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  • 正版新书]初始适航导论Guy Gratton9787118126655
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    • 作者: Guy Gratton著 | Guy Gratton编 | Guy Gratton译 | Guy Gratton绘
    • 出版社: 国防工业音像出版社
    • 出版时间:2023-01-01
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    • 作者: Guy Gratton著| Guy Gratton编| Guy Gratton译| Guy Gratton绘
    • 出版社:国防工业音像出版社
    • 出版时间:2023-01-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 字数:398000
    • 页数:364
    • 开本:其他
    • ISBN:9787118126655
    • 版权提供:国防工业音像出版社
    • 作者:Guy Gratton
    • 著:Guy Gratton
    • 装帧:平装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:188
    • ISBN:9787118126655
    • 出版社:国防工业出版社
    • 开本:其他
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2023-01-01
    • 页数:364
    • 外部编号:涿仝东257691
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    1 What Is Airworthiness?适航的定义1.1 Introduction引言1.2 The Basic Principles of Certification认的基本原则1.3 Civil Aircraft Certification Practice民用航空器认实务1.3.1 Civil Design Codes民用航空器设计规范1.4 Military Aircraft Certification Practice军用航空器认实务1.5 Release for Flight Test飞行试验放飞1.6 A Note on Modifications修改说明1.6.1 The Case of the Leaky Oil Cooler冷却器漏油箱实例1.7 Re-evaluation重新评估1.7.1 The Case of the Paris Concorde Crash巴黎协和式飞机坠毁实例2 The Atmosphere大气2.1 General Principles of the Atmosphere大气的一般原理2.2 The International (or US) StandardAtmosphere国际(或美国)标准大气2.2.1 Troposphere对流层2.2.2 Lower Stratosphere平流层下部2.. Middle Stratosphere平流层中部. Which Altitude Matters? 哪个海拔高度很重要2.4 Variation in the Tropopause对流层的变化2.5 The Effects of Atmospheric Conditions Upon HumanSurablity大气条件对人类生存能力的影响2.5.1 Pressure and Oxygen Supply压力和供氧2.5.2 Temperature Effects温度效应2.6 Exercises练习2.6.1 Standard Atmosphere Exercise标准大气练习2.6.2 Life Support生命支持2.7 Sample Answers to Exercises, with Commentary练习样本及注释2.7.1 Standard Atmosphere Exercise标准大气练习2.8 Sample Answers to Exercises, with Commentary练习样本及注释2.8.1 Standard Atmosphere Exercise标准大气练习2.8.2 Life Support Exercise生命支持练习3 The Pitot-Static System全静压系统3.1 TheMeasurement of Airspeed空速测量3.2 Pitot-Static System Design全静压系统设计3.3 Calculating Airspeed Values计算空速值3.3.1 IAS指示表速3.3.2 CAS修正空速3.3.3 EAS当量空速3.3.4 TAS真实空速3.3.5 Groundspeed地面速度3.4 Methods ofASI Calibration ASI校准方法3.4.1 Wind Vector and Groundspeed Based Methods基于风矢量和地面速度的方法3.4.2 Non-GPS Variant Methods非GPS变量方法3.4.3 Comparison Methods比较方法3.5 Machmeters马赫数3.6 Display ofAirspeed Limits空速极限的显示3.7 Pressure Altimetry压力测高3.8 Methods ofAltimeterStatic System Calibration高度表静态系统校准方法3.9 Considerations of Minimum Accuracy大力度优惠精度的考虑3.10 A NoteAbout Electronic Devices关于设备的说明3.11 Sample Problems示例问题3.11.1 Determination of TPEC TPEC的测定3.11.2 Determination of SPEC SPEC 的测定3.11.3 General Pitot-Static SystemProblem一般全静压系统问题3.12 SampleSolutions示例问题的解决方案4 The Flight Envelope飞行包线4.1 Introduction引言4.2 Constructing the Manoeuvre Envelope构建机动包线4.2.1 Flaps in the Flight Envelope飞行包线中的襟翼4.2.2 Other Services部件4.. Converting and DisplayingLimitations转换和显示4.3 Constructing the Gust Envelope构建突风包线4.3.1 A Simple Model of Gust Response突风响应的简单模型4.3.2 Response to a Sharp-EdgedGust对锐利突风的响应4.3.3 Gust Loading Requirements inCivil Airworthiness Standards民航适航标准的突风荷载要求4.4 Flutter and Resonance颤振和共振4.5 SampleProblems示例问题4.5.1 Construction of a Manoeuvre Envelope #1构建机动包线#14.5.2 Construction of a ManoeuvreEnvelope #2构建机动包线#24.6 Solutions to Sample Problems示例问题的解决方案4.6.1 Solution t # is not Shown and is an Exercisefor theReader构建机动包线#1的方案留给读者练习4.6.2 