正版新书]画法几何与土木建筑制图谢美芝 王晓燕 陈倩华97871116
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第1章 制图的基本知识与技能(Basic Knowledge and Skills of Drafting)
1.1 国家制图标准的有关规定(Relevant Regulations of National Drawing Standards)
1.2 常用手工绘图工具及用法(Commonly Used Manual Drawing Tools and the Usage)
1.3 几何作图(Geometric Drawing)
第2章 投影的基本知识(Basic Knowledge of Projections)
2.1 投影的概念(Conception of Projection)
2.2 正投影的特性(Characteristics of Orthographic Projection)
2.3 三面投影(Threeplane Projection)
第3章 点、直线的投影及两直线的相对位置(Projections of Points and Straight Lines, Relative Position of Two Straight Lines)
3.1 点的投影(Projection of Points)
3.2 直线的投影(Projection of Straight Lines)
第4章 平面的投影(Projection of Plane)
4.1 平面的表示(Representation of Plane)
4.2 各种位置平面的投影特性(Projection Characteristic of Various Position Planes)
4.3 平面内的点和直线(Points and Straight Lines in the Plane)
第5章 直线与平面、平面与平面的相对位置(Relative Positions Between a Straight Line and a Plane and Between Planes)
5.1 直线与平面、平面与平面的平行(Straight Line Parallel to Plane,Plane Parallel to Plane)
5.2 直线与平面、平面与平面的相交(Intersection of Straight Line and Plane, Plane and Plane)
5.3 直线与平面、平面与平面垂直(Perpendicularity of Straight Line and Plane, Plane and Plane)
第6章 投影变换(Projection Transformation)
6.1 概述(Introduction)
6.2 换面法(Conversion Surface Method)
6.3 旋转法(Rotation Method)
第7章 立体(Solid)
7.1 立体表面上取点和线(Points and Lines on Surface of Solid)
7.2 立体的截交线(Lines of Section)
第8章 两立体表面的交线(Intersecting Lines of two Solid Surfaces)
8.1 两平面立体相贯(Intersection of two Planar Solids)
8.2 平面立体与曲面立体相贯(Intersection of a Plane Solid with a Curved Solid)
8.3 两曲面立体相贯(Intersection of two Curved Solids)
8.4 同坡屋面交线(Intersecting Lines of SameSlope Roofs )
第9章 曲线与曲面的画法(Drawing Method of Curves and Curved Surfaces)
9.1 曲线(Curves)
9.2 曲面(Curved Surfaces)
9.3 回转曲面(Revolution Surfaces)
9.4 非回转直纹曲面(Nonrevolution Ruled Surfaces)
第10章 组合体的投影(Projection of Combination Solids)
10.1 组合体的构成及分析方法(Constitution and the Analysis Method of Combination Solids)
10.2 组合体投影图的画法(Drawing of Combination Solids Projections)
10.3 组合体的尺寸标注(Dimensioning of Combination Solids)
10.4 阅读组合体投影图(Reading Projections of Combination Solids)
第11章 工程形体的常用表达方法(Common Expressions of Engineering Objects)
11.1 视图(Views)
11.2 剖面图(Sections)
11.3 断面图(Cuts)
11.4 简化画法(Simplified Representations)
第12章 轴测图的画法(Axonometric Projection)
12.1 轴测图投影的基本知识(Basic Knowledge of Axonometric Projection)