
商品尺寸:13.4 x 1.8 x 17.1 cm
This board book featuring a counting song by Raffi makes the perfect “addition” to your springtime reading list!
Babies and toddlers willl love counting down as first five little ducks, then four, then three, then two, then one go out to play, not to return. Sadly, Mother Duck waits alone through all four seasons until spring returns and with it her five ducks, all grown up-along with their new families of baby ducks. With sweet illustrations by veteran children's book artists Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey, this lovely counting song will invoke squeals of delight.
Raffi Cavoukian was born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1948 to Armenian parents. Music and literature were very much a part of Raffi’s own childhood, leading to his interest in learning the guitar as a teenager. In 1970 he began his career as a performer in local music spots and later transitioned to performing music for children. As his career progressed, Raffi realized there wasn’t quality recorded music for children. He then recorded and released Singable Songs for the Very Young. After its success, he recognized his fun songs could be adapted into books to help children read. Favorite songs were then printed in booklets, which were illustrated by the children themselves or by older students—as a result, the children had instant books that they could use at their own level of proficiency. This led to the publication of Down by the Bay and Shake My Sillies Out, followed by other titles in the Songs to Read series. In 1998, Raffi published his first book for adults—an autobiography detailing the story of his unique life and career, including his efforts to blend respect for both children and the natural world, in order to work toward a child-honoring society.
Jose Aruego was a lawyer before becoming a children’s book illustrator. . A native of the Philippines, he moved to New York City in 1956 to study at Parsons School of Design. His cartoons were published in the New Yorker and the Saturday Evening Post, and his illustrations can be seen in Five Little Ducks by Raffi, as well as in the 82 children's books he wrote himself. He died in 2012.
Ariane Dewey, with her illustrating partner Jose Aruego, has illustrated over 60 children’s books. Originally from Chicago, she now lives in New York City. Her art can be seen in Five Little Ducks by Raffi.