Solution to #2构建机动包线#2方案5 First Principles of Structural Approval结构认的首要原则5.1 Introduction引言5.2 The Role ofthe Structural Airworthiness Engineer结构适航的作用5.3 Concepts and Terminology in Structural Approvals结构认中的概念和术语5.3.1 Definition of Reserve Factor备用系数的定义5.4 The Structural Report结构报告5.5 Sample Problem示例问题6 Approving an Aircraft’s Main FlightStructure飞机主体结构的核准6.1 Loads andFactors Analysis荷载和因素分析6.2 Approval by Test试验核准6.3 Approval by Analysis分析核准6.4 A SpecialCase—Structural Approval of an Existing Kitplane特例—现存自制飞机的结构核准6.5 MaterialsFatigue材料疲劳6.6 Damage Tolerance损伤容限7 Undercarriage Structural Approvals起落架结构认7.1 What Is anUndercarriage for? 起落架的功能7.2 Determining Undercarriage Energy Absorption确定起落架能量吸收7.2.1 Dro Tsig跌落试验7.2.2 Load Versus DeflectionTesting荷载与挠度试验7.. Comparing PZ.max from DroTs ad Load Versus Displacement从跌落试验和负载相对于位移比较优选PZ7.3 TypicalUndercarriage Load Cases典型的起落架载荷工况7.3.1 Typical Mainwheel Load Cases典型主轮荷载工况7.3.2 A Note on Attitudes关于姿态的说明7.3.3 Reaction of UndercarriageLoads起落架载荷的反作用力7.3.4 Typical Nosewheel andTailwheel Load Cases典型前轮和尾轮载荷工况7.4 UsingDrop-Tests to Avoid Static Load Testing Requirements使用跌落试验避免静载荷试验7.5 Braking Systems制动系统7.6 Additional Undercarriage Airworthiness Issues附加起落架适航问题7.7 Sample Problems示例问题7.7.1 Determination of Undercarriage LandingLoads #1起落架着陆载荷的确定#17.7.2 Determination of Undercarriage LandingLoads #2起落架着陆载荷的确定#27.8 Solutions to Sample Problems示例问题的解决方案7.8.1 Determination of Undercarriage LandingLoads #1起落架着陆载荷的确定#17.8.2 Determination of Undercarriage LandingLoads #2起落架着陆载荷的确定#28 Control Surfaces and Circuits控制面和电路8.1 Introduction引言8.2 Control Inceptors控制感应器8.2.1 Structural Airworthiness of Control Inceptors控制感应器的结构适航.2.2 Non-structural Airworthiness of Control Inceptors控制感应器的非结构适航.3 Control Surfaces and Linkages控制面和连杆8.3.1 A Special Case—Aileron Reversal特例——副翼反转9 Powerplant Airworthiness动力装置适航91 Airworthiness of the Powerplant动力装置的适航92 Protecting the Aircraft from Its Engine保护飞机不受发动机影响9.3 Engine Mounts发动机支座9.4 Integrity of the Engine发动机的完整95 Engine Instrumentation发动机仪表9.6 A Special Case—ETOPS特例——ETOPS9.7 Propellers螺旋桨9.7.1 The Case of Jet Fuel Ice Cream飞机燃油凝固9.7.2 The Case of the CombustingPropeller螺旋桨燃烧10 Crashworthiness and Escape耐撞与逃10.1 The Objective of Crashworthiness耐撞的目标10.2 Escapingfrom an Aircraft逃离飞机10.2.1 Emergency Egress from the Aircraft on the Ground飞机在地面时的紧急出口10.2.2 Emergency Egress from the Aircraft in the Air飞机在空中时的紧急出口10.3 Common Causes of Post Crash Injuries and Means of Prevention撞击后伤害的常见原因和预防措施10.3.1 Fire Resistance of Structural and Cabin Materials飞机结构和舱室材料的耐火103.2 Smoke and Fumes: Evacuation, Detection and Survival烟雾:疏散、探测与生存10.3.3 Undercarriage Collapse起落架倒塌10.4 Crash Loads撞击载荷10.5 TheChallenge of New Materials新材料的挑战11 An Introduction to Flying litiesEvaluation飞行品质评估简介11.1 About Flying lities关于飞行品质11.2 TheEssential Terminology of Aeroplane Stability飞机稳定基本术语11.3 The Use ofthe Cooper Harper Pilot Compensation Rating Scale库珀-哈珀飞行员薪酬等级表的使用12 Longitudinal StabiliyndCntrol纵向稳定与控制12.1 Apparent Longitudinal Static Stability, CG Range Determination, and Pitch Effects ofServices 表面纵向静态稳定,重心范围的测定和仰角效应12.2 What AreAcceptable Longitudinal Static StabilityCharacteristics? 