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  • 音像语言的共与个:第八届生成语法国际会议集高明乐等
  • 正版
    • 作者: 高明乐等著 | 高明乐等编 | 高明乐等译 | 高明乐等绘
    • 出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
    • 出版时间:2011-12-01
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  • 商品参数
    • 作者: 高明乐等著| 高明乐等编| 高明乐等译| 高明乐等绘
    • 出版社:北京语言大学出版社
    • 出版时间:2011-12-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • ISBN:9787561930656
    • 版权提供:北京语言大学出版社
    • 作者:高明乐等
    • 著:高明乐等
    • 装帧:暂无
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:68.00
    • ISBN:9787561930656
    • 出版社:北京语言大学出版社
    • 开本:暂无
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2011-12-01
    • 页数:暂无
    • 外部编号:1200161534
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    Key-note Speaker
    Poverty of Stimulus: Unfinished Business
    Invited Speakers
    Polarity and Intervention as Interface Phenomena
    On Two Types of Movements
    The Linguistic Constellations: Relating Acquisition Phenomena with Parameter Setting
    Tinkering Sound to Produce Meaning: Merge and Label from a More Biolinguistic Perspective
    The Cartography of Syntactic Structures:Criteria, Freezing and Interface Effects
    EPP as a Topic Feature: Evidence from Chinese Applicatives, Modals, and Reflexive Adverbials
    Other Speakers
    Toward a Universal Typology of Yes-rio estions:Implications from Child Japanese
    Japanese Relative Clauses: Larger than TP
    There-Insertion and the Unaccusativity Hypothesis
    Person Cheecking, in Nominative and Ergative Languages
    On the Curious Nature of the Genitive Case in Korean
    OCP Effects in Telugu
    Overt Feature Movement
    Relatives, Relative to Children and Adults――Comparative Evidence with Main Focus on Italian
    Reconciling Formalism and Functionalism: A Minimalist Perspective
    Men and Their Apples: Count Plural and Cardinal Plural in Arabic
    Relabeling Heads: Explaining Different Relativization Strategies
    Nominalization and Relativizati6n Strategies: The Case of Mandarin DE
    A Syntactic View of Head Movement:A Cartographic Approach to Adverbial Clauses
    Alternatives as Sources of Semantic Dependency
    Syntactic Derivation of Chinese Resultative Compound
    Unifying Double AgreemenndPssessor Agreement
    The Syntax of Commas: An Analysis of Two Types of Parentheticals
    Referential CPs and DPs: An Operator Movement Account
    The View from CP: Force and Person-Feature Agreement
    Insignificance Is Significant:Acquisition of Polarity Items in Mandarin Chinese
    Classifiers and Nominal Structure: A Parametric Approach and Its Consequences
    Thai ntifier Float as ntifier Raising
    An Overt Determiner and Complementizer in a Classifier Language
    Morphological Case Is Structural:The Case of Hindi Accusative -Ko
    Phases, Cyclicity and Feature Percolation
    Pair-Readings of Comparatives with ntifiers
    Asymmetries in Two Types of Small Clauses in English
    Restrictive Agreement
    Independence between Movement and Reconstruction:Evidence from Wh-Constructions in Emirati Arabic
    Chinese VP Ellipsis and Binding Principles B&C―― iew from Single Cycle Model
    Case and Objects
    The Semantics of Chinese Wh-Phrases in Their Non-Interrogative Uses
    Phases and DPs
    On Adjectives in Mandarin Chinese
    Deep Genitive in Modern Inner Mongolian
    The Distribution of for in English Infinitives:Case vs. Cartography
    Lexicalizing Structure Crosscategorially:Shupamem Spatial PS
    Prosodic Licensing and Tone Sandhi in Contour Tone Languages
    TheTypology of Movement as an Epiphenomenon
    Prosodic Well-formedness in Bangla Disyllables
    P-Stranding under Sluicing in Indonesian,Repair by Ellipsis and the Organization of Grammar
    Childrens Grammatical Conservatism: New Evidence
    Monstrous Agreement and Anaphora
    Adding Syntactic Heads to the Left Edge of Relative Clauses Does Not Necessarily Mean Processing Difficulty--Evidence from Mandarin Chinese
    A Study of Referential Nominal Phrases: GP, P and DP
    The Possessive Equative Sentence in Mandarin:Its Relation to Possession and Existence
    Licensing Null Subjects
    Predicting Language Change
    CP andthe Left Periphery in Earl Cil Mandarin Chinese: The Case of Sentence Final Particles
    The Acquisition of Disjunction and Conditional in Child Mandarin
    Negation and Negative Indefinites in Deontic Modal Constructions
    Patterns of Tone Sandhi Productivity in Tianiin Chinese
    Childrens Use of Prosodic Information in Ambiguity Resolution




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