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  • 音像大数据分析基础 概念、技术、方法和商务李刚民
  • 正版
    • 作者: 李刚民著 | 李刚民编 | 李刚民译 | 李刚民绘
    • 出版社: 科学出版社
    • 出版时间:2018-11-01
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  • 商品参数
    • 作者: 李刚民著| 李刚民编| 李刚民译| 李刚民绘
    • 出版社:科学出版社
    • 出版时间:2018-11-01
    • 版次:1
    • 字数:320000
    • 页数:614
    • 开本:其他
    • ISBN:9787030581488
    • 版权提供:科学出版社
    • 作者:李刚民
    • 著:李刚民
    • 装帧:平装
    • 印次:暂无
    • 定价:219.00
    • ISBN:9787030581488
    • 出版社:科学出版社
    • 开本:其他
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2018-11-01
    • 页数:614
    • 外部编号:1201761440
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    Part One Basics and Concepts
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 What Is Big Data Analytics?
    1.1.1 Big Data Analytics Requires Data-Driven Business Culture
    1.1.2 Big Data Analytics Requires High-Performance Analyses
    1.2 Why Big Data Analytics?
    1.2.1 History and Evolution of Big Data Analytics
    1.2.2 The Drivers of Big Data Analytics
    1.. Why Is Big Data Analytics Important?
    1.2.4 The Challenges of Big Data Analytics
    1.2.5 How Big Data Analytics Is Used Today?
    1.3 Big Data Analytics Applications
    1.3.1 Industries Where Big Data Analytics Are Successful
    1.3.2 Four Powerful Big Data Analytics Application Examples
    1.4 The Big Data Analytics Market
    1.5 Big Data Analytics Future Trends
    1.5.1 Predictive Analytics Will Dominate
    1.5.2 Refocusing on the Human Decision-Making
    1.5.3 Market Segmentation in Data Analysis Platforms
    1.5.4 Open Source Software Tools
    1.5.5 Plug-in AI Technologies
    1.6 The Contents of Big Data Analytics
    1.7 References
    1.8 Review estions and Exercises
    Chapter 2 Data and Big Data
    2.1 Data as a Basic Entity in the DIKW Framework
    2.1.1 DIKW Framework
    2.1.2 Data Object,Data Attribute and Data Set
    2.1.3 Data Attribute Types
    2.2 Big Data
    2.2.1 Big Data Definition
    2.2.2 Big Data Types
    . lity of Data and Big Data
    ..1 Definition of Data lity
    ..2 Data Measurement and Data Collection
    .. Errors in MeasuremenndCllection
    ..4 Data Accuracy
    2.4 Basic Measurement of Dataset
    2.5 Summary
    2.6 References
    2.7 Review estions
    Chapter 3 Big Data Analytics Process
    3.1 The Process of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
    3.1.1 CRIS-M ramework
    3.1.2 KDD Process
    3.2 Process of Big Data Analytics
    3.2.1 Acquisition
    3.2.2 Understanding
    3.. Preprocess
    3.2.4 Analysis
    3.2.5 Reporting
    3.2.6 Action
    3.3 Data Preprocess
    3.3.1 Data Cleaning
    3.3.2 Data Integration
    3.3.3 Data Reduction
    3.3.4 Data Transformation
    3.4 Big Data Analysis
    3.4.1 Analysis
    3.4.2 Types of Big Data Analysis
    3.4.3 Descriptive Analysis
    3.4.4 Explorative Analysis
    3.4.5 Predictive Data Analysis
    3.5 Summary
    3.6 References
    3.7 estions and Exercises
    Part Two Technologies and Tools
    Chapter 4 Supporting Infrastructure
    4.1 Cloud Computing
    4.1.1 Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing
    4.1.2 Services Provided by Cloud Computing
    4.2 Distributed Computing
    4.2.1 Characteristics of Distributed Systems
    4.2.2 Distributed Systems Coition
    4.. Distributed State
    Chapter 5 Hadoop and MapReduce
    Chapter 6 Apache Spark
    Chapter 7 NoSL and MongoDB
    Part Three Methods and Algorithms
    Chapter 8 Data Preparation
    Chapter 9 Descriptive Data Analysis
    Chapter 10 Explorative Data Analysis
    Chapter 11 Predictive Data Analysis
    Part Four So,Ethical and Organisational Issues
    Chapter 12 Ethics,Governance and Security of Big Data
    Chapter 13 Building Data-Driven Business Organisations

    Dr.Gangmin Li is a Senior Researcher in the Research Institute of Big Data Analytics (RBA) and an Associated Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineer at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.He has over 35 years of research and teaching experience in 4 British Universities and 2 Chinese Universities. His research interests include Knowledge Engineering (KE), Distributed Artifi Intelligence (DAI), Distributed Systems, Grid and Clouds Computing and Big Data Analytics.He has over 100 publications and wide industrial connections and research collaborations.




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