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Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Origin and Development of International Settlement
1.1.1 Basic Concepts and Content of International Settlement
1.1.2 Evolution of International Settlement
1.1.3 Characteristics of Modern International Settlements
1.2 Basis and Conditions of International Settlement
1.2.1 Correspondent Banks in International Settlement
1.2.2 Some Organizations Relevant to International Settlement
1.3 International Payment Systems
1.3.1 Brief Introduction
1.3.2 Some Major Payment Systems
Chapter 2 Instruments of International Settlement
2.1 An Overview of Negotiable Instrument
2.1.1 Definition of Negotiable Instrument
2.1.2 Chief Features of Negotiable Instrument
2.1.3 Parties to Negotiable Instrument
2.2 Bill of Exchange
2.2.1 Definition of Bill of Exchange
2.2.2 Contents of Bill of Exchange
2.2.3 Parties to Bill of Exchange
2.2.4 Classification of Bill of Exchange
2.2.5 Acts of Bill of Exchange
2.2.6 The Roles and Advantages of Bill of Exchange
2.3 Promissory Note
2.3.1 Definition of Promissory Note
2.3.2 Characteristics of Promissory Note
2.3.3 Contents of Promissory Note
2.3.4 Classification of Promissory Note
2.3.5 Liabilities of the Parties
2.3.6 Differences between Promissory Note and Bill of Exchange
2.4 Check
2.4.1 Definition of Check
2.4.2 Contents of Check
2.4.3 Features of Check
2.4.4 Parties to Check
2.4.5 Classification of Check
2.4.6 Check Clearing
2.4.7 A Banker’s Duty to Honor Checks
2.4.8 Dishonor of Checks
2.4.9 Differences between Check and Bill of Exchange
2.5 Cases: A Fraud Case with Forged Draft
Chapter 3 Remittance
3.1 Outline of Remittance
3.1.1 Definition of Remittance
3.1.2 Parties to Remittance
3.1.3 Types of Remittance
3.1.4 Characteristics of Remittance
3.2 Procedure for Remittance
3.2.1 Procedure for Remittance
3.2.2 Comparison of the M/T, T/T and D/D
3.3 Application of Remittance
3.3.1 Practice of Remittance
3.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Remittance
3.3.3 The Function of Remittance in International Trade
3.4 Cases: Case about T/T
Chapter 4 Collection
4.1 Overview of Collection
4.1.1 Definition of Collection
4.1.2 Parties to Collection
4.1.3 Types of Collection
4.2 Documentary Collection Practice
4.2.1 Procedure of Documentary Collection
4.2.2 Collection Application Form and Order
4.2.3 Uniform Rules for Collection
4.3 Risk Protection and Financing under Collection
4.3.1 Risks Involved
4.3.2 Financing under the Collection
4.4 Cases
4.4.1 Case 1: A Dispute Triggered by Collecting Bank as the Drawee of a Draft under a Collection
4.4.2 Case 2: A Dispute over the Responsibilities of Collecting Bank under D/P Terms
Chapter 5 Letter of Credit
5.1 Overview of L/C
5.1.1 Definition of L/C
5.1.2 Contents and Form of L/C
5.1.3 Characteristics of L/C
5.1.4 Parties Involved in L/C
5.2 Procedures of L/C
5.2.1 Issuance
5.2.2 Amendment
5.2.3 Utilization and Settlement
5.3 Types of L/C (Including Standby L/C)
5.3.1 Confirmed Irrevocable Credit
5.3.2 According to the Mode of Availability
5.3.3 Straight Credit
5.3.4 Anticipatory Credit
5.3.5 Transferable Credit
5.3.6 Back-to-Back Credit
5.3.7 Revolving Credit
5.3.8 Reciprocal Credit
5.3.9 Standby L/C
5.4 Key Issues under L/C
5.4.1 The Role of Banks
5.4.2 Common Problems with Documentary Credits
5.4.3 Risk Protection
5.4.4 Financing under L/C
5.4.5 Documentary Credit Application
5.4.6 Best Practice When Dealing with an L/C
5.4.7 Bank Fees
5.4.8 Conclusions
5.5 Cases
5.5.1 Case 1: A Dispute Incurred by Reimbursement Clause
5.5.2 Case 2: A Dispute Arising from Criteria of Document Examination of the Bank
5.5.3 Case 3: Banco Santander SA vs. Banque Paribas
Chapter 6 Other Methods of International Settlement
6.1 Bank’s Letter of Guarantee
6.1.1 Concepts of L/G
6.1.2 Parties to L/G
6.1.3 Types of L/G
6.1.4 Procedure of L/G
6.1.5 Contents of L/G
6.1.6 Comparison between L/G and L/C
6.2 International Factoring
6.2.1 Concepts of International Factoring
6.2.2 The History and Trends of International Factoring
6.2.3 Parties to International Factoring
6.2.4 Types of International Factoring
6.2.5 Procedures of International Factoring
6.2.6 Application of International Factoring
6.3 Forfeiting
6.3.1 Concepts of Forfeiting
6.3.2 The Development of Forfeiting
6.3.3 Characteristics of Forfeiting
6.3.4 Parties to Forfeiting
6.3.5 Procedure of Forfeiting
6.3.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Forfeiting
6.4 Cases
Chapter 7 Documents Used in International Settlement
7.1 Commercial Documents
7.1.1 Commercial Invoice
7.1.2 Customs Invoice
7.1.3 Packing List
7.2 Transport Documents
7.2.1 Marine Bills of Lading
7.2.2 Airway Bill
7.2.3 Railway Bill
7.3 Insurance Documents
7.3.1 Insurance Policy
7.3.2 Insurance Certificate
7.4 Official Documents
7.4.1 Certificate of Origin
7.4.2 Inspection Certificate
7.5 Documents Examinations and Disposal of Discrepancies
7.5.1 Document Checklists
7.5.2 Documents Examination
7.5.3 Disposal of Discrepancies
7.6 Cases
Chapter 8 Non-trade Settlement
8.1 Basic Content of Non-trade Settlement
8.2 Non-trade Remittance
8.2.1 Overseas Chinese Remittance
8.2.2 Traveler’s Check
8.3 Clean Collection and Clean L/C
8.3.1 Clean Collection
8.3.2 Clean L/C and Traveler’s L/C
8.4 Credit Card
8.4.1 Definition of Credit Card
8.4.2 Parties to Credit Card
8.4.3 Procedure of Credit Card
8.4.4 Function of Credit Card
8.4.5 Kinds of Credit Card
8.5 Cases
Chapter 9 Cyber Payments
9.1 Introduction of Cyber Payments
9.1.1 Definition of Cyber Payment
9.1.2 Parties Involved in Cyber Payment
9.1.3 Types of Electronic Cash Technology
9.1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cyber Payments
9.2 Payment through the Internet
9.2.1 Electronic Cash on the Internet
9.2.2 Credit and Charge Cards on the Internet
9.2.3 Internet Banking
9.2.4 Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol
9.2.5 Secure Socket Layer Protocol for Electronic Payment
9.2.6 Risks in Cyber Payment
9.3 Cyber Payments—Today and Future
9.3.1 Cyber Payments Today
9.3.2 The Future of Cyber Payments
9.4 Cases
Appendix 1 Glossary
Appendix 2 ICC Uniform Rules for Collections
Appendix 3 ICC Uniform and Practice for Documentary Credit
Appendix 4 International Standby Practices (ISP98)
Appendix 5 ICC Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits (ICC Publication No.525)