可接受的纵向静态稳定特征1. Fixing Apparent LSS Problems解决明显的纵向静态稳定问题12.4 Longitudinal Dynamic Stability纵向动态稳定124.1 Short Period Longitudinal Dynamic Stability短时纵向动力稳定124.2 Long Period Longitudinal Dynamic Stability长期纵向动力稳定125 Manoeuvre Stability机动稳定13 Lateral and Directional Stability andControl横向稳定与控制13.1 Lateral and Directional Static StabiliyndCntrol横向静态稳定与控制13.2 Dynamic Lateral and Directional Stability动态横向稳定132.1 The Dutch Roll Mode荷兰滚模式13.2.2 The Roll Mode滚转模式14 Aeroplane Asymmetry飞机非对称14.1 Why Asymmetry Can Matter不对称的重要142 A BasicTheory of Asymmetric Thrust Handling不对称推力处理的基本理论14.3 Testing forControl Speeds in the Air空中控制速度试验14.4 Behaviour Following an Engine Failure, and Control with an Inoperative Engine发动机故障后的行为和不工作发动机的控制14.5 Minimum Control Speeds大力度优惠控制速度14.5.1 Minimum Control Speed in the Air空中大力度优惠控制速度14.5.2 Minimum Control Speed in the Landing Configuration着陆构型中的大力度优惠控制速度14.6 Requirements for VMCL-1 VMCL-1的要求14.7 Requirements for VMCL-2 VMCL-2的要求14.8 Minimum Control Speed on the Ground地面大力度优惠控制速14.9 AsymmetricControls and Services控制和部件的不对称15 Departures from Controlled Flight偏离受控飞行15.1 Defining Departures偏离的定义15.2 Stalling失速15.2.1 Introduction to Stalling失速简介15.3 The Unaccelerated and Turning Flight Stall非加速和转弯失速15.4 The Turning Flight Stall转弯失速15.5 Defining Test Conditions for Large Aeroplane Stall Testing确定大型飞机失速试验的试验条件15.6 Stall Recovery失速改出15.7 Other Stall Cases—The Accelerated and Dynamic Stalls失速情况:加速失速和动态失速15.7.1 The Accelerated or Dynamic Stall加速失速或动态失速15.7.2 Predicting the Dynamic Stalling Speed预测动态失速速度15.7.3 The Stall Warning Margin in a Dynamic Stall动态失速中的失速警告裕度15.8 The Spin螺旋15.9 The SpiralDive深度螺旋15.10 The Tumble翻滚16 Systems Assessment系统评估16.1 Defining System定义系统16.2 System Failure Numeric Analysis系统失效数值分析16.3 Systems Testing and Performance Identification系统测试和能鉴定16.4 Electrical and EMC Considerations电气和电磁兼容注意事项16.5 Environmental Testing环境试验16.6 Ergonomics:The Human in the System人体工程学:系统中的人16.6.1 Hardware—Liveware硬件与人16.6.2 Software—Liveware软件与人16.6.3 Environment–Liveware环境与人17 Environmental Impact环境影响17.1 What IsEnvironmental Impact?环境影响的定义17.2 The Impact ofNoise噪声的影响17.3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions温室气体排放17.4 Particulates and Surface Pollutants颗粒物和表面污染物17.5 End of Life Wastage:The Recycling Problem报废损耗引起的回收问题18 Facilitating Continued Airworthiness促进持续适航1.1 The Nature ofContinued Airworthiness持续适航的质1.2 Constructing Maintenance Procedures构建维护程序18.3 Continued Airworthiness Oversight持续适航监督19 Professional Ethics Within AirworthinessPractice适航实践中的职业道德19.1 A Caution注意事项19.2 The Use,and Tyranny of Professional Codes of Conduct职业行为准则的使用和管制19.3 CaseStudies案例研究19.3.1 The Case of the Mistral Stall Warner Mistral失速案例19.3.2 The Case of the Loss of a Nimrod尼姆罗德迷航案例20 Running a Certification Programme运营认计划20.1 Introduction引言20.2 Introducing Airworthiness at the Design Stage在设计阶段引入适航203 Building the Project Library建设项目库20.4 TheAnalytical Phase分析阶段20.5 The GroundTest Phase地面试验阶段20.6 The DevelopmentFlight Test Phase开发飞行试验阶段20.7 Product Approval产品核准20.8 Oraioal Test and Evaluation, and User Integration运行测试和评估以及用户集成20.9 Through Life Airworthiness全寿命适航20.10 A Final Thought的想法Appendix A: International Standard AtmosphereTables附录A:国际标准大气表Appendix B: Typical Properties of CommonAerospace Materials附录B:常见航空航天材料的典型特Appendix C: The Main Civil AirworthinessStandards附录C:主要民用适航标准Appendix D: Conversion Factors附录D:换算系数Appendix E: Common Acronyms, Terms andAbbreviationsin Airworthiness Practice (and Within This Book) 附录E:适航实践中常见的缩略语、术语和缩略语(以及本书中的缩略语)Appendix F: AN Hardware附录F:陆军和海军规划硬件Appendix G: All About Units附录G:各种计算单位Appendix H: Useful Further (Non Web) Sourcesof Reference附录H:进一步有用的参考文献来源(非网络)





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